' J7e>qtpVq 4 ýY MAY 18t AT 9 A. A& new, cornpletety equipped Store, levoted ing international friendship ýana ýwhat canî be donc: in this. direction., As part of -her 'preparation for her talk Miss Sentney sent out questionnaires three Weeks ago to 300 colleges and high schWos. These schools were asked'to state what they' are doing to foster international friendshi p. This- week Miss Sentney. reported that she already had received replies from 80 percent of the insti-; tutions to which the questionnaires were mailed. e SBefore goîng to Oxford -MissSent- ney. will visit Egypt, Turkey and the Holy Land. She has been asked to serve as assistant conductor of a tour to these countriés. The tour is under the direction&o Prof. Albert E.ý Bailey of New York, a retired ,prfessor of Biblical. art and liter- ature. On her visits to Europe ini the past Miss Sentney has made nmany contacts in the different countries. For a number of years she had been conducting parties to European countries during the summer months. Girls' Rifle Team 2nd AUVt Io i me v'Jing wuu u'.ne o.n i Lurs- day, but the race was so close for two of the officers that a second day of voting was necessary. Run-off elec- tioits were held on Friday for the of- fices of ýtreasurer and chairman of the dinnier committee., Luther-"Bud" Barber,.,who Will be a senior .next year,, Was elected pres-* Ment of the club. He will succeed Paul Dempsey. The other new officers and com- mittee chairmeni for 1935-1936 are: Phil Dostal, vice-president; Dick Bab- cock, secretary; Dave Hoffmani, treas- urer; Kenneth Cowan, chairnan ot the club room committee; Bill Beebe, chairman of the student aid commit- tee; Dick Campbell, chairman of the înterscholastic relations committee; Bill Stebbins, chirtuan of the pub- licity committee, and Art Nielseui chairman of the.dne committee. Tenrnis Te-am St*'ts League Competition One of the two Suburban league matches which the New Trier tennis team was scheduled to play lastwieek was postponed because of rain and the other was shifted to cernent courts for the saune reason. The New Trier team was to have met. Deerfield-Shuields at Highland Park last Thursday. but the match was LADIES' BRECHES F i a Whip- Cords or Gab erdines in host of ew- est s h.4es. All sis. MENS BREECHES Taloried lia - custom mmon- ier -of WhipSl 4 cord or 0 e r din . A11' 1,454 points. i en girls comprised the team representing each, school enter- ed in the competition, but the scores of only the five highest on each team counted. Scores recorded by New Trier girls were as follows: Babette Ornisbee of Minmette, 297; Peg Lively of Wilmette, 290; Alice White of Glencoe, 286; Ann Musson of Giencoe, 283, and Louise Husak of Minmette, 276. Trier got offtet a good' start byr whipping Morton High school of Cicero decisively. New Trier's. repre- sentatives won the three, singles matches as well as the two doubles events. AlUgames were played on the cernent courts of, Evanston High Bill Condy, Art Nielsen and Donald Brown were the New Trier 'Standard bearers in the singles events- The vi, Chrh Si. Evst.ui orýboa-îu, xuiw playig in the lOop. HONOR J. R. GATHERCOAL FACUTY DAMA LUBThe New Trier faculty members PÂCUTY RMEACLU and board of education held a di,,- The Faculty Drama club will meet ner Tuesday night in honor of J. R. on Wednesday, May 22,. at the home Gathercoal of Wilmette, who, this of Mrs. Ronald Webster, 905 Green- spring retired as a member of the. wood boulevard, Evanston. board after serving for sixteen years. SA i