Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Jul 1934, p. 26

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T. R. Crimes, Wed in Lg Cabin ChapeI Telog cabin chapel 0on the *campus of. or Dame univ er- Sity forined -the setting for the, * marriage at 10 o'clock.*Sat urdav- morning, of.Miss Dorothy Mar-, garet Wiedlin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. john F. Wied1in of. 120, Park avýenue,. Wilmette. tQ Thomas Roberts Grimes, son of Mr. and Mrs-. Franklin K. CGrimies of -Nies, Mich. The Rev,. Joseffh * eAlibster 1erforlied the cere.- The bride was-attractive ini a gown of wbite lace and a large white bat of. braided. st .raw. She carried a sbower bouquet. of Briarcliff roses, gypsophila, and- fever-few. Miss Gwendolyn Grimes, maid of honor. %vore green organdie witb a bat to matcb and Miss Carolinie Grimes, ber bridesmaid, was dressed. ini yÇ* - - _ov organdie' Witb matcbing, bat. flotb carrieci lavender candy-tuft. and yellow snapdragons. jack Wiedin, brother of the bride. servied as best man,. and James Grimes, brother of the bridegroo. %wýas tbe usher. .Mrs. Wiedlin wore flowered chif- f on with white background and a white lace bat. Mrs. Grimes was ini blue crepe with matcbing bat. Their flowers were shoulder spraysl of snapdragons and fever-few. After tbe ceremonv a breakfast for the bridaI party an4V relatives wvas served in the dining room of the Four. Flags botel 'in Nules. which, w'as attractive witb baskets of snap- dragons.,and fever-few. A reception from 2 until 4 was beld in the hotel after, the wedding, after' which the yugcouple. left on' a niotor trip, and upon tbeir returnl will reside ini Niles. Mr. Grimes was graduated1 this month from the Colege'of Sci- photo byl)g.rt 4. « Jflfle'IiUlI l of Iliss .11 r v Ifél -os f Glenco' and Jiphin Il -Hanlcv of. the Ui7csi l'o i- fltsv.as anuîc e / 1114s.l il/s' 'rins Garden Club Luncheon for State Federalion The Wil1mette- Garden club, of wvhicli Mrs. C. P. Berg is president, on Monday, July 9, at 12:30 o'clock is inviting the Gardeni Club of llUi-: nois* to luncheoni and, program .,atý Shawnee Country club. It is. the nmontfily mieeting of the allied gardetn clubs Of the state. Reser-vations for the lunicheoni ,.houl'd be made wnith Mfrs. John F. WVeedon, programi chairman, before Friday, July 6,. thehostess club an- nounices. Frederick W. Dobe of Libertyville will speak on "Highway Planting." Sonie years ago Mr. Dobe gave>sev- cral litindred iclnis to the conntv Of Mi1ss Mary Milis At a luncheon given o01 Junie 28. Mr. and Mrs. Allen G. Mfills, 790 Sheridan roaci, Glencoe. announced the engagement of théir dauigbter,' M'ar"y Virginia, to John H. Ha ,nley., son.of Mr. and Mrs. James Lee Han-' ley of Y.0ungtown, Ohio. Mi.îs Mifls is a grad uate of'New Trier High school. Dana Hllan .Smitli;college,. and recently received the, degree 'of bachelor of fine arts in. landscape. architecture at the Uni- versity of Illinois. Miss Milîs. won Phi Beta Kappa bonors at Smith. Mr. Haniley'was- graduated fromn the University of Michigan ini 1927 with Phi Beta Kappa distinction in the fine arts. He obtained' bis- degree of mhaster ini botany at the University, of Illinois, and is now.connected witb the floriculture- departinent. of that university.. Botbi Miss Ifilis and Mr. Hanley are members of Phi Kappa Phi, national honor scientific society., The, wedding will, take place in tlhe early. faîl. Georgianha FowIer- l'o Marry in Ju ly The wedding of NMiss Georgiana Fowlver, daughter of Nfr. a nd M rs. Robert Lambert Fowler of 