Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Jun 1934, p. 14

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îe wlll interpre the great book of Iuaiah ' as its. eternal principles appiy ln the present crisis. The topics for each Sunday are as follows: juiy .1-"The Funetion of a Minrity: Isaiah's Doctrine of 'The Remnant.'" jU ly 8-"Woman's Responeibillty for SoilJustice."1 4uly :15-"ý1Can th e Profit Motive 'Be Superseded ?" .July, 22-"Three Pictures of. God: Wise, Strong, Kind." S JUly 29-"What ls Comig?" tir, "The Watch Tower of History." The lielîglous Educa tion board nîeets tgnlght (Thursday) gt the chureh to reorganîze and to set rip functionl corn- mîttees for the' fali terin. This wil complets the church organization for the comling season's work. Comniittees of trustees, deacons and of -this board are reminded of the necessity of proimpt action on the matters referred to theni. The Sunset club officers for the newv year are Joel Dickerson. president; Ruth Phelps, prograni chairman, and Wlnthrop 'Richards, social chairmnan. Eleanor Williams 13 president of -the Young People'à union, the commissions, tif which will be announced' shortly. iThe Social coniittee of the chutreh 4; plàrnnft, for' an all-church get-to- gether ln thre near future. Thre corn- mlttee incindes F. G. Guthridge, F. G. Sutherland, .E. C. Carlson, Arthrur Scott, C. H. Jones, Winifred Dingle, Mrq. il '11Cerr and Mrs. Edward Meier, The churcir worship. conxmittee hbas organized with Z. A. Parkhurst as chairman. Mrs. C. P. DÏubbs,ý Mrs . . G. Guthridge and W. O. Haas on:rmusic, W. C. <Aatthews and A. E. Batchelder on ushering and Mrst. P. H. Arden on fiowers. Miss LN*dia tKoch ivlil continue as organist'and dir-ector of the choir. Metkodist Chu rch Rlev. Oscar .Tiios. Oison, P. D., inîiister The niniistei s seriwn themie foi. the Il .o'elock orshiîp servh4 c nt morning ill li. e.uaiPai tii. The minicfor Sunýdii' miri asis àa follows: *Thre organ, prelude-- -In theCthda........n .-I Paiitdisui"........Dubois Miss Marie Briel Offecrt-or Solo: "How Beautifull Upoil the Mountains" ...H--arker, M1iss Fiorene Farrar *The orýgan posthîdfe:.. "Fiale (lt So- nata) ................... Mendelssohn, The high seIn îol {*lnîjtt'i "t' th'Eî>- Worth leagwe .wîil îneet sunnday 4eveninK at 6:30. Al Tucker wi11 lie thé(e- er Social hour w-ill follow. Thursdav, ..1ly .5, at S o'cl-oc-k, the' Higir.scholl èn ut' . vili vjigade party at the homle (if Arnaniarie atna principles wnrcn.*may . Uc.appuculUat t emergericies of today.. The musical prograrn for Sunday*s, service wili be: Prelude: Aria froini 'enth Organ Con- certo ..................Handel SolÔ:' Turri Thee to Me and Have. Mercy............... .......... Dvorak Solo: Spirit.of God ....... ..Neidlinger Postlude: Chorale and' Variations ... ... . . . . .. . . . .Rogers Mrs. Ethel Heide Wishover will be the soioist. The church school will meet at 11 Q'clock for a one-hour session, the; be- ginners and primary departments under the direction of Mrs. J. D., Stevenson, and the juniors and intermediates With Mr, Mead. riirst Presbyterian Nintir street at Greenleaf avenue Janmes T. Veneklasen, minister.ý Our worship service will be'held at il o'clock. Tire minister will preàch on the theme, "'Lord, My Sight," qug- gested by one -o! the interviews rith .Jesus. We cordiàlly invite you to wor- ship with us andi to bring .YQur i' ests with you. 'lhle musical prograni for the service -Will be.as follows: Prelude-"Etude". ( E Major) . Chopin, Sol-"LkeAs the Hart".....Liddle Mri Otis offertory Solo-"O .God, Our 1Help, ln" Ages Past" .. .Wet Mr. Otis 14)tlude-"'Triumùphal Marcir" . Výerdi Our Bible school ho Ids its session s everyv Sunday at '9:30 ol'clock In ail de- partinlents. 'The school. will continue thirough the sumimer, and we weleoie visltors. Our aduit Bible .class will il eet aIt 9. 45 o'clock, led by tire pastor. A new series o! lessons on' "The Life and Let- ters of Peter"- ill begin nextSud. W~ecoday invite'l yoi to join lis ini this study. The meetings of the young people 'hitve been discontinued for the summiier, îaonths, tobe resumed in ýtie eaiy faMi. Our church services ill l»e <oftiiiut'( th n aîgh the tiii-nimel. Worshîpl with us. 'rhe choir oÈ the church will have a. beach party and dinner i.rm aura evening at 6 o'clock. Y - - y 9:15 a.. m.--Fiirst service, witti HoIy Commutnioni, 9:3() a. r.-Sunday school and junior and internmediate Bible classes. 