Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Jun 1934, p. 16

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Daily Projects The teacher s of the Village Green playground are Miss Bierer and Mr. Mackie. We children, have a certain program to follow day by day. It is as foliows: On, Monday morning frorn 9 to 10 o'clock we hiave handicraft including- poster making, sewing- and making thijngs from raffla such as baskets* and naçikin rings. Frorn 10 to il: Miss Bierer teaches the intermediates and seniors. tennis. From il. to 12 corne story telling and senior track. Frorni 12 to 1 is lunch, and every Wednesday, is a picnic lunch. In ýthe afterhooin froru 1 to 2 are senior basebail and intermeëdiate and junior sanidcourt. Frorn 2 to 3 is handi- craft. From.3 to 4, Low organized garnes are played. - On Tuesday nlorning frorn 9> to 10 o'clock is handicraft. Frorn 10 to Il corne senior basebali gam~es. Fro m- Il to 12, Low organized games and sandcourt work are featured. junior kickball and senior sandcourt are en- joyed from 1 to 2, and senior track is the activity frorn 2 to 3. L~ r ganized garnes are played between, 3 and 4 o'clock. On Wednesday rnorning frorn 9 to 10 o'clock is hancicraft; 10 to 11, tennis, and Il to 12, story telling and senior track. The picnic lunch is frorn 12 to 1; senior basebali and ini- terinediate sandcourt, 1 to 2; handi- craft,, 2 to 3, and Low organiied garnes, 3 to 4 o'clock. Ihursday rnorning handicraft is from 9 to 10 o'clock; Junior kickball, 10 to il; Low organized garnes a' nd; sandcourt, Il to 12; lunch, 12 to 1;- jûnior kickball and senior sanidcourt,, 1 to 2; senior track, 2 to 3; and Low organized garnes, 3 to 4 o'clock. Friday morning, 9 to 10 is handi- craft; 10 to 11, tennis; il to 12, story telling and senior tra9ck. In the after- noon is Beach day. Saturday rnorning 9 to 10 is handi- craft; 10 to 11,- story telling, and Il to 12 o'clock intermediate and junior sandcourt work.-Alce Meyer, Vil-. lage Green. Stone Gives SWimmring We play lickball at the par k. L. like to play kickball. Last year I played on the junior tearn. I am go- ing to play again this year.-Mary Napoli,. Village Green. We have a fine program at Vatt- mnan pa-k this summer. There is al- *ways sornething to do. Frorn 9 to 9:30 o'clock in the rnorning, Miss Riggle bas games for the kiddies. At the same tirne the kickball tearn practice s.. The senior boys and girls play basebal from. 10:30 to 12. In the afternoonfromin,1 to,2 o'clock is story hour. Handicraf t is going o n al'day, but rnainfly from i to.3. The timie f rom 3: to 4 is spent in the back' of -the -park playing 'horseshoe, baby in the hole, logen, territoiy and rnany other games. We'are ail sorry when A o'clock cornes because that is clos- ing. time.-Dorothy _Davis, Vattmnan park.. Organiz'es Bicycle 'Club. at -Vattman Playoground' ýMiss Riggle of Vattrnan park or- ganized a bicycle.club., We wiil go. on a >hike once, a week ail summer. It will be lots of fun and about fif- *een have joine. The people Who go on'the hike will bring their lunch- es and swimning suits. We'l1 go to different places. Those Who haven't joined the park, corne on, and also join the bicycle club.-Helen Lind, Vattman park. Girls Launch Season With Kickball Practice We began the year- with kickball practice at 9 :30 o'clock in the morn- ing. Dorothy Davis, our' cap tain, kicked flies and first' bounces. for us to catch. She said we did pretty well. Our first game is Thursday niorning, June 28, at about 10 o'clock. 1. hope our team wins. We play at Village Green.