Deadlixe yor Insertioip-cp4nup'dýruýea p.ý3L r WILMETTE LIFE or ail three papers; Weédnesdayý 9 P. M., for WINNETICA TALK. .and ThursdaY 6 P. M. for G ECENBW8 Telephones: Wilmette 4300, Winnetka 2000 (Winnetkta 506 ate= 6P.M.),- Greenleaf 4300 or Sheldrake 121&1217. ILOUT AND lFOUNDý LOST-OLD, FASHIONED -GOLD BAR~ pin -Àith garnet in center. Suitable reward for Its return. Mrs. E. P. Fatch, 611: Washingtonl Ave., Wilmette. Phone Wllmette 932 . . 3LTN5O-ltc 2 LLEWELYN SETTERS,, BLACK AND .white, both maies. No questions asked. Ph. kenilworth 2010. 3LTN5O-ltp LOST- IRISH SETTER, 5 MONTHS old. Answers te name ".Mickey." Ph. Ienilworth 2769. 3LTN50-1tp COLONIAL MAHOGANY HIGHI POST- er bed, carved ýbookcase, Victorian Rocker, andirons. carvecd. cabinet, large davenpoetc t. 438 Briar Place, Ç14lilago. Ph. Bittersweet 3659.7rO-t BýUILDING AJND REPAIRS JOSEPH KNEIP CEMENT AND MASON CONTRACTOR 1714 Washingtonl Avenue Wllmette ý2618s 15A-LTN49-$tp MC KIBBAN-BUILDER. REMODEL- ing, repairlng, painting, cernent. work, plastering, porches. Time payments, no Interest. Cet mny price. Ph. Wilmette VICTORIAS TEXTILE WEAVING M&oth Iloles, igarette Burns , Miss- weaves, Cuts, Tears, Spots, Button 1Holes WE REWEAVE THEM IN CLOTH AND GARMENTSý first-class workmarlship ' . modlerate -Pric es . . . qulick service WINNETKA 2136 16LTN5-ltP WE HAVE SECURED AN UNUSUAL biuy on new Elgin factory guaranteed, watches, that regularly seli up te $30, which we wiil seil for $15. te $18 cash., T-- -C- CLoCK REcPAltiRNO CLOCK EXPERT, -CImE, HALLN antique dlock repalring. Learned trade tu Europe. (Formierly with .Tiffany and FIeId's) WiII cali. Free estimiate. David Johansson, phQne Diversey 2041. -20LTN45-Stp COLLETTE SOEURS DESIGNERS AND -M)AKORS Gowns-WrapsSultts-Coat8 orinal-Copled--Restyled-Aýltered 833 Elm. st. WInnetka 1011 2SLTN49-4tp A PERSONAL STYLE SERVICE for the growing girl 'and stylish stout. Dressmaking and Alterations *TH'E CORINNE SHOPPE 5 107 Chest'nut St. Winn. 2740 22LTN50-ltp MISS BOLAND Dlesigns, makes, copies and aiteris gowns, wraps, suits, coats, in your' home. Ph. Wllmette 855. 22LT1N49-4tp ELECTRICAL. SEviCE Vacuum Cleaner Rpairs Have your cleaner overhauled before spririg cleaning thne. We service aIl makes, Free pick up and delivery. ALSO NEWLY REBUILT CLEANERS Glencoe Bicycle- Shop 708 Vernon Ave. Glencoe 57 ________23LTN47-tfe -- FA4,M !RODUCE____ To Your Easter Dinner ndd the final touch with ;i dessert topped or mixed lwith m-ih i 1p 1)e d Crea M. For crenm tbatq's sure to whip 4quickly and, eas;ilv eall1 *Mellody FarrnsDairy 1-ake Forest:. Wilniette 4489 24LTN50-ltc Special rÀ )ur .zdt1 DNLXY FIR~LACE27LTN50-ltp > BLACK SOIL. A. .YARD LOAD ....... .$ XJ. SCHMITT- NORTHBROOK 39 27LTN47-etP. GARDENING WORK DONE B3Y EXP.. MAN. ALSO' HAUL- ing black dirt. Low rates..Wil. 3687. 2!LTN47-4tp fl.AYMOND LEVERNIER Biack Dirt and Manure 1153 Pine Street GienvieW, Illinlois Phone Glenview 21 Gleneoe 926 27LTN46-Stp LANDSCAPE SERVICE; YARD AND garden work efficiently done; rock gardens, plants, trees.and shrubs; black dlrt and fertilizer. Ph. 