Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Jun 1934, p. 45

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tion about ali icnds 'ot garden pests and will have on hand specimens of plants infested by varinus insects, with, information as to remedies. Conditions are very unusual this year,. according to, Mrs. Myers, be- cause, of- the drought. Manv, new pests are causing agreat deal of de- st ruction' and the -récent storni de- molished so many vegetable plants that jt becomes more necessary than. ever to'conserve thosè that remain. Ail who, have, vegetable or floner gar- dens -are being, urged to view the ex- hibit and to take advantage of the information. off ered. No charge is' made for. either. * An authority will bel present al day M.\onday to answer q uestions. Trhe hiurs of the exhibit are from 10 to 5 o 'ock in room, 102, Winnetka Com- * nunlity.House. Mrs. Harry Craig and M rs. Harry Smyth are ser ving on M-.\rs. .Myers' committeç for-.Monday,ý aind Mrs., Leslie 'Weary -ill. have charze oÇ f socimnpnô'arIpn lr. with the Reserve Officers cavalry at Fort Sheridan the past week, will continue his course another week. Robert is a lieutenant. 0o Mrs. Herbert Artus and daughter, Mrs. Eloise Armns Clark of Evanston,. formerly, of Wlmnette, sailed fromi New YorkTuesday on the Corinthia for, a north ern cruise of Finland 'and Norway. Margery Mintz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomnas Mintz, 50 Crescent-I place,- is leaving, Saturday for New York where she «Îii sperdsx weeks. with her grandfather, Martin Pender- gast. - >Mrs. Kingsley Colton and~ daugh- ters, Josephine and Diana. 3ý54 Kenil- worth avenue;" Ken ilworth, are leav- ing Saturday for their sutnnmer home at, Spring Brook, Wis. ;filexhibiti on .of'...will he held at thé center each Mondav during M rs. W. Wallace Kerr, .707 Forest,! theseson . avenue, is entertaining at.a bridge luncheon today in honor o Mrs. Albert Frost of Philadel hia' whio is COMING FROM NEW YORK visiting ber sîster ini. Aurora. Ili. Mr. and' Mrs. Albert Shaw .'of-o liastings-on-the-H-udsoni and Nr. and Mr.,and Mrs. Hierbert C. Nicholis, Mr.Wendell Cowles of-Ne%% Yprk of Oak Park, formierly of WVilmette, wvill arrive in Wilinette on Simnday 1were visiting Mrs. Nicholl's father in to visit the RandaîIl Pidct of Wilmnette and, will spend the week- Happ road. end at Leland, 'Michi. -o- George jones of Ketiîw\%orthl Val Miss Marian Thayer, daughiter of, Smith of Wilmette, Frank Carpenter the Willard H. Thayers, 1410 Mapleý of Evanston, formerlv of Kehilworth,i avenue, Wilmnette, is taking sumimeri with Bud Huck, mnotored to ?Bass school courses at the University of, Lake, Ind., tb spend a week-end with Wisconsin. MIr. and Mrs. Victor Scott.-- Jack. Walker of Pasadena, Cal.1 Miss Jane. Nystrom of 714 Ceniitral.i aivenue is' the guest of,:the Jam:tes C. Whitfields at their sumner home at. W'allooni Lake near Petoskey, Mich. She',has been away -a., ontli. Rosemarv Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Sevniour joncs. 622 Greenleaf avenue, left vesterdav for Clea rwater camp at Minocqua,.. \Vis., to sîwnd the month of July. * -- Frank Randail, Jr., 912 Twelfth street, accompanied relatii.res this week on a short vacation trip to Denver, Colo,, and vicinity. lias, been thé' guest this week of the Hoyt Kings, 711 Forest avenue. He- is en route to Cap Neperon in- Ver- mont. I MONEfY TO LOAN I RST MOUtTGAGESI GIO-LF LESSONS ut Playacres Practice Faurway Northeast Corner Lake Avenue and ýJ. Me FOOTE LANDSCAPE AND GARDEN SERVICE Phone Wimnetka 79 I

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