* This Baba'i convention," the Na- tional Spiritual Assembly states, *wilF be composed of a body of ninety- five delegates elected . by the local B8aha'a communities ini mor'e t han fifty cities- of, the United States and Can- ada. Similar conventicrnS are, held on this date iin England, Germany, Egypt, Iraq, Persia, India, Australia, and New Zealand, and TUrkistan. Carl Hannen of 536,Sheridan road, .%\ilmiette, will, represent the Wilmette -Assibly as their delegate. The convention is usually heid dur- ing the period of twelve days f rom April -21 to Maiy 3, during which is held in observance the Feast' of Ridvan (pronounced Rizvan) com - miemotating the timùe in 1863 when Balia'u'Ilah, in the garden of Ridvan, (rneaning. Garden cf' Paradise) de- c lared bis mnissio n to his folloWers, more than twenty thousand cf whom. carlier and later, gave their lives iii devotion to his cause. * On Saturday even ing the Baha'is will hold their Feast cf Ridvan in Foutîationhall. Ou Sunday afternoon, at 3 :30 'clock a service will be held to which * the public is invited and at which out- standing speakers f rom other parts cf the country wilI- be heard. Mme, * Barry-Orlova will speak on the sub- ject -The Power cf the Bahai Faith." .of th~e dates for the 1935,. session of the Vacation- camp and Summer Tiîtoring school; As ini other years, tihis Vacation camp will be sponsored by the ýNorth Shore 'School cf Conx- oceitrtion in, Winiietka, and will be Unlder the. personal supervîsîcît cf D).r.:,B. F. Aiderson-Swedel.ius, head master of that school. This Vacation camp will open on july 5 and con- tinue through August 31. A\s heretofore, the 1935 Vacation (-ami) and Suminer Tutoring school study program is so arranged that tutôring will be available on al elementary and secondary school sub- jects, including mathemnatics and languages. The camp is open to boys f rom 15 to 18 years of age. The study prograin and ail camp activities -will be under-the constant diréction of tonl, Iowa. -i elthboaiu inake their permane nt Angeles. inL SPECIALLY REDUC!D Twoi.,aned Throe-Piece Stylés 57Spainish Courtl-Wilmette 467 -àWL FuIl Web, Spring Tied Eight Ways. Hair and Cot- ton Feit FiHld Hard Wood Dç uble. Do0wle d Frame. Fini:eh can be hiad in wàil- nut or fruit wood finish. I hf gr.