'Winnetka 9380: 27LTN49-4tp INÉTRucTrioN KNITTING MATERIALS: AND IN- structions furnishied, for sweaters, àuits and dresses. Jiffy sweaters made to ordier. Ph. Winnetka 190, Mrs. Wolter._ 3OLTN50-îtp WtDIWU G I@L8 0-KI-HI STABLES A Riding School PAUL STJERNHOLM AND.W. HOMER Taylor. Expert instructiôn for beein- ners, intermediates and advanc~ed riders. Enjoy breakfast, luncheon, moonlight rides. Low rates. For info;rmation éalI. Wilmette 779. 30A-LTN49-2tp LAUNDRY CURTAINS. FUR-NITITRE COVERS. *Soft shirts. Other laundry work. Very reas. WiII eall for and deliver. 886 Willow. Winnetka 1924. 34L'12N50-4tp WANTED-LAUNDRY WORK, WILL call for and deliver. Wet wash or al. m-ork finlshed. Phone Wilmette 907. _________________ 34L'1N50-ltp MUSICALINSTRUMENTS FOR SALE - MASON *& HAMI-INT Grand. Mah'ogany. ' xcellent condi- tion. Bargain for cash. Phone Gleflcoe 13à87. .40LTN50-ltp PAINTING, AND DECORATING' Paint, Pa per 5 Rms., $34,50 CEILINGS CALC., $1, UP SANITAs ANýD CANVASING WORK. 1 Rm. wallpaper cleaned, 75c; bathroom enamneled, $5 up; kitchen painted, $6 up. 5. rms. firs. washed, varnîshed, $8. Porches, $15. Windows, 50c. Refs. Free estimates. -Materials furnished.- XfwTT.T OiTXf ln rrr LOUIS WIL. 5034 42L'PN50-ltp PErS______ FOR SALE-DOBERMIANN PINSCHER puppiespedigreed, Price reasonable. Phone Irenilworth 2322. .44LTlN50-Ite PIANOTUNINO ___ PIANOS TUNED AND) REGULATED Work Guaranteed FPactory,,Dea1er; Acoustic Lab. experi- ence:;1 good references. E.. I. Van Harlingen.. Ph. Wilmette 2744. 45LTN45-tfe EXPERT P'IANO TUNING $3.. REPAIR work guaranteed., 22 years Factory experience.. H. C. Thomas, 517 Fair- view Ave., Park, Ridge 699-R. 45LTrN47-4tp 39WINQ MACHINIE REOAIRINOi SEWING MACHINES AND VACUUM CLEANERS, ALL kinds repaired. Estiblished more than fittY years ago. Now Iocated in Wil- mette. I.&E. Blunt, Tel.-Wilmette 754 or 4368. .53LTN29-tfcý PROMPT RE-PAIR SERVICE Singer portablé sewin 9 machine,. good condition. $20. Cali Mr. Cunningbami University 8388.1 53LTN47-4tp UPHOL$TERV AND RE-PAIRS - YOUR FURNITURE RE-UPHO-S'TER-, Sed, rernodeled and refinished, better than new. Phone and our estimator, wilI caîl with complete line of materiails. Tuesday, Tlur.Sday- and St urday until 10 P. M Davi ts Fur niture, Craftsmen 721-r23 Main St., Evan-1ý. Ui.7210 68LTN50-lte- NORTH1 SHORE UPHOL.sTERING CO. Utpholotering, rePailng and.reftnishlng. 2948 Central Street, Evanston, I. UNIVERSITY 2871 58LTN47-4tp LOANi LOANS. ON .AUTOMOBILES Confidentlal service, legal rates9 MOTOR LOAN CO. State Bank Bldg., Evanston. Gre. 3200, Fratk'S Domestic Bureau 421 RICHMOIND RD. KENILWORýTH- 2nd FI. village Hall. Ken*iiworth 6221. WE HAVE' REGISTERED IN OUR office 1o general iraids, nurse Maidsf 12 second rnaid.s, 9 ooks and 8 coupfles. White and énlored. Ail., first class, with yearx. of ex- Perience and A-1. rQfereflces-. ('14 f A r" f-r-r, r. GLENCOE HOUSECLEANEIRS BLACK DIR1T 8 YDS.$5. a Window washipg. Picors wazed. Walis, Cow ananure $10 îoa .' woovtr4,cleaned. Garden wotk. fireplaces $9 ton delivered ýÜ19L'1'N5141t mon, 435 lUlge Rd.. Wlme. "". . 1 c e 3. 1 42L"N49-4"> oodfo ROYAL DECORATORS AND PAINT-' Auder- ers. Ail work reasonable and guaran- teed. FPor estimnates phone Wil. 2806.,j N41-4tp42LTN50-ltc Irsinig, cooking, servlng, dry, or plain sewing. Beni mi, EXPER, WANTS Wi F orý week, .or generi wor ritka 3349. '4 i .ltc one 1