Thne orchestra wual play ati:it o -this morning (Thursdlay). The fine performance of this of juvenile musiciens at the sl concert won for thens this cci honor, the engagement -being -the, runner of otbers e4uailye-desirabit The orchestra bas had a verya and ..successfui year, ,playing al EIgn Place schooi at Highland1 -the Nichols schooi. at Evanston *Iring Park Woman's club, twc .ning P. T. A. meetings, severai si *assemblies and thé spring conce cooperetion with the schooi gice A, bigh tribute was paid to ti eut, of the. orchestra, by a prom musician who, upon hearing one. *programs, said: 'These chiidré not play like grammar school *dents. .Theîr- prbgram is .truiy bc fui and understanding. Their e: sion, is one of.-mus.ic, flot soup have neyer heard anything 90 iw tionai as -the finished, musiciani; formia nce that orchestra of yi sters gave. 1 shall never forge *The orchestra personnel is i lows: First violuns-4Concert Master Be Flood, Richard Neukranz, Frances hasn* Poggy Pierogn, Warren let Donald Maxwell, Robert Geppert, ert Manin, Dorothy Faville. Second violnu--Howa.rd Hend Rayauond Di'ebes, Normant Pifer,1 *Weigel, Arthur Shapiro, Lav lacher, Marilyn Torrey, Mary Fanckboner, Wesley Hlckmnf. .'Celos-Winfrd Hoffinali,1 Nylund., Ann Sho.auaker, Jean. jgn Moreau. br p lutes--stevenl inney, Robr son, Beni moon, Tommy Icutier. 1 larlnéto-Donl H~utchins, Bug ril,'- DIck Moreau. NaiiçY Brcea *Oboe-Roberlt Reulianst. * Trumpets--cIfiino Carpenter, Penberthy. Bill Dodds. P rnch horn-JOhil Nichols. Tromnbne-Robert Cederberg. PiaIIos-RoBaiiiond McMillafl,1 A darne. frcok soex ]ExtraB o ok tr- -Mann, Richard Hlickmafl, Bill bonter. Charle Beinger. Inaugurate Balil Season at Greeni Walinger Photo Chuarles C. HeM ,eon, 1405 Por- est <avenu *e, Wilnsette, lias received ,àn important governitent apoifl mient, Siat of arc kteci 10 tise Fed- eral Jlausig Adwinistration, ig wh~ich qapitY hle pila ct ascon- sultant in arran ging new ffortgages or thse rejlP$4Pcùig of ol mies His field inctudes the territory from Evanston nortis 10 these tate Une, and exteusds for a considerable dis-' tance 10 this et. WifC Mr. Henderson is a weii known local Ruth architect, member of the Arnerican In- melviii stitute of Architects. In bis officiai Stark, poitonhewiliagsist prospective amort- - Mat- gagors inpFpoPeWy-ext-uinar aplica id Per- tiofn thermwitb. Th~e Minaete State banlc is an approved mrtage t0 the Dick FHA, frons which information maY also be secured. The FR*A insures mortgage loans, glorified sharnýpoo' Our shampoos do more. than diean. your hair. 'You lot ouily get a thorough cleahsing an&d scalp treatmnent, ,but a complète neck :and.bacek massage, aswell. ,EnjoAble at any Urne but especigdly. important when you're having a permanent. It colts nôoré~c. This is-just one' of the many SUperior service& you get when yoç>u have your (rmanent'ÇVave wilmette beauty shop 1137 tentrol Avenue Wilmetls 79 r r - . look of loowflness .. . the. gîamorow Sok of the woman supremely wefl- coed-for. Her skin is soft to the. touch, chaor in coloing, exquisitely smnooth in texture. She bat the charm and poase of the woman who bas bld a flrm Farewell to 'Age. Eariy iast Saturda: Schiidgen, 1703 Lal bis car into a iamy street, just south o knociing it ýdown. appeitance in cou. st on Sixteenth Nainut avenue, gave bond for Tickets aaiabe from Miss Stade - 15W0 Waqhingtou Ave. or phone Wilmette 2M3 Lyman Pliarmacy M Lindop Aveum Phono Wilmtte 464 HE O ARDEN LOK s Q2Oir FAREWELL TO'AGEl Renneckar Drug Co.. 1138 Csmtal Avenue Phono WU.tte m