Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Jun 1934, p. 38

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and Bride on Trip in Canada Miss Elfizabeth Lourie.-daugh- ter of Mr.'and Mrs. Ralph .Lourie' of Mole, Ill.. becameé the b)ride last Saturdav a ft>e r no on of Francis ELarl Ne ir. son of, Mr., and Mrs. EarI R,. Neir, 201 Nintlî Street, %\ViIlmette. TI-e ceremnony vvas pertormned iln the First Con- gregational, church of Moline by, Dr . \illiain Robert Hod.gson, and Nva followed by a recepion in the Louries' garden. The bride wore a wedding, dress of White mousselinè-de-soie over white taffeta.. A series of ýyide ruffles fell, from the knees toz the fleor and formed a circular train in the back. *Tegown was trirnmed with -rose- point lace from the wedding dress of the bride's mother. The long tulle veil was edged with. wide panels of rosepoint lace. Mrs., Edward H. Wachs of. Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada, was the matron of honor; and the bridesmnaids were Miss Helen Bennett o f Molinie, *Miss Janet Tipperv of Evanston, Mrs. Bruce Lourie of .Moline, 7and Mrs. William F. Soulé of Evanston. Thev ail wore pale blue organdy dresses made witb capes and fiat ivide ruf- fies, and trimmed with blue taffeta sashes which formed'trains. They wore large natural colored legh.orn bats with golden brown velvet crowns. Their bouquets were garden fiewers, --chiefiy delphinium and daisies. Edward H. Wachs of Winnetka *served Mr. Neir as best man, and the ushers were, Robert Nelson, ofï Kenilworth,, William' F. Soulé .anid1 Her bert W. Blades ofEvanston and BruIce Lourie. Ralph Bigelow, Lourie. Jr.. and Paul Green. of Moline.- Among the out-of -town g est who': went to the- weddiniz were Mr. and * Mrs. C. Miles McDonald of Evans- ton, Robert Nelson of Kenilworth, Carlos -Photo Afler a laomcvmon ïin te Ad-ý i>odacks, Mr. aid, Mrs. WVhitev Reyiiolds A da;es u'ill be at homie- lu Cran ford, N. J. Their marriage took place Wediiesda ' ezeing lai Shazonee. The bride Es the former Jave C(alloway of lWillmette. Louise Dairymple to Wed Drake Older on Friday Miss Louise Daîrymple ýof XVil- mette,, daughter of M rs. Ira, Chase -Dalrymple of Champaig9n,,11., will be married. Friday aiternoo)n. of this week te Drake Older, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Older, 1026 Elmwood avenue. The ceremony will be per- formed at. the Wilmette Parish, Methodist church at 4 o'clock by the Rev. Oscar Thomas, Oison, lu the *, on visit 'avel ;ault ai Bon Voyage Parties Several parties have been giveri .thin the past - week for Miss Patty *Perron, \vho will sa]i fromi New~ York july 4,,on the Wasli.ington. to spend the summer'rmotoringthrough Europe %with Mfiss Mary Stewa'rt of 620 Cherry s treet aàà Ms Jane Noyes ôo.f 790 Sunset road. Winnetka, Mrs. *Harry,. Currani and lier- da ughter, J ean.ý and -Miss Edna Truc, <if Ev- anston. Mrs. Leo P. Perron, of,84$ Towver road, Hubbard Woods. wvill leave Sundav to drive to New York -With her daughter, a.ccompaniied« bIv 'Miss Ste\wrt ,and Mrs. Harrv Watts of * Vilmette. Wedniesday evening Mr\,is. Watts gave a dinner at her house. 