Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Jun 1934, p. 10

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ls.Z.*~A: i ADON PAGE ýPOREK& BDEANSB&6&ý25e BUNNYFIELO 2 M: 25c EXPORT 2,Las. 21c PAEMIUM FLAKE. OR ORAHAM Crackers 2 8-O. ltec OUJR OWN Blacck Tea . . ».c29 FI RESIDE Marshmallows »1C: 5 N. B. C. CHOCOLAT£ TWI RL. Cookies ****L.19c NECTAR ORANGE PEJCOE Back T.Ra 22 SandwlichSproud 10< WHITE HOUME Evapo rated MIUk 3 17,, BIRSEàYIEý Mat.hes* * S Boxa.22e NoMimrnm 5g 3,RGflu17e wNrrE NAM<THA bessert 3 PKs.5c bo-m DINNI 3 ,iIîA ff I$LrNA DEAMIET BUUTERD Ji igi.5 ROBERTS JUSTRITE DOILElmHM '-** 1YC: Del Monte Vne Ri>esed CANTALOUPE. MEDIUM OCJUMBo SIZE g SIZE 33«: THuE M4W 0oconuTE MLT Drim Chips."mm LGE: 15c The Rev. and 'Mrs. 1eland Dan- forth, 333 Warvvick road. Kenilworth, are leaving MIonday. Thev will spend two weeks visiting the V. O0. Beits at their summner home ini Tomahaw,ý- WVis., and two-0 weeks with the Carl Hucks at their sumnmer place at Woodruff, Xis. 0o- !Miss. Calista Gedniey of Mintnc- apolis arrived last.:week in Wilmietie to. visit ber sister, Mrs. Edward Mendsen, 531 Eighth street. 'Miss Gedney motored dôwn- with a frieild who is now visi ting in Chicago. -o-- HoWard A. Hýindlev, 1035, Lakeý avenue, left the first of the week with a group of Wilmette' boys for St. John 's summer1 camp at Delafield, Xis., where he will assume his duties as camp councilor. ]Robert and Grant Andersen,. sons of the Wýalter Aiidersens of 127 Rob- relatives in Milton junction, .s, where they %vent with thieir înot..her ,wtho .returned NMonday. -o- Mr. and Mrs-., David Sanders of Deerfield, (formerIy of Keni!iworthi) entertained at a small bridge dinnier Tuesday last in honor of W\illiatm Philkranz of Boston. MoToRs SERVICIE Rverything for Automobiles be Thomas J. Norton, a prominent Chicago attorney, whose suibjeet w.ill he '*The Constitution." WValter WV. Ross, president of the organization, has extended a cordial inivitation to the public to attend tlil$ meeting. The prog .rani, he States, should be of interest to every native Amferican and. to ail who are. inter- ested in the preservation, of -consti- tutional representative governiment. The new organizationý is -a branch, of the American. Genie.aldgicai. society, formed in Chicago but no%% extend- ing. to many- states throughout u±îe country.. In a recently published statement President -Ross'*saîd: -Through its chapters the 'society un- dertakes to brinig about a greater ap- preciation of common kinship, duty to a common cause and the preserva- tion of American institutions and principles as déclared and assured by the constitution. *'The society. and its chapters are patriotic but not partisan. They. are, definitely. committed to'the proposi- tion thaï the Anierican constitution shall not be repudiated or nullîfied. "The Evanston. chapter welcomies to its mmebership residents of A north shore towvns, pending the or- ganization of other. chapterS, at poinits more conivenient .to their meniber- ship." AUi ative-born ,ýcitizens who sub- scribe to the principles and' purposes. of the orgaization)f art eligible te membership, it is added. REBECCA FITCHI RETURNS Miss Rebecca Fitch returlied to hier home at 1033 l rnwi%%o9d avenue \\'edniésda%- eveniing after an exteni- sive stay on the west coast. Shie mo- tored home from Los Angeles, stop- ping off ini Texas to visit a college. friend, and in Fort Rilev, Kas., for 1a bllort stay with her sister, Miss Eliza-. beth,> who is stationedj at ýthe Army) post. .Miss Eva R. Hiall 'of Sycam(ore, Ill, who camne toe attend commence- ment at Northwesterni universitv and the Fair' spent the pas.t ee-n with Mrs. J. Melville Browvn of Ken- ilworth and Mrs. Shelby M. Single- ton of Wilniette. -The last regular meeting of 'the 721 MAIN STREET Phone Wilmette 2600-2601 9,24 Spanish Court lir Ne-Mas ,Laied Wilm.tte 5424

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