Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jul 1934, p. 445

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NICE LARGE. AND SMALL ROOM. Garage available. .Phone, Wilmette 210. 82LTN1O-ltp FRONT ROOM NEAR BATH. ALSO large liglit room, private bath. At- tractive. Very co mfortable beds, Near transp. 545 Provident Ave., phone Win- netita 3844. LTt1-t FOR RENT-SMALL ROOM IN WELL furnisbed hor1sý. Near transp. Refs requlred. Phone, Wilmette 143. 82LTPN10O-lte NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, .WITH j, j*ass ventilation. Near,:transporta- t ioh. Ph. Wlnnetka 156., 82LTN1O-ltpý BRIGHT FRONT ROOM. NEAIL transportation., 725 Prairie Ave. Phone -Wilmette 442. 82LTNIO-ltp. NICELY FURNISHEàD ROOM, SUIT- able for 1 or î. Kitchen privileges If, desired. 1522 Forest Avenue. Wilmette. 82LTN1O-mltp LARGE CORNER ýROOM IN PRIVATE borne. 4 blocks ta "L."~ Newly dec- orated and furnished. lkeasonable. Ph.: Wilmette 2541. '82LTNIO-ltp. SINGLE ROOM, KITCHEN PRIV- ileges If desired. Also davehport table. for sale, 05., 511 Parkc Ave., Wilmette.1 ATTRACTIVE. FRONT ROOM, NICELY furnisbed wlth twin beds, alsa a ýingle. room close to transp., reasonable rent. Phone Winn. 3135. 82LTN10-ltp NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, WITH bath adjoining, an first floar, suit- able for one or twa, garage available. use of kitchen. Phonme Wlnn. 1235. 82LTN1O-ltr- .AIRY ROOM WITH PORCH,. ALSO 3rd' fi. ru. with batb. i4ght bskpg. East side.. Good transp. Gar. Phione Willmette 1253. 8 2LTN10O4tp PLEASANT SINGLE ROOM IN, PRI- vate borne, close ta transportation. 467 Chestnut St., Winnetka. Phoneý Winnetka 3558. 82LTN1O-Itp NICi'ýL FUILNISHEDI ROOM EN PRI- vate aml.$.Phone, Wilmette 2Ï06. 82LTNIO-ltp FOR RENTr-LT. HSKP. ROONS9 2 NICELY FURNISHED BOOMS FOR ligit housekeeplng. Garage if desired. 30Park Ave., Wllmette. ,Ph. Wilmctte 1958.84LTNIO-ltp, BOARDAND R o WllmU1tte 500. Sml ~fith. bel MODERN 1 TO 4 ROOM FURNISHED' or unfurn. .apàrtment, newly dec- orated.- Central location. Reasonable. Phone Wilmette 23à9 or 2427, 93LTN10-4tp 2-ROOM KITCHENETTE FURNISMED.; Ià at floor, large scdreenied porcli-.and private entrance. Conventeint East, lo- cation. Reg.sonable. Ph.ý Wilmette 676. 5 BDRMS, 2 TILE BATHS, EX. LAV., brkfst. rm., où lit., elect. refrlg, and garage.................$2 8 rm. hsè., ail lit., 2 baths .... 880 Phone Winnetka 156. 97LTN1O-tr ATTRACTIVE RENTALS Ask us for our complete list of. North Shore Homes. Al sizes and prIces. Many sum- mer rentais. BtAIRD & WARNER, hIc. 523 PARK DRIVE.,KEN ILWOnTH 346 PARK AVE., GLENCOE Kýenilwortli 4785 Glencoe 19i54 Rogers Park 615,1 Briargate, 1855 9.7LTPN1-ltc E N G 1, I S H BRICK, ALL-MODERN House-4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1-car att. gar. Goad location; available Aug. 1. $100. AR T ST IC BRICK AND STONE, flouse; four beds ý 114 baths. Large enclosed porcli; exceptionally large lot wlth beautiful trees and fiowers; ex- clusive neighborhood. $,100..> GRACE E., GRANT .397 Park Ave. Glencoe 8,44 97LTN10-lto- MODERN ENG BRICK:; 4 BEP' rooms; 21h baths; sun rm.; $85,moi. Beau. white cal.; 9 raoms; 3 baths;, oll; 2-car gar.; near laite; $140 nmo. Heinsen Realty Ca., Winn,*ka 254. 97LTN10-ltp FURtNISHED OR UNFURNISFIED, $65 .mon'tb, 5 room stucco bungalow, best residential district, near school and trlansportation. Phone Glencoe 630. 97LTN1G-ltc 7 rmîs, (new),ý 3 bs., 2-c, g ......... $110 7 rms., 2, bs. Ex. T & L. Lg. lot. 100 8 rnis., 2 bs., slp. pcb., ail ....... 90 7 rms.. 2 bs.. ail. nr. laite.........85 ;_1s8 s,2 bs., sljp. pcb.. 2-C. g. ts. 1 b., slpn nch. 1-c"....... ýLNID-tfce List your bouse wltb us and let 'us as- SiSt in yaUr renting problem. Desrale NORTH WESTERN eaa.. Ph. 'REALTY & BUILDING CO. 528 Davis Street University 9500 ULTN-ttc . 9LT!O-t FORSALE O - T O E S FO1 SAEO TAD IN NORTH Eanston, or Wilmettè. Octagon fr-ont, tile roof, brick, bungalow, six 1g. liglit r ooma, A-1 condition, hot water 011 heat, 2-car gaàr. .Clear. 