YOU will find tbem as ernali as .2 Bedrooms Or you maY select'one as large as. 6,Bedrooms Yuwill find cozy places as, 10w as $50.00 For others yo; May go as hlgh as: $00.M, Yeu may one that is Furnished already> Or you maY, prefer one that Is Unfuirnished TOU MaY desire- to staY Close ln. at Or would You like to go a far as Lake Forest, OUR PHOTO TOUR OpF NoWRTk SH1ORE' HOM~ES WILL SAVE YOUR TIME AND EFFOtT IN FINDING WHAT YOUý WANT. R. B. WHITAKER Co. Originators Of "The, Whltaker Plani" 341 Elm Street Winnetka 3250) WINNETKA OPen Week dayis frorm e to 9 97LTN2-ltc, 13 nns. (East), mod, 3 acres .$300 10 tm-s (East), 3 B'e.- Ex Loc. 256 10 rnis. (East), secluded ]oc_.., 160 10 t-ms. (Hubba.rd Woods) 3 W. 150 7 rmis. <H. Wdu.), 2 B's., flicely dec. 75 6 ruts-, 1 B-, H.WJ.,. 1-c, 9. 1g lot 55. 5 r"me. (Burngalow) 1-c. g. ;... . . 45 5 t-ms. <older lise.) H.A.H. nely. dec. '5 Other good values, unfurnlehed ,,Id r nished bouses, ail sizes. B. H. BARNETT*f 426 Center St. .Wlnnetka 965 97LTN-ltp. ON THE LAKE Private beach; 4 bedrooma, 3 baths, *screened porch, 011 beat, attached garage. $200. Other furnished and unfurnisbed bornes on the North shore. 6ANN MORELAND 63Vernon Avenue Glencoe 0 House piear Central school district with 4 Master bdrms., and '2 maids! roomas; oli ht., 2-éar garage, for two yearé. Mr. Newhall BAIRD & WARNER, mInc. 1346 PARK AVENUE, GLENCOE> Glencoe 1564 Briargate 1855 99LTN2-lté WANTED TO LEBASE BY RELIABLF family 0f, adult- modern bouse,3 bedroomg,1 near stores, transportation. -iMuetbe reasonable ent, good.repalrý Winnetka 320.1., 99LTN2-1tp THE BIý,LLSREALTY, lc.' 718 VERNON AVENUE,. ON A' CORNER LOT, IN CHOICE >South Glencoe, an ebeceptionial. asi roomn bouse. Tuie rouf, fireplace, eieep. Iing porch ' sunpo rcb, two tle' baths, attached garage. hot ,Water >011 heat. A real buy, at $12,600. C .ALL ùLENCOE 777 REAL VALUE IN A HOME AND A 1 Choice Location. Four ftfths of an acré Juet one. block fmom the lake. Nicely wooded. Summerbouse, Nine roome, two 'baths. Owner wîul take $15,000. Prove to yourseif that this Is legs. than the value of the land. Look It over. CALL OLENCOE 777 ENGLISH BRICK ON LARGE WOOD- ed Lot. Four bedrooms, two colored tule baths, lavatory on fit-st flour, iecreen- ed Pot-ch, two-car attached garage, eleetrie refrigerator, fireplace, 011 beat. We belleve the owner would take $18,000 for the property, Make hlm an offer. CAJLL GLENCOE 777, THE BlIS REALTY, Inc. 718 VERNON~ AVENUE GLENCOE 777 DIGNIFIED, RE3ALLY ELEGANT brick house in Winnetka. Glorlous views of the lakte, beautifuliy plaflted bluff and grounds on riparlan lot 211x500. Sandy beach. House has large bdrns., wiitb 4 tule baths on 2nd fi. and 2 on 3rd fi. Large downstaire; roorns and every comflort and convenlence that god houwaekeeping can dîctat. 3-car gar.- wlth 5--. 