- WINNETKA CHOICE EAST SIDE LOCATION, 66 ft. lot near làke. Can be had at re- duced price for quick sale. McGUIRE & ORR, Inc. Over 40 Years Of Dependable Servie 530 Davis St. Gre. 1080 WiI. 228 i I4LTN2-ltc: WELI. WOODED LOTý IN N.E WIL- mette, formerly soid. fôr $9,500 priced tosel 3ï,70Q. MIlton E. Reid & Cg.. 601 Lake Ave., Wilmette 771. 114LTN2-ltC 50-FOOT HOMESITE- IN: NORTH- field , ready to build. $600. Phono Winnetka mi1 or write B3-21, Winnetka, WILL PAY $600-$600 CASH FOR .homtesite with clear titile. No dealers. Write B-197. Box -40, wilmette, 111 : Fm nim1SLTN2-ntc - T PH-RAIM, WlI CHARMINGLY FURNISI Cottage. Tennis coýurt, Boye-Our Ail outdoor spai 4ACRES AT¶ a-io. R. LOANS WANTIED L WE HAVE SPECIAL FUNDS AVAII, able for iiflediate 4commitmdflt on l6ans. See us~ for quick action. McGUIRE & ORR, mcé. Over 40 Years of Dependable Service .530 Davis St., Eyvanstofl Gre. 1080 12,7À.LTNý2-ltc MONEY FOR LOANS NOW AVAILABLE! -'1 Ë.b 'nIr SHORE! HOMES, '3 'DE'l"JCO square type two yearstalgo. Phone l DOUBLE BEDS,. COMPLETE WIT!I box spriners and lairmattresse. Ma- hogany dresser. Victrola. Good coftd. -OR SL-IBAYTABLE. LARGE chair, floor- lamp, ferneries, chan",l dish, waMfe iron, vacuum cleaner. Cal Winnta18.12912-tI ROOM SIRE ANTIQUE BOKORA RUG. Perfect condition, private Party. Chea.p. Phone Rogers Park 1986.. 199L1M2-tP W?.. TO UPJY-HSEHOLD 000DB CASII FOR YOUR tUSED FURNI- ture, modern or antique, and other household articles. Will also-accept your furniture 'on con- signâment basis. CILOST FURNITURE STrORE Established 1898 1004-6 Emnerson St, Evanston Uni. 0189 1SOLTN4.1-tft CALLA FOR END TABLES. POROR p furriiture, replace sets, candle sticks, - docks, plated silverware, cabinet pleeK h. Buckley Resalé Shop, Wilmette 1174. ,NG1-4tP POU. w.z-MuSoeILANOUS MUST SEJ4' AT ONCE. 64-INCI- EXT. qWI. table, chairs, buffet, sofa-table, Mar- l,200 L tha W'ash. sew. cab. Vie. marble-top 7 room table. AIl mahog Reas. priçed. Odd e--bath, chairs, tables, pictures, Book Sets, Book 'ntta>ý- of Knowledge, Bible Stortes, Young HAL? PRICE-2 BEAUTI Itallan garden vases, 36 96-nch circumferelice., Ide usual fountain. Glence e ' FURNITIJRE, CHINA. Ba sun lamp. kitchen ware, radio. Enclyclopedia Briti. édition.) 873 Cherry St. Wi FOR SALE-ONE POLO 14- three eveflifg gowfls 20. Al hln good condition.~ The lecturer spoke substantially as follows: It is a matter of common informa- tion that Christian Science teaches the. unreality of *evil. in faët, the unreality -of eviil îs one ýof the prop- ositions :of. this Science. As a prop- osition it ýcannot fait to be: found reasonable and demonstrable in the exact proportion. that it is under- stood. It, canothowever, be under- stood without aât first being duly considered. It i8 admitted to be re- Iigiously and siniial revolu- tionary. It is flot lightly, made. cgizanit than was Mary ae Eddy, the Discoverer and Pounder of Christian Science,, that the trials. and suferings of mankind are to universal, harrowing, and destructive. that shouId: any system advocate a casual or superficial V'iew -foIr-4reat-- ment of them it would antagonize intelligent people and be worthy onlly of rejection. Such, however, is not Christian Science doctrine, for this Science is essentially Christian and humanitarian, and' the postulate of. the unreality of cvii is advanced and advocatcd for the sole purpose of enabling mankind to overcôme evil instead of being overcome by cvil. Our investigation of . this subject should therefore be instigated by the same unpreiudiced interest that the ence justify the statenlent that, goÔd atone is reat and consequently that aIl forms of evil arc unreat. These basic propositions of spiritual~ Science are those of Spirit, They rest upoh spiritual truth. Christian Scienrce must, therefore, of necessity, provide. ineans for that truc spiritual culture which,. though contrary to the testi- monty of the senses, has proved excep- tionally sanative and redemptive. igs series in vi vay. Class ch: îtready have b, teazs ýpartie wped ' n. sport.. Clasa. champions and, runcrs-up hi. ,volleyýball -are as foltows, the name in each case indicating the- teacher wh<> has charge ow the advisor room wbh finishcd as a winneror runncr-up:* Senior-G. Di Edwards, winner, and )R. H.* Carpenter, runner-uip; junior- R. S. Rcam, winner, and N. G. Chris- tensen, runner-up; so phomoiýre-ob ertHarper, winner, and Arthur V«n Deursen, runner-up; frishmatt-W.. S; Brown, winner, and H. C.. Pifer,' ruaà. ner-uPp. These eight teams are battling for. the school championship>. J"nOrs. Wim Tiie In intramural besketball there was. m-eùpetition for class and school championships in three weight di- visions-heavyweight, lightweight and, featherweight. N. G. Christenseti; junior advisor rooin won the sehoOt championship in the heavywcight di- vision. Arthur Carlson, Robet Clark, jack Harris, jack Mervis, Donald Roberts, Robert Specht, RbL ert Blanchard and Robert Ogle were the boys on his teamn. The junior class also carried. off basketball honora in the lightwmg1ht> divisin. when the R. S. R~ 94- and George Sraneclc. Ini the featherweight division o*ly two teams competed, both of thon, from . freshman advisor ronnis, Gordon Van Kirk's and Robert Gattcn's. Van Kirk's teani, composed. of Normanl Demis, jack Harvey, William jeu- nings ' jack Jennings, Richard Roth, James Steen and Thomas Wilcox won the .chamtpioiihip. iThec intramural basketball f ret- sprigs and mat walnut 4inling ti very reasonable., stka,! 3697. ette, 1I. delog fFryhl.Poed r L onl.Prps~ ,o 1972 .JI toung: of ier ii.roçu 1.na Pupssfo 521 Main Street, Wiliiett* Ibea or the scbolarship f und. Mirs.. wil esetree days from - ~ Wlim Mutno Kenilworth isl Y. A. ÂNDBEW,. m WJLMKTM 32 UN1VBIRTY 7317 a prcuidciit of' the associatio.MsA Township Treasurer.* H. Peycke had charge of the PartYý, ir 1 :