Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 May 1934, p. 36

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to Profit June 9 at Dutch Village The, Mary Crane league is urgng its f riends. to visit the HolIland Dtcïilae tA Çentury -of..Progress Saturday afternoon, june 9, because *the league ivili receive a propor- tion ocf the proceeds of ail food soid"ii the village between the hours of 2 and 6 that afternooni. A specialty is made of serving, af- ternoon chocolate on attractive open-, air terraces adjoining the public square and overlooking the, lake. Spécial Dutch dishes may procured in the two restaurants in which .will1 be found the quality of coigfor which Hollanid is famous.. A dyke that started Ôut to be purely orna- mental becanié necèssary to prntect the~ village .f rom the encroachments of the lake, and bas proved, as well. , a delightful place in which to eat. Constant entertainment is a f ea- ture of this true Netberlands fishing villa ge, which is located on the beachi Midway, on Northerly island. Caril- Ion music. of favorite Hollandische airs, a street . singer, imported froni Holland,ý a street orchestra and pro- cessions throughi the village in Co s- tumes of varions provinces, and folk dancing by villagers clad ini gay cos- tumes and wooden sboes, will enter- tain the visitors. Between perfori»- ances' there will be public dancing. The vivid colors of the Iiouses- bright- blue, 'magenta, and green; a- cheese boat riding at anchor on the, canal which ruais the full lei gth -of: the village street; a cheese market.* a. diam ond -cuitting exhi bit;,a. real waidanll; .ail remind the visitor of' Volendani andi Maarken. One may visit àa Dutch farmhouse, where _thée cow's stable opens into the> living rQom, and a freshly-scrubbed cottage 1 witji a drawbridge for a doorstep. lI this, the only village on the~ Midway, al .the.vilIagers speak Holland litutch., Oitc 01 the rnost imiPortant phases 01 the wiork of Gads Hill centter.. thie oldest seutlement in. Chicago. is thceAursery school. Righit habits f t. catin9g arc, easiI'j' taught the chtildlreu, wheu they galher for.their 11u1ch. Thiese littie tots, ia» vci whont are ider-priviileged, core ne jMte orn .ing and ,6nd 'normalinm srroun'dinqs and Icarn t o ajs hrsl'sf rIîqt comdftions. H-app v, lcalthy bIal,' with toys <md inaleriais which miight bc, fouind in thc everage home, is au impaortantI Part of the' c ork. 'Mitsic is ernpliasized,. amd s/'ecial problemts uhich the parents im'cdr are «djuisted in the Nurserýv school, a social adjustment of speciai v-aluse since thrir homte conditions ofteff- tines do tiot encourage a normal social dcvelo/'nient, tlheceut er Points out. T'hisç work of the iVurscrv school will sharc the Proceeds of the annual sionner dance anid car» i7ai the ,Gads. Ffill an.iliary is sponso.ring at Skokie Country club Saturday evening, luner 9. Airs. J. Waller Marshall of Winnetka is peneral chair'mani. Winnetka Juniors WiII H'Fave Pet Show June 8 By. Tuesday, lune 5, ail eatries, in the piet show sponsored by the Junior auxiliary of the Winnetka Woman's clul) must be filed at Conimunity flouse or at Real Estate service, 553 Lincoln avenue. The show is to be held in the gvminasiumi at Comiiàmnitv WiImeffe 0. E. S. +0o Enfertain Stote Offlcebrs Moranday eveaîday, june 41 Wilnxette chapter, Order of -the Eastern Star, will entertain MÈs.. Gussie ,,L.' Hart., grand matron o fthie* Order of tlîe Eastern Star of Illinois, and. lier grand officers, with a banquet at the Shawnee CountrY club. 911 Michig~an berve as tnostesses ai College Board Booth at Fair In its, louinge on thÉ gr"oundi( flooôr of the Hall of Social Sci-, ence. the Wonian's College board for A. Centuryof Prog.- .re.ss is, open and is ohservinig College days, with volunltcer hostesses froin, eacli of, the- LwNenlty-one woiiien '.s collegeS represented onthe board. 'I'hntrsda%,, May 31. Is L.ake E.rie day, with, Mrs.' Irvin KeraiNirs. HryYoung, M rs.. William >I . areand Mrs. A. R. Buckingiarn hostesses assisting M1rs. Edithi Matt- sen Lewis who is on duty daily.. Milis college bas its day on- lune- 1. represented by Miss _Grace Pushman, Mrs. Walter Fathauer, Mrs. C. Strib'- lirig Snloçgrass,. and Mrs.. Edwvard. S.. G1avis, jr. On june 2, Milwaukee Downer col-. lege day, the hostesses arfe to b-e Miss Dorothy Buebiler, -Miss jean K<amdnsky, Miss Bertha Kussman. and Miss Elizabeth Brown. Mount fHolyoke day ii June :3, sendang as hostesses, Miss, Norma McKenzie, Miss Dorothy Hleinke. Miss Helen Monchow, and Mrs. Kari Vittum. .On lune 4, Pem~broke college will have as hostesses Mrs. Merrill flew- itt, Mrs. C. G. Hobart of Winraetkà. Mrs. A. W. Landers, Mrs. E. E. Chipman. Radcliffe college day is scheduled for lune 5., with Mrs. W. A. Magie., 11, and Mrs. Heyliger deWinidt of' Winnetka and. Mrs. H. E. Gregg and Mrs. E. H. McDermott the ýhostesseç.. Bryn Mawr. college was r epre- sentled Sunday by t.he following aluni.. nae,' Mrs., loba P. Manierre, Mrs. Edward Lund,' Mrs. J. F.- Dammaain. and Mrs. F, Goddard Chene. Sigma Kappa Dinner The annual lunie dinner cago Alumnae of Sigma be held Friday eveninif. Reading Circle. Notes The Reading circle bas for its host- ess when it bas its nect meeting on Monday, lune 4, Mrs. Ralph Pottei' of 925 Chestn.ut avenue. The, hour -is JVLF. Lough served Iàasr year as north parents, the John P. Olesons of- 240 Dinner Precedes Dance shor e chairman. and Chicago secre- Woodstock avenue,1 Kenilworth. His tary,. guests included M~rs. Frank Merreil Mr. anid Mrs. Randail Poindexter and her sons, Stanton Cady and Da- of Happ road, gave a dinner Tuesday vid Averil, Mrs. John Leiaiert and preceding the benefit supper dance. Mrs. J. D. Roth, 1124 Forest ave-. her daughter, Phoebe Ann, Mrs. of the North Shore auxiliary oUf te nue, will give a bridge luncheon Fni- David Floyd, and her two daughtcrs, -Chicago Maternity Center at. the day of this week. . Barbara and Patricia. Mrshall studio.

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