The theme of the convention was "New Horizons.." Wednesday afternoon Mrs. B.' F. Langworthy, president cof the Na- tional Congress of Parents and Teach- *ers spoke in a general way on the flew Uorizons in education and corn- pared thern ith the old. Today our concern as - parents .and teachers should be. with the so-called "fads and'f rilîs" iii the schools, the in dus- . trial arts and shop .work, she said. At the- diiner on Wedfiesday eve- ning Dr. ,Raymond . .,Fairchild, president of the Illinois, State Normal university,. spoke. on "New Horizons ini School Educationi."' "Life activi- * ties and lift interests shouldeuct and should flot train -for if e but be life itself," lic asserted. ,"Wç canniot, deal* Nith live America, with a. dead curriculum!" * "New Horizons for Youth" wvasý *the subjeCct discussed by, Dr. A.. A. Hamarin, associate professor, of edu,- cationi, Northwestern uiiiversity.' Dr. W. . Bauer (a Wilmette resident) director of th e Bureau of *Health and Public Instruction, Ameni- can Medical association, spoke on "New Horizons in HIealtlb," ,and Lyle, iTacArthuitr, chaiman in the Peoria Safety couincil, spoke on th!e safety phase. The Inglaterra, largest available building in Peoria, held'the 1,500 at- tprfn inz delezates att-he Weclnesdav weeic to Detroit, to be ;oinediDy' Mr. and Mrs. George G. Gries, driv- ing from there to Ashevýitle, N. C., for a ten-d ay sojourn. Mrs. .Gries is Mrs. Fiher' sîsster. Miss Virginia -Johnston, 321 11el- rose avenue,' KenilWvorth,, is visiting Betty Breit at the latters parernts' home in Miami .zBeach, Fia. -o0 M.'and Mrs. Robert Watt, of Racine, Wis, former1y >of Kenilworth, were w-,eek-end guests of the C. 'Ho-.' ward Bents, 2000 Beechwbod avenue. 0o- joseph Swan, 932 Lake avenue, who has been with the Kraft Cheese-corn- panly in Wausau, Wis., has been transferred- to Chicago. Mi,1ss. Elizabeth Packer, dean of. girls at New Trier High school, spent her wveek's spring vacation at Turkey Run, m Id., hiking through the ravines. 0o ,Mr. and Mrs. Roger. Williams, 410. Forest avenue. will entertain, their duiner bridge club this Saturday. CHAIRMAN I ADVERTISER Ace Motor -Sales...... Cover III: Alaska Railroad ............ 49. 4American Physicians Laboratories ............ 1 Antunes, H. F .............. 59 Atkins & DurbrQw, Inc....... 53 Berg, Henry W.. ....5 Blann Pbarmacy........ Bolb.... i...............5 Bonneni, The Tailor........ 10 Book Nook....... ......... 48 Borden's.........30 .Boulevard Drug Co...10, 16,57 Braun Bros. Oil Go.. 33, Cover IV ClIdwell geed Co ........... 52 PAGE 1 Mannerud, Ethel........ S, 13 Marshall field à& Go........ **.-î . .... 23, 34Y 35, 41 Mercer Lumber Companies ... 50 Mestjian Brou .............. 41 Murine Go. ..di............33 Murphy-Miles O1 Go .......39 Nelson, Swaift &. Co........ 53 New Trier Service Station .... 57 Nortb Shore Day Camp, lac.. .47 Oil Well, The .............. 14 Pagarujo, D....... *,..... 5 Peacock Ice Cream......... 14, Pennsylvana Oi Co ....24 -7 style! You'I be the proudest person in the EÉaster parade if you take advantage of the Iasit,.minute.val. ues, offered in this issue of Your' Home Paper. The thing toý do is to sit down right' now and coin- plete your and your family's ward- robe... select*your.EaLster 'me nu and plan for the coming seaon ..from the messages of, q e e *of tie;Convýention was given by Wal- ter W. Millard of the National Mu- nicipal league, speaking on "New Horizons in Public Administration." *Ail day Thursday was devoted to .group conferences and consultations which treated ail the departments of Parent-Teacher work. * On Thursday evening a reception was held at the Pere Marquette hotel folowed by a joint dinner. The topic Kivy . Ji. LNUIOeles .... a Goe, Aimer & Co ............ 19 Comniunity Theatre........ 59 Co-Op, The............... 48 DeNelda Beauty Salon ....... 10 Diedrich, Edyth ............ 17 Dutch Mill Candies .........10 Enyart-VanCamp & Feil, hIc.. 50 Erickson, Ben..............58 Esther B,*euty SIop...........5 aLctizLVatios n mLory.'~ "Blessed is the Man," by Louis The~ Valencia. bas boi Zara, will be reviewed before a group. grand entertainnient for: sponsored by the P.T.A. by Mrs. Carl and Thursday, April 24 ai Johnsen of Winnetka >Monday, April Gilded 'Lily," In which Cla 22, at Howard school- auditorium at bert wavers between an 1 :30 o'clock. paper pal and a titled 1 Fred Mac Murray is un Theý ballroom dancing class ýwiIl tractive and sooth in a have its final party Friday eveuig rprerôrlé. Labial, Bros.............. 28 Lindwall, H. G .............5Si Lord's....... 22, 26, 27, 30, 37 Lyman Pharmacy ........ 51 Quinlan &Tyson .... e.......51 Ratny, Herman J. . ......8 Renneekar' Drug Go ......... 9 Rensch Warehouse ......... 65' Ridge Avenue, Pharmacy .... Y Ridge Road Ploriats......-.5 Ring Ting Gandy Shopa. ...19 St. John's Luth cran Church.....13 Sehloesser's .............. ..7 Radio, Shop ............... 59 WiImette Stat Bank, - . Cover IV Wilmette Theatre ........... 59 Winter, Geo. B. nc ........ 8 Worthçn's ....... .......... 2 OurAdvertisers PAGE ADVERTISER