The current sensation of -the mu-y sic world will be breught te the nortb shore next October. No other localityc in the Chicago area will have the op-t portunity to bear ber in solo recitalt next easot Rkeference, is, cf ctourse, to Kirsten Fgstad, .Norwegian. sopranwe critics unite in déclaring, is one cf the two outstanding achievemlents of Gatti-Casazza during' bis reign as genéral manager of the Metropolitan Opera company. Caruso is the othe. Wil ()Pm Sessou Mme. Flagstad'bas been secured for -the inaugural, recital of .-the 1935-36 Winnetka Music club. Artis;t-Recitàl series,, scbeduled te be beld in the1 New Trier auditorium Wednesday, .evening, October,23. So great bas been the demand for Mme. Flagstad tbat this will be b er only appearance ini the Chicago area in solo. recital. The Chicago Sym- pbony and tbe Arts club in Chicago have been unsuccessful in,,attempts to secure ber for engagements. Only subscribers to the Artist-Re-i citai series next season will be ad- - -mitted to hear Mme. 1lagstad. No single 'admissi on tickets wiIl be avail- able. Ammoumn Otier Artiste Having recruited its talent for next season from only tbe créam cf musi- cians of international reputation, thé Artist-Recital committee of thé Mu- sic club this week announced its cern- piste program for the tweith season. It is a scbedule wbich will evoke a thrill for every lover cf the best ini -music for, after Flagstad, will appear Roland Hayes, Ninon Vallin and Em- k-manuel Feuermann, Miscba Levitzki, and Bronislaw Huberman. Flagstad, (Continued on Page 58) Must Tmpound Doge Gilty of Biting,. Dr. Martin H. Seifert, Healtb com- missioner, bas instructed tbe police de- partment that. because of the prevalence the full budget is to be achieved, and the parftipating charities giyen, the financial belp intended. Th e Wilmiette Civic league, the In- fant Welf are society and Arden Shore.are tbe organizations wbicb se far bave come .te the rescu e of the Community Chest association i its valiant efforts te reach .its budget, and take care of Wimette's obliga- tien te the participating' charities. Civie LeagueBak TeBig Golfing Party hegolf party te be given by the Wilmette Civic> league Wedniesday, May 22, will be an event cf the year, if present indications are net mis- leadizzg. Reservations art ,eing re- ceived daily, and these in charge state that any member cf tbe lbague, or any mnember of any Wilmette or- ganization, or any citizen of the vil- lage, wbo desires to join in the pleasures of this affair sbeuld make resrvaionon or before Saturday, May 18.- Tbis may be arranged by calllng Elmer D. Becker, Paul C. Lang, George Turner, or George F. The point is empbasized that tbis i. a conamunity party, arranged for the express purpose of proemotiflg a wider acquaintance and a spirit of fel. lowsbip among resicients of the vil- lage, and tbat all are welcome te par- ticipate. The party will be. held at the Big foot Country club, near Walwortb, Wis., on Lake Geneva. Transporta- tion.will be provided for tbose mak- ing reservations. WilI Dedicate C Window at tioü anadtera.' zxpression. of opinioin.on any of'thesesubjécts or, other subjects, may becf ines- timable help to those officiailà whose duty it wilI bc, to make a studýyof themi and arrive at a con-, clusion.- If you have any ideas along. these or other Unes, your letter will be acceptable., Civic League to InstalOfie0 on Friday, May 24 The reguülar ,monthly .lunicheon meeting of Wilnmette Civic league wili be held Friday, May. 24,ý in the: Mis- sion room, of Marshall Field cou- pany's retail store. The hour wiil be 12-.15. Reaurvations should bc made witb Herman T. Reiling, telephone State 6246. The recently elected corps of of- ficiais wiIl be installed at this meet- ing. They are as folews: President-Elmer D. Becker. Vice-president-Paul C. Lang. Secretary-Herman T. Reiling. Treasurer-William D. Leary. Cicyci C. McGuire, recently ap- pointed Chief of P~oice, will be the guest of the league, in order that members may bave oppctunity to, make bis acquaintance. Hie wqilI bc requested to briefly outline the plans and systems now being installed for the purpose of increasing the' ef- ficiency of the police department. Al citizens of. Wilmette are cordially in- vited to be present. Personal *ProPerty A ssess ment Spread; Complaint? Act Note' report ef the snops .ciwves au contributions te various worthy causes, notably the suppleing o!f many of the wants cf needy valagers. The- report, wbich'is comprébensive, f ollews: "At the close of 1the.Woman's Chlib year the Ecenomy $hop board votes the final distribution, cf accumulated earnings. 'Lst "lIt is the purpose of the committee te share:.the -Sbop's' eatrnings,. so far, as possible, witb local charities and organizations, benefiting ot.r village. With tbis in mind, Minmette Welfare board. Minmette H'ealth Center.: Sun - &aY Xvening club, Ex-Service Men's3 committee and Arden. Shore, receied donations. Otber donations during the year include Community Chest, New Trier ftudeaft Relief Vend, ftrlr Ridge School for Girls, and Sarah Hackett Stevenson Meanorial. 'Economy Shep is conducted by the Wontan's Club of Winmette and is kept operating principally by vol- unteer belp, who serve eue-bal! day a month. Aid6 W.Ifare Board "Since 1918 this Shop bas served our and nearby communitirs. We are convinced we do our shareiii alleviat- ing our Welfare office of many ealls* for bel p and case the finatacial e~n- sion of mauy harassed. parents jýud young men. and women wbo must seek to supply smorn f titeir needs, from the stock of supplies yen good people o! Wilmette and neigbbpriug villages mrake possible by your donations to uis. "Net enly necessities are in con- stant demand, bric-a-brac is eagerly sought. We are familiar. with assigu-' nients made ini grade school and bigla school. These cbildren hurry to eur shop for books and' magazines, partic- ularly National Geegraphics, to make ar ui on anu Note:uq. 14 any householder wbo may bave been overlooked. Genuine, SupieVlues GretYo nPage45