Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Apr 1935, p. 40

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April 24, Wili End Hiear Pc 1 Mrs. Alb Woman's Club Year road, Gleui \Vedniesday Eegala social evenit of thtt îuncheoxn o 'erfor, the:niemiberS of -the ýnae, chapti \Vo11ani's Club of Wilmette, thtj Evelyn Fo anuua spin luChQuof' the FEvanston, ptry. M c-lub,ý will, be held W ednes tyhe activei Âpril 24. Mrs. Arthur G. Stanten. the school. social.,chair'man, has male ar- iert: rangements for luncheon, 'le h Mrs. R. is to bc served at 12 :30, and Mi-S. is chairxuai H-arvey A Bush, program chair-, tee and wil man lis ianed n xception- Wilcox. Mi ally interestifl poral for- thePere. 'y programJudsoil of' àfternoon. Barker an9 Following the induction of the- :iew Glencoe,, officer,ý by the, outgoing, president. worth; f Mrs. A. E. 1Rlunder, Frank Parker, George, M ianed in this'country, and abroad as Lewis, anc a diseur, ivili presetit onle of bis titique Evanston. pï'ogtrafns. -art, it is said, cons-îts of 'the interpretation of Song throlugh MNIs. Hat the mediumn of 'gesture and pan- worth, pre5 tornilnie1 as wvel1 as the Voice. In M\r,. Alumnlae CI 'ýParker's, repertoire., are, narrative bulsiniess n songs froin. French and English his- o'clock Iünn tory, amlsing sketches of contemnpor- -try Americant life, and witty, colorful and cuýtrious s ongsof many nations and înany periods.. He. is, said to le the Seven Y< irst, American to present tlýe art ,ithe' diseur ii) its fil signifîcance, Maey Cc mdwith his art le won instantanieous of Dr. and successý, N\ot only in his own cOtry"ý 745 M1ichi * but i those abroad lie lhaF captilred. twe Ive guc 'r1ticiz en tIhusi.iqtic praise'. Saturday. Fo ormer Wilmietle Grl1 toBe Married 'mn Texas, !nvitatliéliav'e boënu eceîved by \\' lnitteiends, te the wedding of N1illorv ,(riffith, daugiter of Mir. -il Xfrs, Morrîson Grilfth of Ash- ll. K\, t (, Dwight G'oodricliï i j Tl ['ir curenony CWltake ~îlace110111tho, Of tllc hriide's, .~nPiris ,Té,aas. Sun- Mr ' dM'sLeUri 1, ýIhis.'207 u berland avenue, Keniilworth, enter- taineci at a iarewelil ea last Suiiday iii lonor of the Iatter's brother-iti-law and si3ter,- Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Clark of Winnetka, Who left oný Tues-. &Y for New York to sail for Europe. iovelties, xVas *Mary, iri.of 4a refr eq ih mien oefry Program eu G. Milis, 790 Sheridan ncoe, wilI open her' home y, April 24, for the monthly of the North Shore AIum- er. of. Alpha Phi. Miss alger, 910 .juidson avenue, .wil1 'give, a program of- .îss Folger is a memnber of chap ter and a. student .in ,of speech of Northwestern C. McNanîara. ôf Winnetka n of the l.uncheon commi ,t- .1l be assisted by Mrs. Byers frs. Mi. Harry Weber, Mrs. \Vard, anid'Mrs. Frank M. fW.innietka; Mrs. 'C. P. id Mrs. John A. Turner of 'frs. Tom Dix of Kenil-. [rs.- Samnuel -Lingle, Mrs. IMcCaIlum, Mrs. ýEsther id Mrs. Paul Smithers of rold F 4'ideman of Kenil- sient of the North SI'r hapter, wvill preside at the -eeting following the one iche.on. ears OId onstance Nuzuni, daug M ,Nrs. John W. Nuzun gaui avenue, enterta ests' aI, a children's p celebratig her sevt Decorations were E ald as the hostess' ný two cakes made in mribs were.. erved witl Is. Engagçd 5yIlte r m of ined arty ,enth Francis Xavier Underwood k& Underwood A1 bride of fthe laie sitinwr Ui11i lu' Miss lIiifr-ed .anc ;ldkinis. f i blelirotial Io John ;F Johiison of> Chico go was anîzioiiit-id. re.ceii uv by lier Parents. 11r. 'andmi r.J N. .4kinsof Jfilmctt<. Guiki Completes Plans for Easter-Time Sale ame Foods and candies, gifts and plants, the flowers of spring and gay colored t h e eggs in thecir baskets wvi11 be an in- vitation t.o shoppers Saturday mrorni-, îng of this week from 9, in tle moru- inïg utl ï12 ini the aftertioot, at the Easter-time sale in.,the Parisli House, of St.* Augustine's Episcopal clurch. The Associated guilds, representedby -the four- circles of the churchi, are, sponsors of this early spring event. Acomnhmittee consisting of mnibers ofcac cicleis ardatwork for a iqiu iz, last Suni- the members ofthi aeyiVrczd i4#rs. Cadeton. Was'h- the husbands of1 bu>' f Wne a announced the entertainment in 1 betrotlwl of (udr daughter, Bec- the evening of Pri trice, to IEgge-f iMeyer. The wed- Clifford E. Ies if dinîg probably zill take place.,next program which wi wznte. - nd readings. in charge of consist of sol Party in Mid-May *Plans arc huiiiiiiig a1o ilad arneents a ie t -ikiinl defi- iiute forni for, the, St. Francisý Xavier« May I)arty to be lield .()I Satura ay. 18, at 8 lck a.t Shawnee Cotintry clb. The Rev. Bernard Brady 's pastoi 1of St. Trancis :church, and the1 Rev. John C. Keenan is general chairmai, of the par ty, A group representing the varions societies and organi7a. tions of the parish attended a meet-* ing last Monçlay eve ning and pledgèd assistance and support to the chair man. The women wvho -are ~rî as committee chairmen are. M rs. Louisý Peterhans- t.Icketý M\ 'rs. Godfrey J, Qeldermnan. patroni charma; Ms.Frank- Kay, M Nrs Frank P. >Collyer-, prizes w1lfchi in- clude one for each table Mrs.Hàrr', L. Barker, refreshmnents; _Mrs. Mai- shiall\V. Keaerneyr, puhicitv chairmfai: Father Keeniati las caled anothc-r mneeting of a1.1 the men and wýornen oS the parishi for Moànday eveninÉ, Apri' ?2, at St. !Francis sehool. hiall, and J, *urging th'em 10 respond and do thei: to 1make this' parish Mapîart, One-hun11dred Pei- tcent cyfi High School Prospects Hold Assembly Saturday ']'I(. hrst- of a series of five OîDi to-N.\ew%-Tricr" asetibhiieF for eig.hthI grade..ptipi1s who are, 10 enter higl, sch-ool. next fali, xvasield Saturda-v evening ai'. the Xinnetka \Vomn's) club, with D)el ,Hamlin's orchestra playing. rs.Theron\V lono Hubba rd Woods is organizer and di- rector of tiue group. The hosts and hostesses Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest S. Ballard of Win- .netka; Mr. and Mrs. Frank W Ketch am of. Kenilwortli; Mr. and Mrs. Clinton A.. Carpenter. Mrs. H{enry W. Drucker and Mrs. Mar- Sp oke to Meef Tuesday Spoice Ôod the Presbyteriai harcI- wilI mecc for 1 o'clock luiicheort on Tuesday, April 23, with IMrs. '11 C. Hoefer,' 1445 Central avenue. Th%! assisting;ho)stess is Mrs. Russeli Freil.

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