Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 May 1935, p. 59

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69L1-ltp CHAUFFEUR.. HOUSEMAN, GAR- dener aiso, butier. 1Willing worker. N. S. refs. Smail wages. Csll Univer- sity, 1964 days or University, 345à eves. 69LTlX-ltp CLEANING. YARD WORK, PAINTING or any kind of handy man work. Good references. Phone. Davis 7857. 69LTN1-litp WANTED POSITION AS CHAUF- feur, experlenced gardener. Phone Wilmette 3687. 69L'PN1-ltp YOUNG MAN AGE 23-CHAUFFEUR. Experienced. Cali Wilmette 725. ___________69LTN1-ltp 817. WTd=-MAL.« AND FEMALE *Reinhart Empi. Agency HIGH GRADE DOMESTIC IIELP Nurses, chauffeurs and gardeners. 748 Elm St. Winnetka 3399 7OLTN51-tfc 4 in family, no laundry........... $15 4 in family, cook .................. $20 3 in famlly, 1 chi'id.... ..........$15 4 in family, nurse, gen'I ......... $15 Many other positions open $10 to $18. Apply now. Rcinhart Empi. Agency 748 Elm St. Winnetka 3399 71LTrNl1te WOMAN, CULTURED, WANTED BY * successful Michigan Avenue F'ur estab- lishment. Must have large social follow- * Ing, beiong to clubs or have advantageous contacts. Can earn good income; saiary or commission arrangement. Miller Fur Co., 116 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ili. 71LTN-l1tc WHITE MAID FOR GEN'L HOUSi work. Good cook. Age 25 to 35. Wil or without laundry.. Own room 'ai bath. 4 adults. Phone Wiimette 9.5f 71LTN1,I WANT 'TO GET IN TOUCH WT ,white woman doing day work, inte ested -in exchanging housework fi rooro and board. Cali Winnetka M1 71LTN1-1 Experienced h elp FOR1 SODA FOUNTAIN, Apply Walgreen's, Hubbard Woods. 71L-ltv SALESWOMAN WANI'ED, ACQUAINT- ed on the North Shore, to seil Fertilizer to the consumer. Salary and commis- Mion. Ph.one Wilmette 4228 for appoint- Real estate, burnier sales o r heat- ing equipmnent experience or con- tacts will prove 9f value. Chicag and suburban territory is available. Write fully, giving experience and connections and indicate full or part time preference. Please give-phone number. Address É-185 , Box 40, Wilmette, 111.- 72LTN-ltp HELR WANTKD-MALl AND FEM&%LE 'We Need. Help!. COUPLES, COOKS, SECONDS, GENq- ERALS AND NURSES. GOOD WACES. Carlson's Empi. Agency Now at 818 Ellm St. Winn. 3328, __________________ 73LTN52-2tc WANTED Cooks, generals and 2nds. Also, couples. .Appiy now -for High lass, positlorn-s. .Reinhart Empi.,Agency 748 Elm St. Winnetka 3399 73LTNI-1.tc EXPERIENCED HELP KEEP IN CONTACT.- WITH US NEW POSITIONS OPEN DAILY Frank's Domestic Bureau 421 Richmond Rd Kenilworth 5221 73LTNl-ltc 4 couples...................... $1001 10 cc,-aples ................... $60-$100 25 Generai maids .......... ..... $7-$15 5 seconds-nursemaids ........... $7-$10 6 Mothers' helpers ... .... 5$ CENTRAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Highland Park, 111. Qlenecoe 160 73L-ltp WANTED IN KENILWORTH. COUPL1,11 efficient. Good cook; butier and hou.se- man. Fine home for right party. f5* to $100 per mo. Must have good refs., state nationality. Write B-19û, Box 40', YOUJNG 'WHITE PROTESTANT COU- pie' for general work. SmaiIllIGuse. Pleasant room. 'Family of one. Phone Winnetka 929. 73L-ltp FOR SALE--AuTos LA SALLE 1931 SEDAN, TAN. RADIO, spot light, heater.. Perfect condition. Best offer. Phone Gleftcoe 483. 77LTN1-l tp 1934 FORD CONVERTIBLE COUPE. Almfost new;-, mileage 6,400. 446 Wash- ington Ave.,. Glencoe. $485. 