'Nr. Indian Boundary Park. No trade over 7. rooma. Cali after 6 P. M., '2542 Coyle Avenue, Chi- cago, II. 11LTN10-îtp Unüsual ATTRACTIVE COLONIAL TYPE, .home af 13 rooms, 3-car garagé. Beau- tiful wooded lot, 135 ft. by',210 ft. House has den and heated sun rmù., 6 bedrrns., slp. prch 4bath9, 011 burner, finished bement. 'Priced' at about one-thirdL fomr value. -$20000. Frances j. Winscott 902 Spruce St. Wnnetka 1267 111LTN10-ltc ATTRACTIVE BRICK, ÏÇqyt. SCaIOôLS, lake, transp. 4 bedrms., 2 baths, slpg. porcli, ohl lit., garage. $13,000. Mrs. Lang, Winnetka 1194. 11ILTNiO-ltp COLIONIALý, 5 BEDRMS., -2BATHS. o11, 2 porches, i-car gar., $16,000. Wil1 rent at about $100. Phone Wlnn. 269. 111LTN1-tp 5 ROOM BUNGALOýW-8,000 Artlstic place, nice yard wlth shade trees. Gar. Çonv. loc. Slpg. porch, scr'd porch. 011 hitFlood, Phione Wil- mette 3319. 11LTN1O-lte BY AL MEANS INVESTIGATE THIS 7, rn. LColonial, 4 bedrms., 2% baths, slpg. pcb., att., gar., two, Wks. to laite and "L." tTnusual value at $13,500. THE BILLS REALTY, Inc. 930 Spanisb Court Wilnette 3740, GLEN VIE W COUNTRY. ESTATE CHARMING, 3 MASTER BED*IMS., g.nd servantes quartera. Modern Eig- IlIh home, beautiful grounds, con- venienitly close-lu. Unusual surraund- Ings. Owner miust sacrifice. See Mr. Hart. BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. 522 DAVIS STREET, EVANSTON Greenleaf 1855 Hollycourt 1855 k'rlce reduced to meet -tûda.y's market. For Inspection appt. eall Mr. Brown. THE BILLS REALTY, Inc. 93,0 Spanlsh Court Wilniette 3741) 11ILTN1O0-Itce HOME SWEET. HOME This North Shore. home, in per- feet condition inside anid out, has a dellglitfullY sunny living roomi dining room, library, and powder'room leading off -the en- trance hall A -breakfast room adjoins kitchen) and dinling raon. Four cross-ventilated bedrooms, o ne equipped. as. a 'ship's cabInt, and two tule bathe comprise the second Olooir. Wlde,, deep' lot wfItb many beautiful trees. At-* tached garage and ail bea. This modern bouse la .ready .,for oc- cupancy--call* us :for turtherin- formation. QUINLAN &TYSO.N, Imc. 1571 Sherman Ave., Uni. 2600 111LTNlO-ltc, 8 R». biAg. HOUSE A7ND LARGEF liv. p0tb'Lot 114x210.,Bee.utifully landscapd Near schaols and, trgnsp.: 5 RM. BUNGALOW. EXTRA IRGE liv. rm. with fireplace, screened pcb., spacious artist's studio, lot 70x2lQ. Good neighborhood. Bargain. SGRACE E. GRANT, 397 Park Ave. Glencoe 844 Il1LTN1O-ltc DRASTIC CUT CHARMING TAPESTRY BRICK WITH Ivory shutters. 8 large rooms, 3 batha, ail lit. Lot 100x165. Beautiful Win- netha block. Att. gar. Reduced froni $30,000 to $17,000 for quick sale. Small cash payment conaidered. MRS. FULLER & WM. PICK-ATD 746 Elm Street Winnetka 3603 WINNEïTKA'W Outstanding Bargain '457 ASH ST1REET A full block of frontage on Sherdan Road from Asb Street to Cherry Street enclased wlth a decorative Lannin atone Mwall of about f,00 feet. TPle plat is beautifully landscaped witli fine trees, perenniai lowers, aliruibg andextensive garden beds. 1ý ,,Tbe Improvementa consist of a solld brick residence, tle roof, very well built, containlng fine roomas, two sun parlors, twa sleeping porches, tbree baths and tbree extra tollet and lavatory rooms. There Wa a twostory detacbed brick garage building witli a four room and bath apartinent on second floor, The property is plear' of encumbrance. A substantial cash~ payMent will tate. this hom~e at $'47.500 IN GLENCOE, ATTRACTIVE 3 BOOM mornei abI kitchenette apts., tile bath, elect. Wilniette, 1 retrig., large room8s, lnt modern Bldg. WANTED WM.- JOHNSTON & CO. Howardse '80Linden Ave., Wilmette 44 WiIl pay1 OgLTN10-ite after 6P. 1564 Sherman Ave. ATTRACTIVE 6 RM. SI in nice location, Glenc 2-car gar. '$7,000. 1(1gb FRANK, AkiE 954 Linden Ave. Winne ýUCCO HOUSE HAVE P e. H. W. o11 ht. modern rent. worth. MID be extra ;ka .1300 or 1689 borhood. .11ýLTN1>JO-ltp salle st. one u. T-1,

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