Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Apr 1935, p. 38

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New Club President Annuel Meeting Brings Election; Surrill Play by Home Talent: Photography Exhibil By JEAN FOX Mrs. David J. Davis, first. vice- president of the .W\oman's Club of Wilmette, was elected presi- dent for the corning terni at the annual, business session, Wed- nesday of Iast %veek. M.\rs,. Frank R. Adais was made first v ice-7 president and.Mr..,W.. Whitaker Baer, recording secreta ry. Four chairmen an(! the headS. 01 four standing comfmittees were namcd( on the samne ticket. Tfhe chairmren arc.. Mrs. Paul B. Wagner, art;, Mrs. C. iprichi, child and homne; Ms.Gien S. Roberts, mtisi 'c, and Mrs. George L. Walk, philanthiropy. Serving as heads of standing cornniittces wifl be: Mrs. H. C. Toeppen, rentaIs,; mr,. Anker' L. Christy, bulletin; MNrs'. George' 1). Conice, ways and meails. and .Mrs. Rollo Gullickson. juIor1 advisor. -Completing two years cf dévoted- service, Mrs. A. E. Klunder, the ne- tiring president, in her coniprehen- sive annual report, . mentioned theý dozens and dozens cf members who, with her. have workedbard te make Al local. talent, part iteràry, and part dramatic, cooperated te present Jthe waiking rehearsal which brought f to a close the club programs for this year. Mrs. James A. l3urrill %vrote and I ' Mrs. George Lamb directèd the one- I act play, "'Beggars are Chioosers," I whicb was given by: Mr. enry Hall I(Aunt Sairey Bisbce), Mrs. GkÇ-n Roberts (Abbie Foster), Henry von I <er Hloif (Hank Bisbee), Mrs. John t' &Boddie (len Bisbeey, Lee Blavlock. 'prologue. LeBlaylock picked himself up out ot a chair exactly as a do-Iess, gawky eighteen-year-old should; Eleanor Williams nieyer lacked'a snappy corne- back for' ber rude brother; Mrs.. Boddie' s indolence defies description. I're'rans ini the Colonial village/ at A C o ur f Progress Î in 1934. and one il lthei'lîeIou.çc ,înd, i l' (e'"dqe,'qin'. lue een qi7en ruM iss -leI~e u 'niWç hO w.ill <:ppl'uîr (if /lianimual lunch- *gon cOf flic WIllna ç m lîli 'ls lia" , ai 1:30 o'clock. Rabbi Mann +0o Address Birth Control League A groeuIî of inorth shorc officers cf at 3 o dcock Monday, April 29. Dr. Louis L. Mann, rabbi of' Mt.. 5ai conl- gregation, Chicago, wIlI Ve the speaker,, his subject being "Legislation and Birth Control."'rea will be served after bis talk. The north shore officers (if thc 'league include Mrs. Nathan S. Pavis, Mrs. James Poi'ter,,Mrs. \Vil- loughby Walîiing, and 'Mrs. Arthur, Cushman~, cf Winnetka, Mrs. Williami R. Odel cf Lake Forest, and Mrs. Norman WVaite ocf Evanston. closed with tea, and an exhiblitof pbotography by Clyde Brown of Wil- miette, chief photographer' of the rotogravure section of fixe Daily News. Sevtra1 mernbers of the Wilmette' I.eague' of Womeni Voters expect to. attendl the Fourteenth' Annual con- venition of the linois léakue in Spring- f el May 13, 14, and 15. The convention '%ill oe on MaY 13.' with a lunicheon at the Leland ho- tel. %vlîert the delegates will he eoffi- cials' elcomed by Mayor John W. Knapp). Jr. At, this lunicheon, aise, there will be a "VyNt discussion in which ail local Icague members will 1141e an opportunity te. ask state board, inefmbcrsay etos they, please or lodgc any complaints thùy may have.. Follosvipg this the six departments oo the league \vill hold their: meetings and propo>se their- programs for the ensu- iiig year. O>ne of tlî< highlighits of the cOnvein- tion wvil1 Ve a trip te the l.egislaturýe on May 14. Preparatory to the visit to the (;eneral assembly a' Legisiative fo0rùm wiIl 4ie held. "'fhi.ngs to Look for in the l',gislatiure by TJdise WhoKo' ,will he !ini charge of Mrs. Florence Fýifur Bobrer of Bloemington, former senator cf the twenty-sixth district, Represenitative Lottie Holman O' Neill of DoAners Grove, and Representativce Fiernice T. Van der Vries of' Winntetkýa, ail. league members. l>imiier meetings are being plauin iir the' evenings of May 14: and 15. Arrangmnents for speakers are being made, 'fhecbusiness sessions. will. hc held at '2 on May. 14 and at 9 on Ma15', Board members and officers for the ensuing terms will be electedj at tlic Mrs. Laura Hughes Lunde cf C agoý is .serving as convention chairtr and Mrs. Alton G. Hall cf Springfi i s vi]ce-chiairmani. Committee aoJpoi ments are being made and will he no0Urced. Mrs. Frank P. Hixon, president the Illinoisleague, will preside at con.%4ent ion. John McMahiIl, Jr., 4ftthor-actor- lecturer, urho is said 'to bc "re- freshingly differen t," u411 read his 0wit play ai the, 0itiual sI>ring Iticheo» of t/w ,Wornan.ç Catholic Club of Wilmnette ois May, day., ýhi- mai] field ,int - Ethel Mil Glencoe niontho of the N~ ter at th fl-Iou se.- c)r Garden Center ills to Show Pictures of Eng- Doorways and Gardens on M-ay 6 1Vountdcrs' chapter- of the EGarden club during the of, May. will have charge .program every Monday N~orth Shore Gardexi cen.- 'ie Winnetka Community :On the afternoon of May 6, at 2:30' o'clock, Mliss, Ethel Milîs cf Glencue %viii give' an 'illustrated lecture on -Lnglish Doorways and Ga r dens»aîd at this lecture the Founder.ý chapter is inviting ail the members of the (;.r- den, clubs represented in, the (;ardle.n center te Ve guests. Mrs. Percy Armstrong of Glencot xvill lie the speaker at the', morniiig meeting on May 13., at 110-:30 o'clock. fier subjéêt. is to be' "Primu)tlas.» On Monday imorning, -May, 9 0 3 o'clock, Mrs. 1-omer Horton Nvill hc ture on "The .Waukegatil)unesjin Eanly.,Suimmer." Mrs. Jaxnes.\\'hite will, talk on "Annuals In the Hardy Border, and the Cutting'ade" May 27, at 10:30. At the last t.hree mecetings appropni- ate exhibits ivill be arran ged by a committee of the Founders chapiter. AIl the lectures will )e held lMu Nlatz hall. Passion Play Programn Offered toCommunity- A lecture on the "Passion Play 'of Oberammergau." by Marie MýXayer, of which she illustrates with pictures, xvill the Vie -given for the community at larg e Friday evening, May 10, at-8:15 o'clock, under auspices cf the Home Missionany, s-ociety cf the Wilmette ParishMth- dist church. The speaker gives lier comment upon the worid-famious plaN. itself 'beforeshowing her pictures. Mn~. Cou ntry Club Danc. The Country Club of Evanston announces a dance for. members and tbeir guests on Saturday night, M4ay 4, from 9 o'clock until 1. Bill Lytton and b is orc hestra wilI play, for dan-. cing.

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