77LTN1ltp USED CAR -MARGKlINs CADI LLAC USED CARS ARE BETTER T "'%AT BALANê Up 'TO 18 MONTIHS- No' Red Tape - No Delay '34 Chevroiet 2 door sport coupes all th legs than 10,000 Miles. New carg. LoW as....$9 '3 Ceroe sport coupe or * rdster. Resembles new. Low' as . -e$345 '32 Chevrolet Landau or deluxe coupe .................. $9 '31 Chevroiet sport coupe, new Pt.. 195 '31 Ford Town Sedan.. ..... -1..... 195 '31 Ford 2 Door Sedan.......... >175 '30. Auburn convertible coupe....195 '31 HIupmoblle Sedan 6 W. 'w.....225 '31 Frord Convertible coupe ........ 175 13o Studebaker Sedan............ 155 '29 LaSalle, 5 Passenger.a......... 165 239 Cjevrolet 4 Door Sedan.....75 :MANY OTHERS NORtIKHSHR CHEVROI4ET, SALES. 611 Main 'Street Wilmette 4414 77ALTN1-ltc SAVE $50 TO $100 ON 'YOUR PURCHASE of a used' air NO MONEY DOWN 20 MONTHS TO PAY $300 OR LESS - COME FIRST TO WESCOTT MOTORS, Ine. For a limited time only we offer our en- tire stock of fine used cars-taken In trade on new Chevroiets, at sensa- tionally reduced prices.' FOR EX- AMPLE: 1934 Plymouth Deluxe trunk sedan, ln fine condition throughout. Very low mileage. Only....... .........- $565 1933 De Soto 4 door sedan, ln very gond condition ...................... $485 1932 Nash light 8 sedan, new tires finish and motor like new. A- bargain ln smooth transportation.......... $345 1931 LaSalle 5 passenger sedan, pratc- tically new.- General tires In A-i condition...................... "5 THESE ARE BUT A FEW 0F THE MANY USED CAR BAR- GAINS WE HAVE TO OFFER. COME TO WESCOTTrS FIRST AND SAVE TIME and MONEY. WESCOTT 'MOTORS, Imc. 1 1245 CHICAGO AVENUE GRE., 8000 Open evenings until 10 77A-LTN1-ltp DECORATION DAY SPECIALS- 1935 Plymouth Demonstrator 1935 Dodge Demonstrator At Substantial Discounts. WANTED TO IMENT-0 WAN=rD - -T' O UNIl rooms and.garage byfst] Walking distance Newr Schooi. WriteB-184, Box4 UOAmm ANiD im KNILWORT il offers you lean. homelikel wIth bath. lfxcellent mes able. 315 Cumnor Bd. K« ~usuIt.s 1~anmjrn.. LINDEN MANOR Moem napartment», tule bath with uhower; e cmZ rfrigeratjon; one or twobdoo , $50 and $60. FRANK A. REID 954 lainden Avenue, ITub bard Woods Winnètka 1300 *DLTN47-tfe DIELIGHTFJJ .. ARTà(ET Pleasant aurroundings,- faciflg park. Close to transp. Large 2 rooms. Liv.. lng room 16x24. Bedroom ad double Cioset space. The above apartment bas tii. bath, ehower, electria Icer and offers home- 1k. quarters at a very reasonabie rentai.' Phone Winnetka 1800. 92LTN0-tfe PLEASANT, AIRY 4 ROOM COURT apartment with east. and west ex- posure. Tii. wall bath, elect. retrlg. $55. Wiimette'. Most Beautiful Building THE IIINDEN CREST Kroii & Smith, Ags. Wimette 600 424 ~.Lnden .Avenue WILMETTE OR G-LENCOE - A tractive kitchenette apartments. Mod- ern fireproof building. Eieotric refrIger a-. tion.' $35 per month. R M. JOHNSTON & CO. 340 Linden Avenue Wilmette 444 ___92LT1-te MODERN APT., 4 LARGE U.NUSIIAL- iy attractive roomsa nd bath. 2nd iloor. Conv. to transp.. sehools, etc. Shown by -appt. Wilmette 385. 92LTNI-ltp. 3AND 4 ROOM APARTMNPNTS. TILE' bath 'with shower, breakfast nook, electrie refrigeration, reasonabie rent. Woiff-Griffis Buiding, phone Wil.,1714. WANTECD CADDIES, BETWEEN TI ages of 12 and 18, . Apply to CaÉ Master, Illinois Couftry Club, Duii Rd., Gleneee, Illinois. mý; 72L1w audy ndê'e I1810) -ltp CADILLI ]WANST( ]RIdge, Ave. 'W WHAT, 'TING! ON University 8600 .77A-LTN1-ltC rN-1tip 1-til 1 ;;ý -::± tý;ýz-zt 1 Mxl 1

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