HAVE $7 3,650 ýYEARLY ýBUDGET Slight Increas.e .,Over 1934-35 Yettr.Due to Street Improve- ment Prograxn A budget of $,60for the operat- ing expe n ses of the Village of Kenil- worth during the fiscal year.1935-1936 was. passed by the board of trustees of the, Village:at their règular May meet- ing Montday nÎgbt. Tbe total amount which the board estlimates wItill be. netessary to runthe Village .during the comîing -year is slightly in excess of that of the past yVeai, Wben the budget was $71,750 and the *aétual expenditures estimnated at $70,782. Most of the increase is rep- resented in a $3,000proposed expendi- t ure for street resurfacing. Giv. Comparative Figures Comparative figures for the 1934- 1935 and .193.5-1936 budgets f ollow: -9an9d 93-13 .9treet advehicle tax departmnent 8 ,530-00 $12,550.00 Police department... ý22,166.00 22,:450.0-0 lPire department 4.00U.0 4,000.00 Health department 675.00 675.00 Wasté removal 4,630.00 4,200.00 (' eneral expenses 31,750.00 *29,775.00 Total $71p,750,0$73,650.00 B.sh#> Hdwin Holt Hughes, illi preqch at the il o'clock service at the Wilmtette Parish Met hodist Iipiscopal church Sunday morning, May 19. Bisho> Hughes has long been knozen as one of thse outstipul- ing preachers of the country. board Tiuesaay night wruecte xVres:- dent Kinne to appoint a, special com- mittee to confer with tht, officiais. of Kenilwortb, Winnetka and Glencoe looking toward cooperation by Wil- mette in efforts to secure clevatîon or depression of the tracks- of the. Chicago & North Western railroad and the Chicago, North Shore & Mil- waukee electric railway. Presidehtj Kitne -appointed 'to thê, committte Trustees George F. Ilijif and JIatùes B. Hoffman, Village Maniager Boyne H. Platt and Village Attorney Wil- liam'M. James. *Village Managers H. L. Woolhuser of Winnetka and George R. Young of Glencoe have, 1aiready initiated efforts to learn, if the project might properiy corne witbin the scope of federal public works, or -if funds might be secured f rom the Public Worb administration to defray the cost of the improvement as a joint Village and railroad project. The significance of the action is that it puts Wilmette into cooperation with neighboring villages and makes *possible unified efforts to secure a niuch needed public improvement. Park Board, Gonsiders Flood- lightint Parking Spece in Washington> Park At a meeting of the, Wiimette Park ýboard Monday night. important thà~sin beach reguilations. for the Il935 teson were discuissed, some of' whichwere adopted. Among these.was, the prive of beach tiiçkets,, which wasz set, at $4 for ,tbe season f aiiy ticket, with guest priviieges and beuefits of aIl beach 'and. beach- bouse facilities. A new. individui non-transferable ticket was adopted, the ý *ce beieg, $1.50 for the season. This ticket dots not carry dviultaibecfaiies The $1 -rateh fetltso bben dis- continued. Clyde Grater of the New Trier Higli school faculty, bhas been reengaged as beaclimaster for the comingseasoL.. It was stated that negotiations are ndrway with the Puiblic Service Company of Northern Illinois for the proper iighting of Washington Park This arrangement, if concluded, will. include flood ligbting the --parkig jspace, which bas been a source of much to re-advertise tor bids. IToiln,.WU- 10; in iosQUI 1910-'Z4 u'-'- Tuesday nigIIt directed. the village A permit was granted to Wilmttte cago, 1924-'32, and since 1932 bas been Manager and' Commissioner of Pub- post No, 46, Arnerican Iegion, to selI senior bishop of the Methodist EpisCO- lic Works to investigate the cost of poppies ini Kenilworth on Monday, pal church, with residence in Washing- estabîisliing traffic signals at Main May 27, or on the following day, May ton, D. C. ,street and Linden avenue, and at 28& if the Weathe .r is, unfavorable on Bishop Hughes is chairnian of the Main strcet and Oakwood avenue. tht27b.Board1 of Bishops, which is meeting in Another resolution by Trustee IhiE Nana Standing ComifUlttees Chicago tbis week. He wiil preside directed the same ýofficiais to present Village President Harry@ p. Ha rri- at the Chicago Metbodist Social Union figures l o oking to a resumption of son announced the appointmient of the 1 banquet at tht Union League club Fri- aIl niglit street lighting. following. standing co.mmittees, by and Iday evening of this week. He bas a with the advice and consent of the great affection for the north 'short board of trustees: i where lic spent eight years of bis' life, yi avenue, chairman of the beaçil Comitiu- tee of the Park board, stateu.ýthat Plans are undér consideration for the erec- tien of a fence at the south end of the park, the object being to limit entrance to tht beach to L<ake avenue, in order that a closer supervision of beacli visitors may be had.. 1Plans are now being made for tht usual tests for lifeguards, which wil be under the direction of David C. the ren1iworthrn eJdIuiLu' LoU prc sent that organization on the commit- tee, and Mrs. A. R. Hodge was nanied r to represent the Kenilworth Home and Garden club. T1he Kenilworth Park board representative is yet to be appointed& j New Trier News .....Z4 N. S. Poesoeliis .... 29 WILME¶TE 4300 To buy or to sell them you must tell them. -t to Willov drs. Donald inifred Bersc ,e additional