rxULior, vv i.m1TTi A.L<Ni.E Economy Sbop bas just closed an- other year and tbe resuits are gratify- ing. We could flot attain this success without the generous cooperation of our home paper (WiLm1ZT'T1,Lint) in .9iving us regular.publicity. So effective and. prompt is tbe re- spon . se to our'weekly appeai that f re- quently our Friday workers, witboùt: baving read' the request, can judge i ts nature by the articles brougbt to the hbop on tihat day. A receit appeal fur Bibles, particu- laly 'large print, sbrougbht surprising.. results. Tbey were soon gone. While Economy shop is conductcd hv the Woina!l's club, some of. our niost loyal workers are not cluib mem- bers but f riends who enjoy giv ing their 'services to this. worthwbile pro- ject. We are frequentiy and earnestly thanked1 by grateful bouseholders for providing a quick and ever-ready dunip- Invite to Anniversary at OId People's Home The president and niembers of tbe b)oard of tbe Britishi Old Peoples"! Home at Hollywood, .111., extenid ati invitation to aIl subscribers and friendsi .who are interested to be present at the nintb anniversary of the dedica-i' tion of the bomne. The service will bei lield on the front 1I'awn. of the home, at ý3thi street and McCormick road, Sunday afternooni May 29, at 2 o'clock. The chairmanf, Mrs. Hlarry Hughes, and lier comniittee. have promised a very initeresting program, ,inicluding short addresses f rom beads of the Briti>sh organizatiotns. S. H. Fenn, as mnaster of ceremoniies, w111l introduce Uicfolowngspeakers: 'Tie R'cv.,Mai-, seil 9.. Green of Oak Park; 'Tle Hon.l L'ewis 'E. Bernays. O. B. E.. British consul general:; Mrs. George Coioke Adams, O . B. EE., Presidet tof the home: Mrs. J. W'. Aspley, state presi- (lent of the D. B. E. in Illinois; R. C. Coomibs, Harry I. 'Mitchell; l'le Rev. J. A. Jenkins. Mrs. Whiinnery. and Mrs. J. Jenkitîsoni. Theic rogram will include musiç by LSTORY TO TELL Se. Page Si A public school cais for a trophy cabinet. We bave it. A sturdy table for a débating club, a cabinet to make an incubator for baby chicks, an 'old cotton blanket to pad the ironing board, costumes for every occasion. Curry and Ives Lithographis-we bave tbem ail at some time. It is, a rare. day that does flot pro- vide us witb rich amusement as 'well as pathos, We want Wii,,%ET'rE Li to know we could flot be success fuI without its splendid contribution to our efforts. WVe thank you. -jean P. Grinneil, chairman. DINNER 60o end 5 6:80 to 8 P. M. For Reservaiions Phone Winn. 1 70j 667 Cletnt Sireet Winuetka Mrs. P. N. Cutier, 207 Woodstock avenue, Keni1lvorth, returned Friday from a three weeks' visit with rela- tives and friends in Pittsburgh who spent a week with ber motorir.g through the Virginia gardens. Mrs. T. ýG. Cooke, 355 Kenilworth avenue, -Keillvorth, entertained a. luncheon and bridge, foursome last Tue sday. Fspei2tyD-ot a side line. M. B. O(»e" FMeàbIt. S49 Linroin Ave. Winti. 82 ffli3ncai £P/hotoqrap/hs YoU May as few have as cf for only, $10 Size 8xIO inches Beautifully Mtuned f, "-* -'I 1 120 Central Avenue Afler June 1 st iniour n.w and larger studio at 1 152 CenfraI Avenue BlaniffSrnaIoe Iand the broad Dow Valley. 2 LaeLusefotthe Chateiu. 11 3The central Chalet at ,3Enerald Lake. SEE ALL THRE0EI PopularLow-Coit AlU-xns Tours PrVide Grand Advnturlne O'Here's'an inexpensive way to have your Banff -land adventure this year! Three low-cost tours offer you a complete experience in this glorious mile-high playground. Stay at palatial Banff Springs IHotel, lovely Chateau Lake Louise Iand Swiss-like Emerald Lake Chalet. Seethe spectacular scenery Iof two great Canadian Parks as \ fresh-water pools, fish, play tennis, hike, dance to enchanting music, golf at Banff, for nominal greeni fees. Marvelous meals. Interesting companions. Study these tours. F ~Ask, for full information. Plan to go thisý year while prices continue at bargain levelsi THOS. J. WALL. Gentral Agent 71 East Jackson BIvd.. Straus BIdg., Chicua. ~ TdIJ~frn,~ ABaà