Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 May 1934, p. 72

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100 'yards- :09.5, Tolan (Mtic'h.) 1929. Ohio State. possessing a great m1e 220 yards- :20,6 Sinpson (Ohio Stalte) relay team tbiis year. bas openly de- 11.29.'ci 440 yards-- 4.4 Dlsniond (Chicago) clred its intentions of taking a crack 1916: 440 yards- -:48.6 Fuqua (md.) at the present record' of 3 :18.5 set by 19W3. Michigan in 1931. The. Buckeves biave 'Hait Mile-i :53.),Scott (Miss. Xý&M.) bettered this mark several tiles to Mile--4 :15.8 FIl '(Olbeirlin) 191. dt a0hpet o taai aitir- Two .Mles-9 -21.9 Wrkilit (ls)19,,1. day. Low Hurdis- :22.8 Rockway (Ohio State) 1929. 1Mile Rela-3 :18.5 Miehigari, 1931.. Offers 'Spitfire', Pole Vault-13'feet 10%. inches., M1c-p Derniont (111.) 1930. Sifranth Kh Shot Put-49 feet V/2 inches. Mun pmire, o.erKtarine Hep- (MInn.) 1932 burn triuimph. will' thrill at* the Va- Dscue ' 55ý feet 2 inèhes. Mueké, lencia theater this Th'ursday and Fri- (Wls.) 1916 day. Miss Hepburn' portrays a littl.el High .un-- feet 6 inches, Russ el nîountierhri-crn hs Ciao)1925. tane aùnsàui he Javelin--208 'feet 5¾ lches. Purviteand (Purdue), 1933 beut fso Broad Juip-2a feeét 31, inches. THiebt bard (Ich.)1925becounie an out- *Aràund tw() turns. cst ainong lier1 Seven champions frômi last Vear own p eo p Ie.! 'will. return to defend their titles at Not 0111% il the Big Ten Track and Field Éham- . va n k the pionships to bie held at Dyche stadi hea:Mst..zs un, 'Northwest'ern university, Friday bu-t'jl'îe and Saturday, May 18 and 19 a lot of newv Included among- the returning title i d e a s about holders are three af the gréatest athli K a t harine as,, !,etes in Big Ten track history, namely an. actress. 0f Charles Hornbostel and Ivan Fuqua RhB local interest is of Indiana andi Willis Ward of Michý-p ay the fact that igan. This trio threatens to dominate Ralph Bellamy, Wilmette's contribu- the meet again, this: year as they did tion to the movies, offers a fine char- last year.' acterization. Others' who add i- Expecdto Repeat measurably are 'Robert Young and Last year ail three men scored Sarah Haden, a grand little comic. double victories and the chances are Saturday, May 19, -the Valencia .that they wi'll repeat. once again. offers "Love Birds," an amiusing Hornbostèl is a favorite to again win 'comedy especially 'for Slim Stmmer- the haîf mile and mile nins; Fuqua ville-ZaSu Pitts followers. is ecpected' to captuîre the 220 yard 'ila oel ihte i f dash and the quarter mile run while Betteiavisoaell, rank Mthe ughoi Ward, if he'recovers completçly from coeste hrough itnd hFne ofHth, a knee injury, willprobably repeatinf, clevees t reen ton of t er the 100 yard dash andthe high lump. ceeet.péettoso h er Other ý>ret rnmng champin ar in "Fashions. of 1934," Valencia- at-, Duane Puirvîs,. Purdue, -javelin; Chin taio Sndy, May 0 Kamm, Illinois., shot put;- Irving "'Death Takesa Holidaoteo Seeley, also, of Illinois, pole. vait and th'e finest 'of the new pictures, wil, R. Busbee. Indiana, discus. be shown Monday. ài-d 'Tuesday. Several records will be endangered May 21 and'22. As Death, who finds .u*,Q venaa * tuail, af the nnfpràIna . .