Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Jul 1934, p. 6

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On Sujnday rnorntng at 11 a. nm. we continue -thé union worshlp services ln the First Congregati onal church, with Dr. Allison preachinir the second of hic; Tsninh erles on the theme "Wom- sf's RempansibiUity for Social Juistice." There Io a cônitenporary ring ta lsaiah's Inlvectives against thotightlessness and .idIe vanlty, and a New TAstament nite Of rpspoËsiveness amang the qplrltu.nliy minded ninorlty -of tAday. Hear this message! On* Thturqday evening, Juiv 5_ the RelILtius Education ronmittéeewill niet at the r hlirch, to proceed further with organîzation anit Planning for the fal tnI.rErl C. Carlson lR chairnian and M B. . A. Claar ia serretary of tht. board. The supe rintendents of the rhurch school departments are ex-of- flion iemberp and their coufisel. Io dé- mlred. The chureh achool reopens qun- day, September 9. Pastor George D. Allimon wlll b4. glad ta respond ta any catis for s ,piritUal counqelinoe or frlen-1iy vlgitatto-i duriniz the vaca tion eanon. lRe will be avail- ablethrougbout the inonth ot July. Theý Rev. John G. Hndley.'minîster., We extend a cordial invitation to visitors and strangers ln Willnette to attend the union. services of the Biptiaet and Congregational churcheq, whicb are, beld ln this.,church. durlng the month. of July , Dr. Georgre I. Allison of the, Baplatchuchwll have chirge of the services, whlch'aire at 11. oeclock. The subjeet et Dr. Aflîson's sermon for next Sunday wIIbe "Womnn'sg Responsllity for Social Justice." l'hla la the second in a series on "Içsaiah and the Issues of Our Tines." Mý%uch Interest is being shown in -the Vacation Church school, which meets nt Il o'cock $unday morning for t one-hour. sesion. 'Mr. Haye-, is tak- ing the Junior and Interniediate boys * and girls on "A Trip Through the Hol la.nr," and Mrs. John D. Steven- son is carrying on a sumnier prograni for children in thé Beginners and Primary deppirtments. *First Pre.sbyterian Ninth street, nt (ii'enlernf ene Jamnes 'T.Veneklaseen; m iinister.. Our niorning wors4hipla i heîd at Il o'cîock. The miister will preach on the theme, "Arise and Wailk,"' suggtested .by anôthe r of the interviews held wjth .lesus. We crdialiy invite you to wor- Attend. aur Barly service before your day's outing. This lu proving ta le a very popular service and is appreccated' by those who.realize the Joy in worsbip- lng every. Sabbath day In the Lord's Hjouse. Methodist Church Rev. Oscar Thomas OIson,,D.D. mIister The' minister's sermion theie for. the Il 'cioek Nworship service next Sunday morn.lng wlll be *The God of HuIs and The 'niusic for next Sunday morning will be as follows: Qrgan Prelude: "Symphony xI" . .Bach "Intermezzo" (Storm King Symphony) .MissMari Bril Ulkinson' Offertory -Slo: *o Rest in the Lord?' .... ........Mendelssohn issý Florence Farrar Organ Postude: "Allegro Maestoso".... ...... ...Dickinson The Hlgh Schooî league wiIl meet Sunday evening at 6 :30o nclock. AI ¶'U<ker will be thé leader. Social lhôur will follow. The regular sessions of the Church school have been -discontinued until the second Sunday In September. The Seventy-flfth session of the Des Plaines Camp Meeting opened last Sun- day' at the camp grounds. The pro- gram for the remainder of this week is as, fôlîows: THIJRSDAY, JULY 5- 2 :30 pý nm.-"Covetiant"--DÉ. Leslie S. Fuller. 8 p. n.-Sernion by Dr. Benjainn Gregory, D). Litt, London, Englanld. Music by the Downers Grove Chureh choir. FRID)AY, JULY 6- 2 :30 p, ini.ý-The Law eof HOsp)italityN" -Dr. Leslie E. Fuller. 8 p. n.-Sernioi by Dr. Albert F.. Day, Pastor Mouint Vernon Plae Chu rch, l3altimore, M aryland. M usile by Conibined German chorraé. SA%'rJtURAY, JULY,>7-' 2 :30 1). iR.-"'Sttreop)ticoln Lecture(," jiu:staigBil MnesadCustonis. Magee, St. Paul Area. Music by Mýaine Township Community Chorus and, Maine Township. -1gi Sehool A. Capella choir. 1LTN',,DAY, JULY .8- 11 1- 1 2 :30 p.. m.-Sernion by Bishop . Ralph Maee. Musie by the C'hi-kg Lawn Church choir. . -6:3(,>,I. fl.-Younig People's Servire-- 9:15 'a. m-First service. 9:30 a. m.-Sunday school class. Il a. ni.