Miss Marie Briel Mr$. Emma A. Gamron Dies; .Church Leader eignt voices and is uncier the direction of' Miss Marie Briel. Miss Briel bas been jconnected with the Wilmette Methodist cburch for sev- eral years and.is well known ',to Wilmette as-.a>e-Qrgafist- director of unusual ability. Not anly does she display rare talent at the organ, but she -is also an exceedingly- fine director and 'interpreter of music, The quailet-. and soloists will have 'a prominent part i the presentation on Good FPriday night. The quartet s as. follows.: Miss May A. Strotg, soprano; Miss Flor- ence Parrar, contralto; Mor-. ris A. White, tenor; and C. Rollin Smith,- baritone. "'Oli-vet to Calvary" pre- sents the iiicidents i the last week of the life of Christ, f rom Palm -Stnday te <ieod Fr-day. This cantata is de- scribed as a truly beautiful 4 n d, inspirational musical Wortz. The public is cordial- ly invited to share in ' his mnusical service. ClFarles Lange, Mrs. G. A.. Egg2-rs, Mrs. P. C. Giese and Mrs. H. G. The'. ANSWER: Mr. 8 .llovved hit wife to fte advant age of Snyders Budget Plan. 1h. price Is the.tsame as cash. IUY New, Curtains or Drapes. New Chair or Davenport or have y'our oId FurnIture 'uphol-. stered end mad. new. Vene tian Blinds, Broad-, loom Rugs. Perfect fitting and style. Slip covers. Consolidat. your. purchases up to $50 -or more andi complet., your domicile and b. comfoit.able by using pur budget paymont plan.. Our decorators are at your service té help and, advise you. PA TRONIZE OUR AD VER TISERS Eaate Easeand e I5IM~E~ En S'HOES byllnklR atternoorI at 4L t.jonasA uvl a1 cl'urcilîii, ~rite o'whiebh Mrs. * iariron .%;s a niember. Mrs. Gairoil fornwèrly Iive;'at 206 Sixtil street, \Vilnette, but of late liad beelin nuk- ing h-er. home with one of lier ssiters, * Mrs. Clara Lochner, in CGlenç,,.e.. Nl*rs. Gamron was horn ini Chi- cago o011 July. 9, ;871. Her husband, Ira Christian Gainron, died about 5 years ago.' Sbl" is survived by two SPa»l aî1Prl aand Willvs Ganiron. T>'..janus Metlsod ot Reducing an*d Rejuvenating 1700 CENTRAL STREET, EVANSTON IN TUE DULD)ING'0F THE NORTH SHORE SCHOOL OF. PHYSICAL »IEVELOPUENT At the timo chairnian of society. esocial circle of Thie Rev. J. H. GocLel, -.astor of St. Jonn's churchn, conducted the fý,4n-eral services. Burial was at Concordia 1723 Dao@a AVe. Let,: "Th.e gd - black patenÎ-or 'broson and blue Ikidskin. $10 j HENRYCCLYTTON & SONS ShermmandmiChurch-EVANSTOIN Open Saturday Evpenings E ZPM,