Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Jun 1934, p. 27

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* *smce the flrst 'of the year bas proved detrinental ta crops and vegetatian, a vast anount of work was accom- plishied ini the Skokie drainage and developmnent praject as a resuit of the prolonged dry speil. Sitîce the bcginning of the w.ork just onc year ago the Skokic bas been unniisuallv dryý, a condition which lias permnittcd the 2,500 meni wôrking there ta continueuninterruptèdly, the construction of the seven large arti- ficial lakes. the dikes, miles of diver- -sLiDT and conniectiont ditches, and, the %videniîig and. deepening of the river * etltet froîîni\\illow road. south. A niost gratifying record is, n- licated ini the progress reports of the eniginieers ini charge.: There is yet a vast aniaunt of labor ta be donc, but. %vith the prelirninary work ac- complishcd under the favorable' weather condit -ions, the flood wateri * utiets constructcd , wil in a large nicasurÉe. prevent* future delay and. handicap ini case of a greater amounit of rainfaîl. -lle nmarked deficiency ini precipita- tionaiseproved io-st advantageau-s In the zatter of estahlishing camp forthie armiv ai workers. ,This vas truc ini regard ta the first or tenm- perarY tet.it camp at Skokie highwa v andl\Vlo road. and later in the building of the pernianentý Skokie NVallev camp on, forcst preserve grouinds. aut Glenview and arns. roa(s. Park Service Directs Project o\l f the iniprovemient work in the Skokie is being done by the iiemnbers of the Civilian Conserva- tien corps, 'under ilie direction af the National Park service, mwhich, in~ reality. mnade the present reclaination of the Skokie possible.,I-Hugli Kent is the cief superintendenrt, in charge. The development hbasbeen designcd by the engineering corps ta facilitate the natural drainage provisions. For instancel, the dikes are flot, straighit, "cut and dried" affairs, but arc conistructed-at lvariaus ellevations a simnulate a 'natural rolhing topog- raphy for the more than 800 acres învolved.!i I-Iavy miachinery is now being usea 'c --x*'ýU-- -,-- in the construction of No. 2 lagoon thersigon sdites nem hrsd and the connecting chaànn-els between h lgo sse lagoons 1 and 2. Hundreds of trees. ai numer Diversion ditches on ither side ai varieties, many af themi from 8 to the project are practically campleted inches i diameter and 20 feet hi from Willow road ta Dundee road, have been planted in the area, an, and"the openîntg of the channel af the great deal of attention is now b river sauth fram. Willowv road. ta devat'5d ta getting them sta rted. Chaman Lake Lotuiseand a ,viéwftom thé laws. liokitu a ck.10 *thevfounlons Dit4ng je a real sport jin theîemjered Pool ai the edge of lovly Lake Louise mien oj our.se NSPIRING scenery-zestful Alpine air-snow-topped mountains--so many things ta do-ncYLNE RIDING -HIKING an the roof of the world o by William RB.Mathews - TENNIS- wrld-famous GOLF- dtiwi asi the one fromn DANCING--Or jUSt loafi glorlous .at il 1003 con- 711 iv Cnes àt 9ý -THOS. 1. WALL, Gentral Agent East Jackson Blvd. (Straus BIdg.). Chicago Telephome: WABash 1904 Phato by William B. Mathew., This photo zvas take.n iront a point ati the.soitht side of Buter-s pond. looking so t/tz.*It shows the east diversion channrel (a/on g thc e .st ýside of Skokîe Pla fteld) belon,' any iwor-k -as donc. Noté t/he dense gro -th of îweeds and u'ater plants.

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