1140 'Michigan avenue, in, honor of Miss Perron and Miss True. Tues- day evening Mrs. Curran entertained the memnbers 'of -the party -and their Pa 'renlts ýat a buffet supper ini Ev- anIston. Fr.iday evening last, Week MNiss Mary, Jane Farley of 870 Bryant avenue, Winnetka. had a party for sixteen guests. Twelve -guests were entertained at luncheon and a going- awav showver, for. Miss Perron, and Miss Stewart,. Saturday. the, hostess being Ntiss' Doris B'aar of 642 Cherry street, XViinetka, At Country Clubs. Westrmoreland The Fou.rth of July is ;being ohý-, served at. Westmioreland Country club with special golf events for the men and a. special lunchéon in the men's, grill There is, to, be a f ull thirty-six-hole day. The wotpen memnbers of the club Will also have a special luncheon followed by cards at 2:-30 and a tea at 4:30. There wili be a children's entertainment at 3 :30,un- der the supervision of Mrs. John G. *Schroeder. Dinner alt night. will be served at 7:-30 (oclock during iwhich, there will be a musical feature by Alice Blue4 pianist, and Illa McCall, soprano, who will play and sing popu- lar songs. Cope .Harvey's orchestra wili play for dancing, which will be- gin. at 9 o'clock. Indiafi Hill Indian Hill club has scheduled din-, ner dances for the Saturdays just for Wedding of Jane Cal1loway MisJane Calloway, daughiter .fM.and . f.G., Cailowýaý, Lf92.inden. avenue, W-ilmette,, becmethe bride of Whitle-v Reynolds Adarns of Carteret,ý N. J.,S' j of Leýwis T. Adanms o1 WVeSt Eg eo N. JI, Wedl- nesda-v, fune 27, at 8 :30 o' clock, at. Shawn*leeCountr,Nclub. 'l'le Rexv. Join -G. Hindlev o)f the \Vilnette Congregational church officiate(l at the cerernonv wý%hich took, place before an inplrôvis.ed altar of tropical feras, and cati- delabra. A recel)tion, followed the serv'ice. The bride wias attended by lier sister., Caroiline, as: maid of honor. and the Misses Harriet Mions of Kenilworth,, Marian Page, of Wil- mette,3.Mrs. Eari ,deLong of Evans- tont, ai-Mrs. George \T055, Jr., of Chicago acted as bridesmaids,. Her little, cousin, Nancy Porter Williams of -Louisville, Ky., wvas fiwer girl. The bridégroom's brother, Charles Adams, served him as, best, man. the ushers being Earl DieForest an(] the bride's brother, Cyrus'Calloway,. The bride's gown was fashioned of white satin witli a train and a veil of Brussels lace. She carried a 'shower bouquet of gardenias and vailey hules. * er maid of houer and bridesmiaids were dressed alike in turquoise blue and their fiowers.Were arîn bouquets of gerberia daisies. The fi.ower, girl, wýore a peach -net Kate Greenawaui dress and held a nosegav of forget.- nie- nets, Mock Trial Feafure. of Mr. Dubbs' C. P. Dubbs at a happy suri him last Sunday 1004 Michigan his birthday bya Surpris. Party- was guest of houer prise party given for evening at his home, avenue, in honor of i group of bis friends. cago Symphony orchestra hanieti in the reports of their progress. Win- netka made a very creditable show- ing for its work in a canvass which included Chicago and a,11 of its nearby. suburbs anid villages. Mrs. Hay ýis chairmian for Winnetka and ,Glencoe. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Craig were guests of honor at a bridge last Sat- urday evening given by Mr. and Mrs. John P. Harris at their resi- dence, 944 Sheridan rc.ad. Beach Supper Mary Virginia (Patty) Penick, 609 Centrai avenue, entertained twenty guests at a beach supper on june 21, ini celebration of her thirteentb, birth- day. Mrs. W. W. Kerr~, 07 Forest ave- nue, was hostess at a luncheon and. bridge party for twenty guests iast Thursday at her home. Mrs. Kerr' s daughter, Mrs. Eugene C. Lat.hrop,. with her son, Eugene,.of Melbourne, Fia.; arrivèd last week-end to, spehd the, summer With her parents.

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