Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 May 1934, p. 48

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Chapter of Gamma Phi Beta Saturday Lilliati Scott is one of thi members of Theta Psi, loca sorority at Lake Forest collegt Lcke Forest., whièh will beconi AIph i. Psi- chapter of, the na tional ýsorürity- of Gamina Ph Beta on May 19. Miss' Scott: i the daughter and Mr. and Mns Arthur Scott, F u11*e r 'sà lan Winnetka, and is -a junior ai tbe north shore college. The installation ceremonies are t( take place on Saturday, Mgay 19, ai the Epsilon 'chapter house, Northý western campus. That evening at 'lDckter il, be an initiatiov banquet, at the North Shore hotel, Evanston. This will be followed witl dancing which will begin at 10 O'cock Men have been invited to the dance and dress will be formaI. IReservations for the banquet May be made flot later than Thursday, May 17, by calling any of the..fol- lowing niembers: Mrs. Thomas * Leeming, 315 N. Sheridan 'road, Highland Park; Mrs. J. B. Ritten- house, 829 Foxdale avenue, Win- netka; Mrs. Harold L. Brown, 1229 Lake avenue, Wilmette; Mrs. Stuart K. F'ox, 1115 Seward avenue,-.Evans- * ton; Mrs. Charles A, Duni, 4027 Pattérson avenue, Chicago, or Mrs. Gris Bijswell, 234 S. Maple avenue, * Oak Park. Theta Psi was founded in 1905 and wi*ll be the second local chapter on * the Lake Forest college campus to. be granted a charter by a, national organization.. It was, granted its charter. on April 5, this year. and w-hen installe& will become Alpha Psi. chapter. of Gamma Phi Be ta. Alpha Psi. will be the forty-fifth chapter' of ýGamma Phi's chapter. roll. Mrs. Arthur C. Hoffman of Min- nleaplolis, rand natmoane dnt AlMi'. Artur Lee Auller, ai the riqhi. and Mrs. Arthu7 M. Long,. both Wiloiette residents, are busy îvith Plans for the ai ternoont dessert bridge, and the eveni.ng bridqe and progra.m on Priday, May 25, at the home of Mrs. Ci' G. Hobart in livansion. 7'he <ený,ltqgzen as it wmilI be, inti hese twîo sessions, is a bene fit for the Second di7v*ii of t he Wilmdufe Par ish M.ethodisi' chu rch. Mr. uAller is ilu charge of refreslments, Mrs. Long is chairtiait < the divisionl. Second Division Plans Two.Session Benefil As a benefit for the work. of the Second division of the Wilmette Par- ish Methodist church, an afternoon and evening party will be given Frî- day, May 25. Mrs. C. C. Hobart. k opening bier home 1217 Church street. Ui.vaston, for the event ,which will he a ýdessert bridge in the afternoc' . % at 1 :30.o'clock, and a bridge1 and, surprise prograni in the eveniing at g. it is expected that about tbree- bundred guests will attend, with f orty tables playing in the afternon, and forty in the evening., Ci Omega AIumnae o Meel in Po.1's Gardlen SThe Evanston Aluninae chapter of Ch i Omiega wili observe its last nieet- ing of the year '.ffâGarden partv *at the home of .Mrs. LÉew Sarett, 1732 S. Green Bay road, Ravinlia, Fridav M fay 18. *Memnbers: will, meet 'at the H4ome- stead hiotel in Evanston, at 1 o.'cîock, forý iucheon after which tbey wiIl drive to Ilaviinia -for the party. The nonlinating comittee will report àt this tune and a vote wilI be takeni for the omfcers of the chapter for next year. Its Gala Lantern Fiesta Saturday Shawnee Countrv club ushiers in. the spring> and. su mmer acti.- vjtiles with. the annual . spring dinner dance. this S a t U r d a y night, celcbrating the. "Feast -of the Lantcrns." Last Sunday the spring salon an(l jart- exhibit unider, thle 'arrangement of Monroe Turner opened with a' notable: sbowing of oils aird \vater colors. The walls of',the club hiave looked. bare indeede this winter after. the privîlege the club menîbers -have Ihad of the, extraordinary. exhibits arranged by the late Mrs. -Charles I)ennis durin g the past several years, and that they again glow with the talent of our north.shore artists is a cause for real rejoicinig. 'Ar. 'Monroe is chairman of. the art comniittee, and will continue with these exhibitions. The entertainmient to be given dur- ,ng the evening. at Sbawnee club's' annual "Feast :of the Lanter*ns" ini- cludes Little Johnny Jones, the beai.., îng master of ceremonies and. so- pbisticated, conjurer; Sara Aitn Mc-, Cabe, soprano, Whose charm 1.and beauty as.,well. as attràctive Song numibers always win hier audi ences ; .Miss Clyde Cottani, and rEarl Car- roll's vanity feature dancer *with somne comedy dance numbers both aniusing and artistic; the' Baizer sis- ters, two petite European beauties- who will give a unique dance act:, Roth and Shay, comedians who were so popular at théepFllies Bergere, Paris, and the Kit 'Kat club in Loti- don; and "Dr.". Joe 'Rudolph of radio fame and bis ,t>en "speciali sts >of rhythm' who will furnish dance music and additional entertainiment. D urng the past: week the club las opeiied its doors. to Tbet a Sigma, Phi, . national, honorary sorority. for, women in journalism ai Nortbwest-' erni university, for its annual Mlatrix banquet; and also to the North End Motber's club of Evanston, whicli had a luncheon for 320 mexmbers and and tennis occupy' tbe ;e days in the sports of arc participated ini with Q I U er house on May 8, folloe the Chicago alumnnae cha ined at tea. omas Leeming, alumna hapter and resident Park, is the chairman will hall of extended to the Lake Forest co of faculty, friends, and the Lake F, of Alumnae group. ÀviJs .iarriet Leonard of Win-netka and'Miss Jane Cove of Evanston aie asisting Mrs.,McDermott. oni fotel. Mrs. H. H. Pope, 910 Lake avenue,. will have the meeting of.lier Reading circle on Monday afternoon, May 21, at 1 :15 O'clock.

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