'For the information of studeits and other amateur sportsmen who conte mplate making application for these positions, Mr. Leach.directs at-, tention -to newrules adopted by the Amateur Athietic Union'of the Unit- ed.States (A. A. U), at its national. meeting at Miami, Fia., last Decem- ber, which disqualify for future par- ticipaion: in ail amateur sports any iperson wbio accepts. compensation for- services as. a lifeguard. The ruies. applicable. to this. employment foi- low. The -first, defining an, amateur, is not new: An amateur- sportsman la one, who* engages in sport solely ftorthe pleasure and physicai,, mental or social benefits he derives therefrom and >to whom sport la. nothlng more than an avocation., Any person receiving compensation for ïiervioes performed as a lifeguard there- by renders lilmacif Ineligible for furtbr competton as. an amateur.. Any person recelving compensation for services performed as a cam p counsellor, bath Or PlaYgrou&d4 attendaut, and In~ connection therewith, Gther as a duty~ or otherwlse, coaches, instruets or ex- hibits, la automatically disqualified for further competition as an amateur. If no coaching, instruction or exhilbitions are given, such employment does not dis- qualify, but such athlete shall be in- eligible forcompetîtion durlng the period of such einploynlent and for a perlod of nlnety days after the abaridonment of such employment; but to prevent dis- qualification, It will be necessary for such athiete to notify the local regstra- t~in mmifttee of his emnloymebt. Ie-] In expianation of, the adoptiotr by the A. A. U. of tbe above rules~, Mr. Leach stated they were flot desired by that organization, but were forced upnit by the amateur a ssociations of Europe, led bythe Swimning Fed- eration International, which decreed that*the ruies.must be adopted if the A. A. U. desired to engage in the Oiympic côntests to be held in Berlin in 1936. uiecoe-raK astr ~ici.A H. L. Woolhiser, Village manager, Winnetka. F. L. Streed, Village manager, Kenilworth. 'Miles B. Geringer, .chairinan beach committee, Wilmette Park -board. told what has been accomplisfled on the Skokie Valley project, during the past two years and wbat is ex- pected to be donc during the nexttwo or three years. At the close. of the. meeting, re- freshments. were served by Mrs. Johnson. Trhe next regular, session of the North West Men's club wiil be-held Tuesday,- Junie 4, at the h4ôme of Jamnes 'H.. Devine, 2026 Keinilworth avenue. Attention Golf-ers! Golf Club on Northe-Shore welI fnanced--offers equiiy or playing, mem- bership to those who can meet qualifications. Write 8-60, box 40t Wlm.te, .111 Tn CMWAKCAIE TMA'S TUE SM£ QUAKER STATE 1 FUT IN AI DETROIT. HAVEN'T ASIlES A DlOP SNCE?! 0 Experienced motorists know it's real economy to fi up with Quaker State because the crankease stays full longer. Ther's no waste ini Quaker State Motor Qils EAI ». Read the Want Ads