-PLA ,r Tue ,ref#,i wluhes laundry work or Reamonable wages. Phone INNIBU GIRL, GOOD COO:i os postion as Cook or gener wvork. 115 ýper week Phone, COOKE E14BAL iROUs 1mature woman- Referencem Kéetoiie 0724. -- d WANTED - WHITE~ MAID FOR VIEN- a.eral housework. 2 gdulta. No wuwh- 1> ing.. Winnetka. 3826. 71LTN424tp iWHITE GIR1 'GEBNPIRAL H'UBE . work. ,Good-cook. 3 auits.Wae a $9. C;11 Keilworth 1021. 7 ?1-t: P WANTED - WHITEDGR FRQN 1- ral hougework; 3 a mits PonWn netka 1668. 12-t SWANTED, - NXPERIENCED.WHITVE P womian to do hand' Ironing. Phone E Wilmette 4414., 71LTN2-tb 5. E3CpERIENCBD, RELIA2BLE. WRITEl omndesires .laundry work Can WIpntka 83558. 68LN-t aITuxniAOwAN1UD-UALu Exl*rienced man wa.nts GARDECN ANI) HOUSEWORK References. Winnetka .1552 - 69L2-ltpt CLJCANING. YARD #ORtK, P.N N or any lnÎd of handy man work Good rfrecs, Phonue Davis 75 .IKPERIENCED M$AN WANTS 'ALL or any, kind or odd jobs-4iousecleanflf Iig. gardening. Also licensed chauffeur.1 Hammond. Uni. 4881. 69LTN2-ltpi A-i CHAUFFEUR, REFINED COL.ý ored. 12 Years' experience. Phone Englewood 6893. 69LTN2-ltp G.ARDENER AND CH-AUFFEýUR;- EX- perienced. references: Mr. Wenberg. Phone Winetka 1575.' 69LT2-ltp Reinhart -Empl.Agency WANTPàD A YOUNG HAN,0F 000W> education, pleasIng personaiity and cleancharacter, whols desirous of leain- ing the property management business in an old established real estate organ- ization. Prefer oue who lives at home. Must ha ve car. BmaUl salary toe tart. position :offers good future to the right person. Applicant should state fully as to hie *>ast record and qualifIcations for this position. 'Write B-194, Bo1 0 WilimAtte; *I.. 72-lt sage, il mari phono numlb Interview, P.' rED FOR Wilmette.1 Dept. ILE-7 183 Auburn, 5 Bedan ............ $200 '33 Buick 5 Bedan, 6 W. W ....... 280 ',38 Buick 2-4 Coupe Deluxe......... 265 '31 Buick 5 Passenger Coupe ...... 145 '82 Cadillac V-la256Bedon, 6 whls. .. 81& 132 Cadilla.c V-la ARl weather Phaet. 6 '32 Câdllac-V-8 5 Bedan.,.5 whls...485- '80 Franklin AMl weather Phaoton- .146 188 Ford -V-S, 2 door Sedan........ 150> '3 aSle,5Bdan, 6 Whls........ 410ý '32 Losalle, 2-4 conv. cpe., à whls. .. 885ý '81 ljaBalleS- Town Bedan. 4 Whls.. . 185 i'81 LaSaRé 2-4 conlv. pè., 5 whils. .. 185 '80 lineoln, BerlineBedan ... ,......40 '28 Lincoln, 7 Impérial Bedan....... 40 '28 01dm., 2-4 cpe. FUL L PRICIC .65 '38 01dm., 5 touring Bedan, & whlsj..., 200 '84 01dm., -2-4 Deluxe cpe.,65 Whls. ..310 1 82 Packard, à Seda.n-90> Sere..275 '29 Packard,, 6 Bedan Btd. 8 ..115 WIM~N YOU BUY MROU CAD- ILLAC YOU KNOW WRAT YOU, ARE GE'ITING! CADILLAC IW 'ANSTON, 18110 RIDGE AVENUE Wlilmette 966 Winnetka 1673 77A-LTNÉ-ltc MOR-RENT-Â TTRACIVNeROOM in Colonial.houa. In exird ve nelà- borhood;- 2 blocks from 1k. and tra*ns- pýortation. Phono Winnetka, 214t. 821.-ltp TWO LARGE It00MB WMTHBê&TU and shower; private hoime - ,nea tranop. ýGentlemerg only..824 *oidale Av.. Phone Winnetka 20u. ab 30 VI SAVE~ $50 TO $100T ON ,YOUR PURCHABE 0F A US19D CAR NO MONEY DOWN 2MONTHS TO PAY $800 E OR LESB COlLE FIRST TOb W]ESCOTT MOTORS, hinc. For a limited time only we offer our en- 2 tire stock of fine, used cars-taken lu trade on new Chevrolets, at ens- tionally. reduoed prices. FOR EX- S' AMPLE - 1 É IN PRIVÂTE HîoM 410 PROVIDENT AVE~. ________82L'TS-ltp. FOR RENT'- TWO BOOlM N"X Býkokie Country Club;.garage aa tble,;, wll giVe breakfaýt Phono GlencO. 10. 2T-p UENIsHED ROOm FOR 1 OR _L ClOse. to Euni.st. station. 554Abr ritae R&., Winnetka. Phono Wlfn 1621. 92ILT3-10 qICE LIGHT ROOX, >IEAR TRAýNS-1 portation. 00d. location. 550IM- ý>e Road, Glencoe. Phonoe<ilencoe1981. 8sAL-lt, CCNTRAL El Ifighland Pari RELIABLE CO es positionl floth *1wilig vw $60 -nid.*. 6318. DOMI EXP. AND 'V ,es. B>et XI [ving.Ph BNCY - ranks Domestic lnureau 'O2-ltp 421 lllchmofld Rd. Kenil-wortbh 5221 WISH- 7LN-t ,ousns.We Need Help! ivrsitY CQUIPLES, COOKS, SECONDS. QEN- .'N2-ltp ERALS.AND NURSES. GOOD WAGES. ____ arlson's Empi. Agency. ) Now at 818 Elm St. Wini. 3328 73LTN2-ltc CNDED 1 Couple, Scotch........... $0 4 Couples...................... $100 IC 1General maid .................. $60 is Geern.1malds ........... $7131 blusiness to b. appreK 1657W W. i3 ri.type bod~ L BAR_ YOUNG warm, iFFER. famlly. WILL full par USED mette, Il ý.S, Inc.ofes JY?',' North LA BALLE li spot light, Best offer.1 WANTE- IMEIAEL estnmtfean?.ïir for gnea Winpef î41. Loue Glen _______MODEIRN APT., 4 RADIO, ly attractive roorC condition. floor. Con., to tri s. hown by appt. Wl] rLTN2-ltp