10 a. mi.-Senior Bible class.* il a. m.t-Second service. Continuing the series of sermons on. the Lord's, prayer, the sermon for next Sunday wili deal with the fourth peti-. ttion, "Give Us- This Day Our Daily Br*ead." This. year there are nlo t quite so many peop)le who.believe that we no loniger need to acknowledge God as the giver of dale bread. But'there Is stili mucli to'be learned. fromn this petition. Corne and hear!' You have St. John's he.irty -invi tation. Those desiring to partake of the BIBLE CLASS MEETING The Fundamental Truth Bible class (undenomiriational) wjll, meet next Monday evening at, the First Pres- byterian church, Ninith. street and Greenfleaf avenue.. The teacher is the Rev. Otis Q Sellers. Mary j ane Falvey, daughter of. Mlr. an(l Mrs. johnu J. Falvey, 1015 Ash- lanid avenue, rvas awatded the \Vil- liamis 1Mèmorial prize for draina ai. the graduating exercises on june 14, at New Trier Highi school. The prize. winning play was entitled "'Corne. Back to Sorrento." M r. and Mrs. William A. Ward* and their small s on, Billy, Jr',, of ýSan Mk\ateo,: Cal., are to be guests this sunmmer *o t. the . forxner's' sister and familv. the Albert B. Stalls. 119 Sixth, St. A ugustine's Rtev. Hubert Carleton, DC.L., rector, Sunday, Juiy 1, will be the fifth Sun- day after Trinity and 'the first Sunday o! there month. There will be Holy Coin. munlon at 8- a. m. and Holy ýCommunionl with sermon at il a. mi. Nex t Sunday being thre first Sunday in the month Will be, Corporate Con- munion Sunday for hoti tire boys'. and girls' .communion leagues. Tomnorrow (Friday, June 29) will be St.,, Peter's day. There Wlll1 be HoIY ComniunIon at 8 a. m. Will Build Addition to Second Floor Solarium The one building permit issued ini Keniilworth duripg the past month was taken out by A. T, , Kates, 206- Kenil - worth avenue, for the.construction of a second floor addition to a solarium, the addition to beused as a sleeping p0rcs.ý Tihe cost is'given'as $850. ON CANO£J TRIP 1Bol) King, son of \Ir. and- Mrs. KarI D. King, 914 Greenwood 'avenue, gradluated on June .18 f romIi ),a'rt- mouth and is niow on a canoe trip ini Maine with friends froin Highland ',Park. Mr.ý King's parenits ,.anid his brother and wife, '.\r. -and Mrs. Karl. D. King, Jr., of Glencoe al attended commencemen t at D)artmouthl. ;t reet. Whitîevisiting the%. are ai so Nrs. Albert G. Ackermami, 811 at'tending the Fair. . Park avenue, is driving this rveek- --o- ' end. to Plymouth, Iiîd., to get her Mr. and Mrs. Phiilip Witt and 1mother, Mrs. David L. Roush, wVho their daughiter, -Miss Genevieve 'Witt returne'd recentiy froni hier winter of Evanston, forrnerlv of W\illmette, place in Flo'rida. Mns. Rous.h %vIi are spending two \veeks' vacation at spn bu amnhwthhrduh Granton, Wis. They are' expected> ter., home the latterpart of this %veek. - --. Mr.. and 1\fr s- OIe P. Oison, 736 MNr. and d Mrs-, vW.:A.' Kollie andî Roger avenue, ,Kenilworth, -had as thei dag tr, 1î ela . etunedtheir house guest last Week-end an last, Thursday to, thein home, 70 old fiend and. former neiglibor, Mrs. Lauelaveue afera vee ' viit\W. H. P. Weston of Hollywood, Cal., wvitli relatives in, Cleveland Heightrfnnnyo hiao r.W~o and Shaker Heights. Ohio. vsohrwatoTono Mn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~M. and \'r ~ Cir~ n nIrMs. Adolph Howvè of X f F'rde - -' ; . Sioughton, Wis,, Mr. and Nlrs. Rich- lests last ) an, 930 Gre John Gi. . iiauey, 'inzîster - i Tire Woman's society will 1 We extend àa cord4ia1 invitation to' missionary meeting on Thursdaý vtsitors and strangers in Wilmette to noon, JulIy 5, at 2 o'clock at the attend tire union services of the Baptist Mrs. Paul Johnson will pres4 and Congregational churches whfch will 'topic, "0Our Souls Catching U: be heid In this churcir during tire month Our Bodies." of July. Tire service is at lilo*cloâk* - la tire narre of Jesus, tire STire Function of a Minor.ity" is tire. bids you WELCOMEJ ~>l *Mr. andI Mrs. John P. Harris re- ildis cenitly returiied to their homie at 944 teuch Sheridan road from a fornight's trip nt thre to New York and Washington. With .-o- Clifford E. Ives, 1630 Washington churcli avenue, returned early this week froni a business tnip' to Detroit. Mrs, Charles Bi. avenue, Monday. 1104 Ashland Mr. andI Mrs. A. E. Klundcr, 909 Chestnut avenue, are leaving .July 3 for Dawson andI Fairbanks, 'Alaska.

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