~Witt NEYER SE OLD EN0tMCI- 1< PLAY IN, ti-F STREET thev hiad cirer seen"), or the later ex- 1)lo)rers--Cab)ot, Cortereal, Cartier-you wili find much here to your taste. There arc fascinating stories, too, of thje Frenchi and English settiers, the heroic Moravialn missionaries, the flsh of the l.abrador seas and the fowl.of the air. the creatures of the Woods and ahove aIl. the Husky dog, siredby %iolves. yet ~al ost lhumnan." 1lI a final chapter Sir Wilfrcd tells l)riefly and niodestly the story of Ii-, fortv %-ars of adventure as "the, L.h- ralor iloctor." The' <anyqr 0f /'la.Niîî in ic h stets is stressed in flth Ia A. G. Maedonell Is sale! v PoIster .jîist issiîù'd fb 38,00< Awarded Famnous Prize cl<îss Mooins ili Illinois and id ndiana l'ie humnorous portrayal of 1 . i9- yhefi accident r etin depori lI-zli charactei ard, customs is th(- mlenit of flic Chico go JI'otor clubl. oittstanidinig fcature of a recent Nfac The flyte and orange poster d* la noel,!?gla;idThei'r I , nd ,'. -q whicli lias inowv been âwarded a farnous a srec scuzewili 'ovç pa~',q Scottisli l)rize-The, Janmes Tait Biaek hall Ilcirlivs euanqred hyon- Meinonrialprize- for the. best Ii>vul of coffini. car.. TVe <ption .ÇOV-s (j 19,33. 'l'lie author of Trland.iii Thé-lir ' Fn ~î~~bch old If(Of/ o Iuln is A. G. Mcuel(acne 'Play in flhe s! rieet." on the final syllable), a wt Scoti -~wlose N-erv original accouint ot Va M rs. james A. Buirrifl. 812 Greeni- p<lcoîz <md l arshalsr has jtst heenl wood avenue. 'wiilifiehostess.to memn- înîhishied. 'nfe James Tfait Black Me' bers of fier dessert bridge clubii> lCxt i rall)rize -for the best biography ,f Mànday.'11)32 wvas also awarded to Trhe 11ife -). -o- îrvKingqsley, (Macmillan) hy Stépliein Mrs. Warren Pease. L.eicester royad, GW\vIiIi. Amorig other,.winners. o<ifds, Kenilwoýrth, entertained lier luncheon pnrie in recent.years were Walter (le bridge club. last 'uiescia-. la Mfare. Arnold enet and E..N -0- 1Forster. Mr. and Mrs. Charles JBixbv, 1104 Ashland avenue, entertained thecir JAMES KERN'EY DIES bridge, club at 'dinnier last Saturdav. As auithor, iiewspaper ptiblisher. andi intimiate 'friend and adviser of~ Wood- lpve with Evelyn Venaî>le. Frec1rî, 'row W~ilsoni, James Kerney hecame a Marc issupeb: ell kniown figure, and r nany' will have, a seîise of, loss at. the. news of bis recent .Wednesdav and Thursdav, M-ay 23: death iù RI3ahiore. Mr. Kerney va .s a and 24, will be aglow ,ith "Moul.in 1 close associat ft aticme President, Rouige."ý Gorgeous clothes, liot-cha and nimainitainied cordial relations witF dances. sm.art dialog, and splen '-lid'ihum tilI1 the very end of Wilson's lîfe. Performances, with Constance lier- His book,- "The Political Edricatittiî of nett in the lead, place ýthis film ini the [Joodràow Wiilseon"ý is considered ont (of A-I1 class., hie hest volumes on the subject. i i marks are so low that it will require ord, preterring to have him make sure of winning two first places rather than set a record 'in one race and posibly losing the other. Another record that may topple is the j»elin which Purins 'set last year -FIRESTONE COSTS 'NO LA&UNI Modern Garag~e, 2;i3_9W. (Just wvest of 'Ridge), Wlinmette .144S~ Evanstoma 'dl Aveinue, Phone University riff0 SIL VER FLASH Service Stations

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