--- LLP atlu~ *ic& a uemon-J stration proving that Cubs' time was %Veil spent. Cubs h-ave hobbies,« includ-' Ing ail kinds, of bealthful xctivity-+ and, ail. in ail, they get a great. deal. ouf of Sclouting. - WM'a Exhibit Awaotrd. Troop 4 was awarded second place for its .presentation 'of an '*Act*, of Scouting." Sea Scout Ship O uim.e was awarded first place for its; dis- play in the hobby' show. The Snipe Nor'easter was moored firmly in place %ivith its snoiv white canvas reaching ail the. way to the c-ciling. It attracted. the attention of everyone' who en- tered the gym t.hat nighit. T1he Sea Scouts worked so bard on, their ex- hibit.that they were the only Scout uinit which failecd to take part inthe ~Acts of Scouting." .T'roop I.. re- ceivàd second placeý for its exhibit of hiobbies., Hobby Show Best inY..axa Car! Hannen, chaiÉrman for* the hobbN show,%. reports nearly nine hun-, dred tickets. were sold. The Stolp scliool gymi was completely packed during the entire evening. And by ait indications, this year's show xvas more successful than any, show in past years. Proceeds fromn the show will be used' *to send a representative froin each scouit unit to Washington for the Na- tional jamnboree this-summer. A rep- *resentative scout bas been picked fromn nearly every one' of the troops, packs and ships in Wilmette. 'Here's a Roariwg Climnax 'hevenirig was climiaxed Ihy a huîiùorous incident during the "AÀct., of Scotintg." Troop 3 hiad just pre- sented a demionstration of fire hv fric- tion. and Troop 1 was scheduled to *have thie stage next. Its act ,%as* to deinonstrate different methods oüf eniergency. carries that scouts know and are ahie to, put into use.. An im-' pro vised stretcher .was made froni the boys coats and two long poies. The v*,ictimi" was carefully laid on th~e stretcher. and the two stretcher car- riers- Ibent down and lifted the "in- »f the association. rs and he can be .Grand avenue, Carlos Photo Airs. Herbert I., Leachp, 630 Wash i îtnaveu, aithrsday îîighst tas're'elected cliairnan aiof he W'iImfefe Pla3wroupnd and R ecrea- tiosiboard - 1<>' nofh& r ear. Mrs. Leach lias serve'd as chu irmnan of the' board for tvo .%,a rs. HOME FROM NASHVILLE Miss Jane Spinney, 927 Ashland avenue. who attends Northwestern universitv, returned Mon.day from Nash%-Ille, Tenui., where she aiid three classmnates înotored to spend five davs. The, H. C. Carroils, 214 Ninith Street,, are moving to the Linden Crest' apartments., 6dyh 'Viedrichý REDUCINO THE.-JANUS METHOD. Ifealthful, Stimulating FOR SYMMETRY AND BEAUT 'Y Of jOI)Y nd. REÈ)ÙCIN 0F WEIGHT a nd BUDGET PLAN i DISCOUNTED PRICES 13 CONTOUR ROBOT TREATMENTS, Sil$ 6dytk Viedrick ThÉ lanus Mothod of Reducint and Reizoaonatint P argligwa e is hore. The chili ýof re-, cent week s provides your opporfunify now to secure on. of ýthe. e- mainhng rnembersips bainthe.FIirmit ed. $44 gr ou p at Arrin 1ton. Here's your $100 club "-for haf! Corne out. now;, play as our guest. Or >write or p hoône (Wheeling 89) rnrned- ateýly- for membership reservration. Deautiful course, water holes, EelU-traf"pd b en t,èns Fine club' ho use, cemjpletely *appointéd. ARLINGTON COUNTRY CLU., Arlington Heigkts, 0i. n Dundee Rd., two nités W.est o f Wheelrng. SFREE GOLF LESSONS We feach you the mastery ofil crowd. "ine aivarcls earnecl ttat nîight vv?!! be given to the ininr at the - inext court of hionor -Monday cvening, May 06 EDGA&R A. STEVENS ANNUAL SUIT CLEARANCEý F ugene L., Ray 1606 CHICAGO AVE., Evanston UNlversity 22m 1717 SHERMAN AVENUE Evansteis Opposite Varsity Theatre (CÇHIÇCGO STORE~:: 1800 JRVING PARK BLVD.) 1. 1"