-Betty Sullivan, Vatt- man park. Girls Lead"in Village Green's Registrations *Tuesday morning found the girls of Village Green leading the boys in registration. The junior girls had fifty-five; the boys, forty-three; the A tennis class is going to be held at the, Village Green _playground. Th e class will be directed by Miss Bierer for girls 12 tô 15 years of age. Three lessons will b.e given each weék. AMy irl of this age is eligi«bl'e, a n'd after t.wo weeks we are go- igto have. a tour- namne nt.,S e ve n girls are registered for the. class now, and we, hope to double the number. We rnight de- velop a "Helen Wills Moody." Who knows.-Mary, Ann 'Miller, Village Green. Attends Park Regularly. since the Opening Day Every day ýsintce the park opened Ihave. been attending. M .iss Riggle- is ône-of the instrùc tors' and Hap Gatfiercoal is the other. We havent been doing rnuch but starting bas- kets and signing .up. I went to the playground last year and two years before that, I arn sure everyone is glad to be here this year.-Dolorts Lundy, Vattman park. Poster Making Features Each Playground Season Every year at the Village Green we make posters. Last year 1 made a poster showing boys and girls -play- ing. in the Sanid* Each year nine prizes are given.: three for the seniors, three' for the intermediates, and 'three for the juniors. 1 hope 1 win one this vear, hecause. I -dialn't our park best. We are having a I like to play pet show and a poster contest. We know how top are interested in rnakingpillows. We was raining, s are .going to the beach on Friday. homne. I lice IM We ae rnakîng sand models, too.- She's good like Mary Malizio, Village Green. Vattrnan Park.. Vattman Park on First Day *Monday, .June 18, Vattman Park opened-and "boy" what a crowd! The park opened at 9 o'clock witb Miss- Dee Riggle and Glen Gather- coal aàs instructors. We were al sur- prised to see .Miss Riggle, as she-had said she -wasn't corning back this .year., There were -garnes for, everyone: basebail for aIl seniors and the inter- mediate: boys, kickball.for the inter- rnediate girls, and simpler garnes> for. the juniors.. In aIl, about 400 children enroiled« this yecar, which, is a large number. in. the lateniorning Miss Riggle« told stories to the juniors and' I1 think* they. enjeyed * thernselves thor- oughly. From 12 to 1,o'clock. the park is closed for lunch, and ,a few chilclren remnained in the park to eatf. In the afternoon the 'games continu- ed and at 4 o'clock theç Park closed for the day-Shirley P earson, Vatt- mani Park. New Fountain' Pleases All Children at Green Monday, june 18, the Village Green and Vattrnan playgrounds opened.,At thle Village Green this. year NMiss Bierer and Mr. Mackie, are pur in-, structors. We have a new foun- tain this year and everyone likes it because 'we don't have to run way. down to the Hloward school to get a drink. We aiso have swings, ocean wave and a sand box to play in.-joe Voeller, Village Green.. win 1l'ast year.- Marjorie "Etienne, Girls' Senior Basebal Village Green.GmeArSc dud Colord Bakëts adeThe schedule for the senior base-, Colord BaketsMade bail games for. girls is as follows: by YoungstrsatPark Tuesday, July 10-at Vattrnan; Tues- Each year we make baskets at the day, July 17-at- Village Green; park We ave anycolors: red, Tuesday, Juiy 24-at Vattinan; Tues- pr.W haerayday, uy3-tVlaeGen natural, brown, green, blue, yeliov, 1TuesdaJ uly. 31-at Vage Gr Te and purpie. Last summer 1iMadsday 1 Au1ust.7-atVti. The 'ARK IMPRESSIGNS LIKES OCEAN WAVE BEST ty kickball but I don't We have an ocean wave, teeter- play well. One day it totters and a sand box. I like to so we could flot- go play on them. The ocean wave is 4iss Riggle, don't you? best because it goes so fast. We a boy.-Alette Lundi', have swings and trapeze's, too.-Mary, *Pegoraro, Village Green.

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