LORDS...' Specialisis on Summer Comi erg for BA BIES HAN D-bo 'ADE CREEPERS, sleevé. leus or with tifty siceves. WhIt. ed'pastels witlidainty O ambroid"r. Sixs .2. 3 85 Mosquto Nets for the Sali> Carrnage, 65c & $1 HAND.MADE SUN SUITS in~ white wlth hand - .rnbroidery i.,ý celer or in solid pastel shades. sits. . c KkinertsPuihra Daby Partsj' pair 25c Flanucluttu Dia>er.,> 2lN2l, apucial de., $1.29 ORGANDY OR NET BONNETS i-l à score of clever styles, "ay po.types. White', pick 65 bise. They're 50 cunning "5 * Inaber SA..:s, large Aru, 27a36, uach 25c $500.000 Stock of Sum. mer Requirements at Exfraordinary Savings! Dress Shields 3 pairs $1 .Kleinert's farnous "Blue Label" boil- Sable shielis for complete Summer 3 -for $4.0 PILÎLLIPS-JONES. QUA LIT Y This skould b. FRONT PAeE.ý NEWSI Mhatrshow important the value really isi NEW, spotics broaddoth shirts. White in collar-altoched or neckband. Blue and stdate in collar-al$ached style only. Anticipt. coatl.ss days and buy a supply. LORUS Store. for Men-FPirçst Floor Mesh-.GC Good - lookio White onlv. Wh ite e gs/ Po0u c h'a d envelooe types; lined.fitt.d and smartly ornamented. LORD'S-Pirst Floor Ne4< (~7I DieSsy Types.of ..otton rocks, Si:. *Keeps foods or Iiqoids hot or coid. Steel jacket, wîth Zonolit. insul.tion whiqch is indestruactible. Makes your outings a bug. success. IORD'S Basement Store Lisie Ankietsý Our' Very Best Quality * * * s j TH,E AsNAUTICAL as Cape Cod. adasmart as the sands at Deauville. A real ship, an- chored oh the frst floor and, loodod wîth Summer's smartest fashions for, sand andsea., Its brightwcloringand aquatic deco0- rations 'wil put you exactly iii the right frame of mnd -te, ma.ke, this, Sunmmer one grand splashng lark. FOR WOMEN 1 -Pc. Sunbacc Swign Suifs.. . . $2.95 Siossiere-Type Swim Suits..$3.95 Helfer-Neck Swim Suifs ....$59 Mexican Straw Beach Hots .... $1 .00 Fish Net Beach Sandals .....$1.00.. Cork Sandals with heels ..... $2.50 Rubber Sofhing Shoes, Iow as ... 39c Nairline Rubber Caps, 35c and 50e White Wraround Caps, 59c & 75c Ardena Liquid Bronze....... $1 .00: Arden's Idean Suntan, Oil $ 1.00 Valoz. Sunburn Ol. . . . ..... $1.00 Gray's Suntone Face Powder,.... $ 1 Non-Spi with applicator ....... 35c $2 DeWans Depilatory. spec. .... $ 1 * . FOR I luoy. W I LORD'S-Sêcoisd FloorF LORDS DUPENDABLU. QUALITY IN WIERY INSTAItkII Cal Wilmette 3700 for Phone Orer LORD"S SURF SHIP WILMI3TE LIFEMAY 3,'3 Ele ctric .Fans: Select you rs' today end b. assured of. cool breexes when the Summer. heat wave cones. 8-inch model finished in, black., Quiet. smooth- rvnning Performanice. L.ORD'S Baiemeaut Store New,-Compactsý Desgnd $ 1 .00 by Velu pte Quite the sw&nkiett we've ever been, privileged teo ffer at s@ low a prie. Srnart new plaids and polka dots.. Aise pouch vanities in white and colons. LO0RD'S-Fiýr;t Ploor' mou 8 LORD'S Basement Store WILME>TTE LfFEý 39 s H [P