Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Jun 1934, p. 21

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'Tle speaker _Nill be Ali Kuli Kýhan of Persia Tiiose desiring to visit this universal bouse of worship ini Wilniette, it is anniouiccdl. may (do so betwveen the hours of 10 a. ni. anld 5 p1. ni. dailv, during which pcriod guide .s ill tak-e ail visitors throuigh the building, ex- c epting wlien meetings are- in pro g- ress. Tlhe regular Sunlday afternoon meetings'- are at -3 :30 ani 'ast about one hour. Theý temple model. and otîter details of interest ma%rbe seen.. which gi ve the vrisitor ail idea of the ultimnate ap- pearance of, this. uniclte.. structuire and -Of its ',steadv advance toward com- piction.. The outivard ornamnenta tion, of thée entire domeý unit is the specific work lin hand at this time, and it is expected that thils il be compieted duiring thesummiier and falit ntls. Gardein ta Enéirclle Temüple Fem, realize tlîat the ninie gardens, ýcdi vith its pool and(l eectricaily (Me gar(len encircling the entire butildçling. and will be, excepting the Linienaveueand Shieridan 'road corner, hlih above street level and' surroulided by a circular, orniamental liothgh- which,.and uip through the IeCautifui gardens entrance to the house of %Vorship xyili be made. Thlese nine gardens and pools, ivili standl before eacli of 'the nline en- trances, the doors of whilih wjil be of bronize set iii a corridor of bronze panels. The architect, the' late Louis Bouir- reiofWilmiette. said of the temple: "Into this n.em designi, then, of the temple is woven., in symbolie form, tfie great Balha'i teaching of uinitv'. the- uniitil of ail reliigionis and of ail mian- kfind., TIere are coinlations-,;of rhatliematical -fines, svmboiizing t4ose of.the iuniverse, and in tIeir intricateý mnerging of.circle into circle. of circie witliîn circle, we visualize the mnerg- Jng of. ail1 the religions into olie.", Off er Cash Prize for Original One-Act Play I uesdays and Thursdays. The. students range in age fromi eiglit to eighteen, but one thinig dis- tinguishes ail of them, earnestness. From i te stroke of 9 until as long aft.er *12 as waitiing.lucheon1s wl perniut, they are saturated, in their work., The plan of instruction, whi'cl ,follows the normal development of, interest an(i ability for each studept. has proven ts -vorth in tlhe first week by the- studehts' response, it is said. This-inidividpal deyeiopnment makes it possib)le to en roil now, although.the classesý have beên. und er m-av 'sice J une 18. Anyone interested cati applv at- either class at 9 o'ciock or beforel anV morni ng. i t is'. explained. The drawing and painting classes1 are u n- d1er the direction of Mrs.: Brioni, wbiie Nirs. Nancv Coonsm'n fHahn instructs, the modeling clas-s. These classes are the'summner wvork classes-- of the North. Shore Art league. "h Nf ~.u~cO1TAC~$j the Innrs [Ta8e asy to avoid the ag-, iL gravatingj temper-testing annoyance of bem gconstant- ly at the shoulder of the Lumdeu wh tietodoyour washing at horne. We offer a complet. fauily washing ser- Since 1885 Under Management 8061 of Victor Ortlund, Pe 1 fentE Pbones-W.imette, Kenitilorth. Wlnneetk viceatanmfterestlflglyreàson. able prioe-a price tbat wiil agreeably surprise Su. L«t ws do your washig--and you use the, urne and moii.y saved for more plemaiat duties of the home. :o *. c,. ~* * . * Iood production. LEAVING FOR ARIZONA Jeanne Cutier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Cutier, 407 Cen- tral, avenue, is leaving this Saturday for the Timberline ranch in: Arizona. She Will be gone forten weeks. -cý

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