Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Jun 1934, p. 36

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to Conduct Events CIass in Wilmette One of the miost interesting plans made at the recent board, meeting of the Wilmette League of Women, Voters, is a current event class under the leadership of Mrs., Quincy Wright. This class will meet on Wedne sday, alternating with the meetings of ý the Woman's club.. Mrs. Wright is well known. on the north, shore, and it is expected that the attendance' will be large. Signing of the code ot Fair Coin- petition for tbe Canning Industry on May 30, by President Franklin. D. Réoseveitcarried especial interest to members of tbe League- of Women Voters becau5e of the section in the code providing for the g rading of canned goods. Members of the government and economic welfare group of whichi Mrs. Maurice Pollak, Higbland Park, is. new state chairman, feel that thi.s- is a step forward in their support pro- gramn for 1934-1936 wbicb includes tbe item dealing with protection of con- sumner interests. Among -recent publications of the Leagie o Women Voters is amu- Miss Rockwood,'in concise and in- teresting style, igives aà backgrôuind of the growtb of the bureau;- its uný- ,portan!t research studies. on sucb subJects as food. and nutrition,, tex- tiles, and clotbing, and bousebold economics. *The author points oui that manru- facturers and produce rs as well as .housewives profit froin the supply of information tbat is available as a, result of. the research carried on ini il torces which moti ublic ife 'inFranice. for Lounge af C. of P. Satt*rday will be Simmons day at the Woman's College Board lounge at A Century of Progress, its repre- sentatives being Mrs. Fred Mueler, Mrs. R., H. Chrisman, Miss' Carnie Maude. Jones, and Miss M ary E. Musson. Sunday bas been assigned: to Smith college, which will have as its host- esses Miss Helen Grant, Mrs.. Otto Schmidt, ..MiE. Nettie A.'.Baumann, and Miss Anne' Louise Squire. Sweet Briar's day is Monday, and it is sending Mi ss Peggy Huxeély, Miss Peggy Carry, Miss. Helen Ha- seltine, and Miss. Virginr'ia Little of Kenilworth. Miss Lucy Bassoe, Miss, Elizabeth Olmnsted,1 and Mrs. Roy -Jay Cook, aIl of Evanston, and Miss Helen Hobart, will be in the lounge july.3 represcnting*,Vassar. - Trinity college bas july, 4, and Wellesley7 will have its bostesses there july 5. They' are Mrs. Arthur Chaprnan, Mrs. Charles C. Stewart, Miss Ada Belfield, and Mrs. How- -,ard Goodman. . july 6 wil.be 'Wells day, and. July 7, Western day. Wrangler Auxiliary Heads +o Discuss Plans The newly appo inted con.nlttee :chair.men of the .Wrangler. auxiliarv will meet with the officers of the organization' at a board meeting to be held at 3 :30 Friday afternoon tis week at the. borne of the presi1dent,, Mrs. Richniond Corbett, 78 Abbots- ford. road, Winnetka. Mrs. A. R. Peterson of Keiliworthi 15s the chairmnan of the social conmmit- tee ; Mrs,:W. Otto Brasmer of Evans- ton, chairman of the refreshr.nen.ts. comnmittee, and Mrs.'Clarence .Shear- on of Wilmette, chairman of the finance cormnittee. One of the subjects to be discussed wvIll be the plan of holding a series of five teas iiext season, instead of the prograin meetings wbicb were cus- tornary dluring the past year.. candi are not méi politi- Secretary e and be glad to ýes the ,curing it. rnany who a copy of e and will ;about se- Mnffett-Rs tPhot WFith 12cr father. Bishop Ern est Ly U Waldorf officiat ing, Viss Eit/wl iMargaret WValdorf of 941 -.heridani road, Wiliiette, was )iiar- ru'd toafit e Rv. .Albert Ben jamin 1l'a 'qurr of Crvstal Iak,, /Il., 12 c'Wuii.qof Juic e14. Wilson-D.Carnp WiII Wed Ff. Wayne Girl in July The marriage of Mliss Lucille. B. Lapp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Lapp, and Wilson Hamnil- ton DeëCamp, son of Mr.. and Mrs. D)avid R., DeCam-p of , Kenilworth, 1i11 take 'place on Saturday evening, july 14, at 7 :30 o'clock at the home. of the bride's parents in Fort Wayne, mnd. ina City to spend thle summer with the Jones family and to visit the Fair. Mrs. William E. Toue of Des Moines, Iowa, a cousin of Mrs. Pin kerton, was .a guest for several days last week, at,,the Jones- home. Follows Fairman Wedding Saturday Following their ni a r r i a g e Saturday afternoon in Christ church, Mr.,and Mrs. Edwarcl F.. Hamm, jr., (Joy ElIizabe'th, Fairman) received: >their ved-, din uests in the.garden at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mms Fred Wilson Fairman, 600 Ash stre et,- Winnetka. TI-e supper table for the bridai party was set in the garden.. Supper for th e other wedding. guests ý.was served in the house, wýhere, white IiIes:and white peo nies vrethe decorations. A green hedIge withi white car- ntosand files banked the choir staîls at« Christ churc1li, givinig thec claurch the appearance of an.ii ,ugilIsh garden. Here, at 4 :30 O'clock., the Rev. E. Ashlev Gerhard rea(l the'- wveddinig service. A thick. ruching of tulle hoýrdcrced the tulle voke >of the bridiý's wit satin gown, and the ruicliliîi al edged the long train of teg~n The tull e veil fell frorn a coronet of tulle leaves. The bride's b)ouquiet *as nuade of orchids aud hilles of tlie valley. Lili1es of flie valley wvere the flo\\er., carried by the bride's attendants. aild the sarne flowers. fashioned. of ý\vhite beads, form-ed a baud around the~ hrowii of their white orgaudy picture bats. Their'gôwns ivere made of white organza, the skirt bordered with a, deep flounice that swept into a train. SmiaIl capes, fasten-ing high on the neck, were edged with a deep 'flounce. ,Miss Anhne Small :was the. naid of honor, and the bridesinaids.were. Mrs. a. Hapto Riplev, Miss Harriet Harni m, Miss Veronese Beatty, Ms XV?ýilliam S.ý Miles, Jr. '(Ann Vinifreil McKeown), and Mrs. Frank G. Os- borne. MNrs. Fairmnan ivore deep purple Mrs.- Albert G. Ackermann, 811 Park avenue, entertained sixteen friends for dessert and bridge last TueÈday afternoon at 1::30.

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