16 War-. wick avenue, to Robert Henry Taylor; son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Glenn Taylor of Kent, Ohio,. takes place Saturday, July .21, at 4 o'clock, at Christ church, the Rev. E. Asbley. Gerhard officiating.. Areceptfion will follow inithe garden ýof thelhome « the br.ide's parents in' WNinnetka.' M11ary Elizabeth. Fowler, lier sister, wiIl attend' ber as, maid of honior, with Katherine Rôoa.cl Of Winietka, Doris Alling Kixnball, and Virginia Healy of Kenilworth,' and Mrs, AI- fred Plumnley of* Minneapolis -acting as bnîdesmaids. The bridegroomi's brother,, Edward Taylor, wîil serve as best mani, while Richard Sunderland of Winnetka, Winfrield Jackson of Glencoe, George Quinlan of Wýilmette. and Has N. S. Cast for "'Red Riding Hood," AII-north- shore is the cast for. *Red Riding 'Hood," the- July play given by the Chicago Junior league ini the Children's theater. on the En- chanteêd Island at A Century of Prog- ress., It will have its three-times-a.. dathree-days-a-week run ail dur- ing the cogminge month. It commirenced ,T.uesday, July 3, was, repe ated Wed- n!esday and Thursday of this week. and will be presente'd every Tues.day, Wednesday ,and Tbursday. hereafter in JuIy. The hours of performance are« 12:30, 2:45 and 4:30.' ,Veronese Beatty of Higbland Park, not only bas designed ail of the scenery-and costumes, but also is ini the cast, taking, part as the Wood Cutter. Mrs. James Carry of High- land Park, is the. Mother. Virginia Hobart of Win'netka -is the Grand- mother, Mrs. Robert IToffman, Jr., has the name part, and,,ber sister. Helen -Pope, -is the, Wolf. The Old Wolf is. Elizabeth Bunting of Lake .Bluff. The revolving stage is 50 handled. according to. Miss Helen Bell,. direc- tor ,of 'the Junior League theater, that the audience sees the Wolf coin- ing throutighi the forest, meeting Red Riding Hood and entering the hut. showing continuity of action right through the age-old story ivith its exdý,cting moments. Because of the cleverness of th 'e grandinother, bow- ever, aIl are saved as the curtain falîs- Croivds at the performances con- tine about, as last year. - "After sr %viving the crnsh and mob of the firs5t Children's day, we ,are ready for. ;4nlythingk," Miss Bell declares. Other entertainiméent for boys and for girls goeson on the Enchanted Island and ini its theater, alternatingý with Junior league l ays. Sue Hast- ing's Marionettes- continue their, *'Winnie the Pooh" and "Peter Rab- bit," Pamahasika's Pets stilI perfor1n their nmany tricks, and a company is. doing the opera, "Hansel and Gretel.' Anniversary Party Mr. and Mrs. <orarm Iou Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Claar and MIr. Starir,' Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Cushing Snmith of man,, Mr. 'ilmtte entertained twetity-five Mr. and1 relatives from Wisconsin at .a pictiic and Mrs. lunch antd dinner the Fourtb of July Mrs. War( at the horne of the Claars, 1301p;Jules Pete Chestnut avenue. Mrs. Smitb is a DeWitt St cousin of1Mrs.,Claar. mer residet mn., and Mj mat of Wiý s of Keli ris, Mr. and r. and Mrs. .-and. Mrs. nnetka, f or- Stephen A. Williams, Jr., 515 Ab- botsford road, left KenulWorthb june 23. for Spiingfield, 1-11., where he en- tered tbe golf tournagment. Skoki, Events The cbildren's Fourth of July events at Skokie Country club began« at 4 o'clock'and were followed by the serv- ing of refreshinents. From 6 o'clock on the, older members of the club. bad asteak bu4ffet supper on the terrace. j

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