alked -abo111tIh bustsîc last te'w ui .md thc qua1îu. vhc ieenl to11 ax i]iadle theuibes .ele -ivîn som l(of 1t1( ilgxed juts if not t4h.e .pr(ipn1*t i ( M c sl u',f tl book.\\ltnxkvairouui1 Miss \ý'i11c ab Mrs. Ly dia jT ,Trowbridgt ot f îW netka. w ho îli-se of thu sixteen I wometi author's xwho. ae the con- tributors to Folio, the nagaznc just issued by the Wrifert-s Guild and: Phrsi prizeL in tlis yea' s Phk\. which ;s on sale ini the book stores of iOts sosre ythén Sistcrhoo Chicago- and t.he north shore. Mrs. :of the Nortlî.Shoré Con igr.egat-ioni Trowbridge's, article. -entitled froni Israel, Glenicoi?, lias been azearded ,"'Feni-Sem to Co-Ed,* tell.s, about to, Miss Janet .,1. MIai-,eiiall of 112 the b eginning-s of higher education Gree;1 Bay 'road,,Glen;co(', for lwr hereî. on the north shore when her play, "Tinme's P ool." iiss Ma11rshali, father, .Williatr Joncs, establishmed wcho y.iaduiafed fromn Bryn ,Iaiv; ighty years ago in, a wilderness of,:las!' yCd>* 15 snow con fl>ifing lier hoggy forests and bleak sand dunes ç! udi'e in plavwritinc, ut Jaie un i-, a college for wornen, one ýof the first i esl in, the co uhtry.' At the meeting which preceded th.i CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES luncheon Prof. James Weber Linn of!"otie6 treet iib the tniv~ersity of Chicago -gave hîs he"Dbocte fAtnensries nt"irst la et Ure '\ the seaon Mrsof Her Church of Christ, Scientis ini Wil- *ber U.Nelon.thecharma ofthemette Sunday imorning, April 21, at Xriters Uuld, reportecd upon the i 'î enthîsisti recptin a~ t11 sîec cc, held in the. edifice at 1003 *f th maazteFoio.Centraàl avenue . Sunday schol xill ofte__________ 'o 9 :45 o"clock. UNITARIAN SERVICES l'lie Rev. P. L.ester Mondale \'l Mu and Mrs. Walter Sîjaituck of spcak on *the sub1ject, '*The Many'! lencôe ývi11 entertain ýtheir Kenil- Dcaths That MNakc a Life," at th worth dinner b)ridc lc ub nl iext Tiies- service.s ini the Unitariani chtirch of dlay. Evanston. hcao aventie near .Creniwood, Suindav -xorn iîg, April 21, at Il o*clock.' A prbgram 'ofý .Ea.ster iç will lie, presented b,.. Gii' Gllxv,.istrmetahtand(lthce Ç choir.* Mr.Granvill Lewis of Highland Park will be hostess, to :her sewing mebners of te club are AMiss Kthe / clubesofthWdesubareMsngKth- I erine Stolp, 'Miss Virginia BeIt, Mrs. Claudé. Sanders, anid Mrs. Robert O0sgoodI, ail of Kenilworth. It's Raining Values ITurPe * ~~L:iIo0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 V-f , ~ lenJ.\aii, 150 Abingdon ave- fÙtIlCCILICI ~~, ~1XUlJ n E (Reiilwojrth, ivas 'àitiated recent- Lubdlh dai r ~Uc1en. t liely nto Phi Delta Phi, national legal M.a~chustt- nooi~tudii fraternity. He attends the North- ifh(: dCl'1î î aV gîvei î hrcî rank. western U niversity Law schol f E tE ' SI * ' IS RANC E stops. Yom: 18400 stop tests prove -'other new tires lilde 14% to 19% farther.,, COSTS YOU, NO PEIM NoTlHiNG EXTRA TO Duy NEW Lifetimne Guaranteed SPEEDWAY 4.-15-19 t.50,21 e q .xnuch Cenfr;yl Ave. et Sheridaon Rd. HIGHLAND PARK Phono Glenco. 1100 "VMit OttrModieL I20ma". I STATION NO. 10 STATION NO. 12 STATION NO. 11 j WiImette Ave. 1909 Laoke Ave. 2532 West II and Ridge Rd. Wilmette ReiIr@ad Ave. WUlmeIte *oso