of engagements terminating in a 32- week booking at the Stadttheater Op- era, in Teplitz-Schonau, Czecbo-Slo- vakia. Educated by the Sisters of 'Charity B. V. M., at, Mt. Carmel academy, Wichita,. Kans., Miss Kersting was "discovered" at the age of fourteen, by the great MadameEmmna Calve who carried ber off for study in Europe. After 'intensive study in the various ails, Miss Kersting made ber operatic debut in Méilan, singing 'the role of Marguerite in Faust. This performance, as well as ber 1aeieibut with the Chicago Civic Opera company in Bee- tboven's. Fidelio, was favorably receiv- cd by critics. In 1931, Miss 'Kersting wyas the only American prima donna ini the Wagner festival at, Bayreuth, Germany. After singing at Munidelein., she will leave for othér American engagements. The Glee club, which bas over forty members, will be directed by, Walter Flandorf, well-known in Chicago's nu- sic circles. The progran for the con- *cert includes: "Floods of Spring," by Rachmaninoff ; "Ught of Dawning," by Tschaikowsky; two Latin Motets by, Mendelssohn; a sixteenth century miad- rigal, "My Bonny Lass," by Morley (0557-1603) ; "Dance of the Gnomes," by MacDowell; an Arensky waltz, "Valse Pathetique," and thecev gr oup of Chinese M ot h er Goose Rhymes, by Crist. Miss Kersting wil include among ber selections, anl aria from. "Der Freischutz," by Weber, and another f rom "1The Masked BaIl," by Verdi. Sbe will also sing a group of German ieder. The public is invited. Among the members is Margaret Kaufman, 1029 Elmwood avenue., Vil- mette. NEEDS HER TEN HOURS Katharine Hephurn, scintîllating& star>.! of "Spitfire," .requires ten. hour ýs l hetween working days. as opposed te) the legendary propensity of stars te. work the dlock around. treasurer, Austin J. li1indstromi. Dfrectors: George A. Ranney, Er- nest S. Balard, Edward K. Welles, Edward L. Ryerson, Col. Robert Isham Randolpb, John N. Van der Vries, Col. ,Alexanider, M. D'avis., AI- 'bert Cotswort.i, Jr.., Fred N. Cusca-, den, Courtenay Barber, Henry Fow- er, Roger T uttie, George W.,Artn- strong, Henry C. Cummns. Welling- ton 'R. ýTownley, Frank W. Hughes, Angus S. Hibbard, Richard C. Coombs, Ernest W., Hunt, James, E. Montgomery, Carl Pfau, NMaxwell, Eý.. Niekerson, William N. Murray. Jr., Stewart A. Cushrnan. Earle H. Har'- rison and John V. NorcrosS. SBishop George Craigý Stewart gavé bis animal message to the clubi and YOU LOOK1< 8VODEN UP# WN.L 9E~4 IX? l' 'q. by poor lubrication.. . . always corne here foi greaslng and crankoase serv- ièe. We*feature QUAKER STATE OIL *..a genuine full bodied lubricant whlch is yciur greatest protection fromn trou- ble-and expense. DRIVE IN TOD)AY! Confectiônery at Central avenue and Electric place, just west of' the WVil- mette State bank, where extensive reînocleling of the interior, including Il stallationi of new fixtures was con- Ipleted recently. The Menghine , lis have been in 'business at that loca- tiôon for more th'àn a.decade, having corne to the village froni Lake Forest. MORE LUDWIG BIOGRAPHIES Emul Ludwig's Iatest biograpli>, Nhne I.t ched Fropi, ifë,. is oie of the out- standing biographies of the spring hook lists. This is an, interpretation of the great statesmnen of modemn Eurpe. It will be published ,simlultaneoilsly ini twelve .countries.' I - UVER9~ nîs art raiacs are illuminating an propriate to. the story in that the seems to move in tableaus. The itself enhances the feeling of va nesa that the pictures produce., XWER0C Ff WiIn'ette Ko:iwortli 1222 Centrai A venue Wiiniette.Avenue and' 560 Greenba*y Road Phone WIInietite 3212 RIdge Road (Southeast Corner) Phone KCRhIwerth 4770 Phone Wllmette &406 Just Opened-1909 Lake Avenue (Just wcst4 f llgeWllmetto 5418 North, Evaiiston Mod.em Garage, f3532 w. Raliroad Avenue, 1.hoxe. Ulvesity 5410ý lot le le- WRI TES MURDER MYSTERYý Babette Hlughes-, well known author. Of sophisticated murder mytre, was engaged by the Seattie PstIneigen- cer to "solve"-hypothetically, at lest- the six Bremnerton party slàyings, that occiirred in Tacomha recenty. Her plaus- ible reconstruction of .wbat went on during the party is a unique piece of joiirenalismh. Mrs.. H-ughes' newest thrill- er. MAlerde'r in 'Church. w'l be published this suminer by Appleton-Century. 'a No»' You, Can Premium Fuel Oul Co* "For Fuel- Use Oil"- "BEUGE HIMELV"Piesenfed by BRAUN BROS. Service Stations BIlA LJL D OS. ServigceSain