*The final round of coittract bridge will be played ini preparation for the sectional tournament between the winner of similar rounds of the North, West, and South side groups of the* Chicago Alumnae chapter:' P lans also will1 be coip leted for a- card party to be heldin May. at the Delta Zeta. Chapter bouse in Evans- ton for the benefit of the. national Delta, Zeta social service, project, a tnouti community school 'located at.Vest, Ky. .Arthur Stones Announce Engagement of Daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Roos Stone, 1519-Edgeo-wood lane, Hubbard Woods, announice the engagement- Of theirI daughter, Elizabeth,. to, Oliver Perry Prouclfoot of Milwaukee, son of Mrs. Charles S. Proudfoot of Niagara Falls, N. Y. Miss Stone attended Ward Beiniont, in Nashville, and M.r., Proudfoot is a graduate of Penni state,. Their wedding is »t take place early in the: fali. The announcernit was made at a- tea giveri Sunday, April 7, byý Miss Stone's maternai grandrnother, Mrs. Elizabeth Fuérst of Austin. ing oi thie 'Garden class curectead y- Mrs. Charles Norman on Tuesday morning April 23, at. the home of Mrs. George H. Beaudin; of the book study class the following Tutes- day at Mrs. Uarry Sherwvin's, with "«He Sient For-th a ýRaven" the prob-' able book for. review ,, of the Paro-ý chiai Schoel Art exhibi t at thýe Davis store; of the P.T.A. card party at Shawnee the Wednesday after Easter; of the club's ,spriglucena Shawnee, the* late, cbanged -to Wed- nesday, May 1. Cualled for. their saliency were the facts incorporated inito the smoothly' writt eu paper of Mrs. Beaudin's on the life and habits of, the "Bard of Avon." She madeit easy te picture ini his surrQundings, the mani with the pointed beard who wrote thirty-seven pl 'ays in twenty years,' the mari still famous today ."because of bis great un- derstanding and khowledge of life and bis symnpathy for it."'l To bring him dloser, the introduc- tiôn of participants in the prôgrami was in the quaint parlance of the day. ".Mistress" Aifreda Berminghamn presentedl Shakespeare's songs in- a group of three, "Who Is Sylvia?"ý by Schuibert; "Mistress Mine," and "Ilark, Hark the Lark." "Mistress" Florence lr'oad pre- sented her "comq!pany of play.ers," for a hnishe prising, and to do, was sur- In direct contrast to the, tragic note, Mrs. Charles Broad broiught a, light. touch f0 bier "Seven Ages of Woüman," humorous, modemn.' Mrs. Bermingham, with a Puccini aria and, two modern songs by John'Alden Carpenter ended, the programi on a, modern key., Only a short time ago we heard ber sing, and we reiterate what we have said before. The 'In quelle trine morbide"' from Manon Les caut, however,, she sang more, freely, with more.fullness, more feel- inq. and volume of tone than, she dis-. played in the last aria we heard. Marina: Setaro gave'hem expressive, ready supý- portas accompanist.. "Cobwebs". was the fanciful encore. Shakespeare day with the tea following, ended the fine, arts g rams for the current season. bout pro- T Iicets may bé Robert Bichi of from Mns. B. C.1 est avenue. Supper Daànce Dorothy- Wieland, '144 Woodstoclc avenue, Kenilwortb,. will entetain twelve. guest.s at, a .suppýer dance Sat-. urday' in honôr. of bier thirteenth birthday, She- is. the daughter of, the William Wielands.> White Ihi la 707 Church Evansfon St; 700NORTH MICHIGAN AVENUE inw