Coni~mt uitng make s m ommf4tabk .Corred .tyling mko dwm good Iooklng., WR ITE«o PATENT Mrs. Fannie Fox and her thret daugh- ters,, Marilyn, Frances and Lois, -of Happ. road, arc sgiling f rom New, Yorlç on. ýthe Kongstein, May 28, for Eu- rope, spending, tbree and' one-haif months on the continent. Food -Stores. 'I L G of LA&MB lb 19½/2C auditoriumi, when rue . (s'ram s~aais classes under the -direction of .Betty Browinput on, seven ,one-act playg",.1 Peggy IPierson,. daughter of Mrs. Margaret Pierson, is playing the part of Louisa. The time 'is tbe year. 1843 when the Alcott famnily were living at ]Pruitlands, in the town'of Hiarvard, Mass. Bronson Alcott, Lôuisa's fatb- er, impractical, talen.ted idealist, bas established the Utopian colony. Fruitlands, on one bundrçd %cres of land. Meat, fish,,and eggs are taboo on the.Fruitlands menu, as-are vege- tables growing beneath tbe. ground. The labor: of. horses. is flot allowed. Tbe colony is a small. one-at the height. of, its prospcrity' it inclidéd eleven beside the- Alcottfamil. The other plays to be given are "Murderer at Large," a mystery story: ful of, -suspense, ini whiefr six girls, Il-.111Man Can'Ta-Ik With God,- Says Noted'Psydiologit A ncw and rcyoluntionary religious teaching based entirely on the misunder- stood sayings of the Galicean- Carpenter, and designed to show how we mnay fid, understand and use the sanie adentical power which jesus used in, performng [lias' so-called Miracles, is attratting world wide attention to its founder, Dr. Frank B. Robinson, noted, psychologiét, author and Iecturîer. "Psychiana," this new psychologicasl religion, believes and teaches that it is today possible for every »normal human Carlos Photo Patty RipI. who are camping -ajqd their chaperon are involved; "Little, Black Hclio- trope," a Civil war time play in which a small colored girl and ber little white "Missi' are made ta feel they are de- pendents on the bounty of a "Miss rElvira";- "A Dozen Pink Roses," a cornedy iu whicb four freshmen at. school are excited over theroses one of the. girls bas received; -Puck iii Exile," a %%himsical sketch whereini Puck l)ecomes a mortal, but regains bis fairy powers in time to help the people about him; "A Bamiboozie Dyke Chair," dealing with a girl who loves antiques and spends: ber last cent to' aquire what she believes to be a genuine period chair, and. "A Dish of Tea," a draina of the time of the Amierican Revolution ini whicb the heroine outwits the royalists. Be- tween the plays, monologs will .-be given. The girls taking part are Patty Lou' Empfield, NancyPierson, Mary Mac- alister, Adamis, Suzanne Lyon, Virginia Schakel, Martha Browno, Laura King, Elinor La Bonte, Dawn Herbuveaux, jane Drucker, Susan Reichman,, Rosernary Jones, Yvonne 8tory of the d4scovery of a great Truth, just send your namne and ad.dress to Dr. Frank B1. Robinson~, 68 Sth St., Moscow, NEW tuc. i il esent free and post- AT KtSON%5jERAES Ipaid without cost or obligation. Write the E Docto, today. -- Copyright 1933, Dr. j VANSTON Frank B. Robinson. Advertisement. fIIRtOPWARMI'OUSE umî. oui WU ,914