2 bath.apt. above. $100,0100 'le a bargain price even.iln to-' day's :market. CHARMING DI Hubbard Wo flfaper and 1 ver, eLONIAL 111 taste, pretty witb a wli Evanston Wilmet te Kenlilworth Our Xorth Shore. office is verY, centt-ally located. at, WINNETKA But 15 minutes by train or -auto. from ail. points.. Glencoce IHighland. Park Lake FPorest .ln om" Photo Tor -of Homes you will find the time saver and action get- ter flOw 80 PoPular with North Shore home seekers. R. B. WHITAKER, Co. Originators of "The Whitakem Plan', 841 Elm Street Winnetka, 325 WINNETKA Open Week and-dayrs fro6m 9 t6 9 "J I ATTRACTIVE prtENGLISH HOMEon irtetory of atone, coeto lkcn ventent to schle., and transp. Large living room j8ýc30, tile fluor ln hall and dining roomù. 5 bedrms., 3 battis, oil ht., ht'd' attached garage. Lot 290 ft. deep. Beautiful sbruibery. and pool.. Prfe below reproduction cost. Mrs. Mattbews- BAIRD *& WARNER. Iici. 346 PARK AVE.,GZ4O Glehoe 154,Biargate 1855 111LTN2-ltc LIVE IN THE COUNTRY SURROUNDED BY FINE native Woods, but onlv 5 GRACE E. GRANT 397 Park Ave.Glne84 -11ILT.N2-tc BEAUTIFUL W IL ME TT E 1HOME. slpg. porcli and sun room. $9,000. Electric refrig., oh bht., recreation roonii ln basement. 2-car garage, large wooded lut-, Cal] Mr. Cooke, Wabash 2120. WILL SELL FOR CASýH my LOVEF:ly 4 ruomr cottage ln Wilmette. Beauti- fui, garden.. Property free of , iortgage., Or exchange for NZew York home. Phone Owner' Buckinghamn 0076. 111.TN2-tp wANTEzD To Muy--HouàEe WJLL BUY WINN19TKA HOIIE. 5 ORI 6 bedroomes plus maidIs room., 2-car attached garage. Not, over 10 yrs. old. Priced under $3j,000. Wlli buy. or rent wlth buYing option,'or tradé my attrac- tive 7-room Colonial, withb 4 bedroom.ý, sunparlor.. sleeping porch. attached ga- rage, HW. Oi1 heat, centiral location.. Prompt action If real bargain. Write- A-57, flux 40. Wllmette, Ill who wi:shes to buy 6-rooni bouse with 2 baths. Not Interested ln stuce4b. <;uud loeation, preferably Hubbard Wood., or Glencoe. , GRACFE E. GRANI 297 Park, Ave. flnu 4 GIRLS' CAMP THE EXCLUSIVE GIRLS CAMP- 9ýýnp Idyle Wyld, Three Lakes, Wi.s- cowsin, well-known tu North Shore resi- dents announice their eighteenth season. June 26 to Auguet 27 Inclusive-9 weeks of supurb training in the finest of camps., Or enroîl for any one 0f thl'ee week periods for only $105.00. For full de- tails ivrite A-5I, Box 40, Wilnette, 11,1. FOR UALE--CEMETERY LOTS. 6 GRAVE LOT IN MEMORIAL[ PARK . emýretery, near chapel. W iI sell che ttl,. Phone Winnetka 2669 after 5 p. in. 120LTN2-1t AcUtEjagE AND ESTATES COUINTRY ESTATE 0F 2'ý ACIREs A9 the price of a email suburban hom.. Well built and. equipped, Il. roonx white Highland 902 spruce St. W'OR REN -4UTmbu lake, select atrist modern hous. 4 bdr bath.. Bof.'. No bi 43. Box 40, Wilmette, er& innetka 1.26- 902-Spruce -St.-Wil 9SL2-'ltp cO-NTH, oeIE HOME 0Fp UNUSUAL . C Y fIuiab»edI Kenilworth near lake. 5' nWld's mi, 3 baths, library, oh lit., 2-carj i.Write A-1 Rentai 'fut-n. or unfurn. 98LTN51-4tF. Lang. Wlnnetka 1191. 1 erm 25e. 3 I - gar. 35,00 , GRAC $150. M. M Park Ave., llILTN24tp J viiîae7 ATTENÀTON W LMETTE lsjt Owners, will 'uake sacrifice to ex- ellencne 844 in 8, E. Wlnnetka for YOui- smallem.. * 111LTN2"1.te Ph. Winnetka 1048.. 12TTN-t ý. 1 )ZAI