-Second service. and Bible Sunday morning we proceed in our study of th~e Lord's Prayer to theflfth pétition, "Forgive Us Our Debts!" It surely sems easy.to pray that petition, yet It la the most difficult to pray arlght. It bas,,also been, called the most dangérous petition,, since we are to add also these words :, «As we forgive our debtors." Incidentally do you knowý why many use the word "trespas3es instead of "debta" In praying the Lord'S Prayer? Why flot Join us- Sunday, mùirning in studying this petition? A! cordial Welcome awaits'you. Sunday afternoon our OId Folks Home a t Arlington Heights hias its annualý feetival. A, service ýwill be held *at 3 1). M., in which Our pastor wili deliver the address. *Next. Thursday; Juiy 12, the Ladies,> Aid w11.1l serve Ice. creamn and cake In the Sunday school- room at >8, p. ni. AI ýprograni of entertainrnent will also. bc! provlded. Livingston Fairbank Livingston Fairbank, a brother of Mrs. Laird Bell, 1350 Tower. road, Winnetka, died on Sunday at a hos- pital in' Huntington, Long Island,' N. Y., after a brief illness. Mr. Fairbank was a son of N. K. Fairbank, early Chicago capitalist and associate of Marshall Field,ý George Pullman and others. He .was a graduate of Harvard university. For the last three months Mr. Fair- bank bad been living in New .York, He resided at 999 Lake Shoreý drive in Chicago until about seven years ago, and 'Since that tume had spent most of his tume ini Paris, .Besides the sister in Winnetka, Mr. Fairbank is survjved by his widow, Mrs. Miriam Patterson.Fair- bank; a son, Livingston, Jr., two0 brothers, Kellogg Fairbank, 1U44 N. State. street, Chicago, and Wallace Fairbank of New York, and anotheri sister,. Mrs., Benjamin Carpenter of Chicago. 1The funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Kellogg Fairbank horne. utt4a ri 1v£VVPllYug The second week of activities gath- ered aroilbd the 75th anniversary of the Methodist Camp Meeting at Des Plaines will begin Sunday, July 8, with Dr. R. Scott Hyde, superintend- ent -of 'the Chicago Western- district, p re sid ing, Two M.ethodist bishops will preach.' Bishop Charles L. Mead, of Kansas City %vill preach at 10 :30 a. m. and 7:3ü p. ni. and- Bishop J. Ralph Magee, of St.. Paul, at 2:30p i Music for morning 'and aftejrnoon services will be furnshed by the choir of the Chicago Lawn. church and for the evening service by the,, choir of the Avondalecburch. The young people's meeting at 6:30 p. m. will be led by the Rev., Morgan Williamis of the Euclid Avenue church, Oak Business ,Meeting Monday \Ionday, July 9, Dr. Carl ' R. Stoîz., dean, of the-school of religious educa-, tio n of theHartfocd Semi nary, Hart- ford, Conn., wil speak at il a. 'M. fon "A Neglected Dimension 'in' Religion." At noon Chicago minis- ters will meet as guests of the Camp' Grounrd association.;-The, annual busi-' ness. meeti ing.of the association. will, take place. at .1 :30 p. in., and at 3 Dr.Sti will conduct a round table. The sermon at 8 p.,ni. will be preach- ed by Dr. John W. Langdale of 4New York, book editor of the denoznina-ý A new feature of the second week will bc a four-day institute for the Methodist wornen of Chicago begin- ning Tuesday,' July 10, at 10 a., .. Each day at 110:20 a. m. there will bc a lecture on the N1,ewv Testament by Dr. Clarence Tucker Craig of the school of theology of Oberlin college, Oberlin,.. Ohio... Dr. Langdale: wîll preach each . evenýiilgat 8. Others taking part -ini this, four-day institutc wiIl be Mr\Is. William ' A..Ragg of De Kalh; +Miss Florenice.Sebrun of, the Chicago Good XVilI Industries; Mrs. O-ive Baum.gartener of the Irving Park church; Mrs. A. H. Clement of the Ogden Park church; Miss Rae Lawton; M rs. T1.. Otto Nali, 7620'e Eastlake terrace, -Chicago; 11rs. Pal ohJnson wi present the topie theme ftecuf.----' j son of Mr. and Mrs. Kari G. Knobel, Bishop Francis J. McConnell of -Our Sauls Catching Up With Our 1431 Central avenue, was christened New- York, eminent preacher and ad- Badies.", We Invite you ta mneet wlth us. Williami J. Worcester of Montelair, I ast' Sunday morning at St. John's ninistrator, former president of the - .J, and Miss Florence Branson w Ie Luthe a church. [n the e ei gt e F d rl C u cl o h rh s o The Luther league will meet Wednes- marrled In St. Aiugustine's Saturdaayvnn heFdrlCucl hrhso day evenlng, June 11, at 7:30 o'clock. l ast at 8:3Q P. nm. when the church was 1 Knobels entërtained at a tea just for Christ in America, wilI be the preach- Thor Carlson wlll present the topic. cro wded with relatives, friends and 1; the families. Mrs. Knobel, the for- er at 10:30 a. in. and 7:30 pi nm. o n the well. wlmhers. Miss Bronson bas beeni mer Irene Bleser, is the daughter of cloiing Sunday, July 15. Music will Tune ln~ on the Sunday Vespers at a prominent workeir ïo St., Augustinesr.Pee 43 e- efrnse te'hor fyilr 4 a'cilock rlext Sunday atternoon, over for smre yearm ,and will be getyM.ad rsPtr Bleser, 43,Cn b hie-by tecor îWilr Station WENR. Dr. Paul Scherer, pas-i. mlmaoed. ' tral avenue. and Westf Pullman churches..

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