Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 May 1935, p. 6

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'V. will b. plossed to have eiàr old hbmd@4ad dew oeestoo, cal aud smorur 9eetion of spriug sud sa mrpaen. Phme. Wilumtte 3n# A. Sohr..doe IFANT SON DIES Edward William, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward KossoW, 680 Vernon-avenue, Glencoe, died May 12 at the Evanston hospital. Bursal was held May 13 at St. Paul's cemetery, Nules Center.. The, parents and a sister, Rose Marie, survive the child, who, was, born May, 3. ý:CIJARANCI l'h.. gpments wiIl MIIàawmntiniyour wardrobe at a price more "h mressomble. BeSmS of the retarded semmojaweare oferiag tdus apparel M greaîly reduced praes at dithe egl*f-the s -g.W S.Ilusgq $8.75 f. $25,00 MISSES'-WOMES,siZEs 1147 WILMETTE AVENUE Kxceet Alteration Service Phone Wilmette34 iette, May 1,19g35. of Wilmette Spoitie, a douce revu by Pupils <4 >1w A lice St"d of Wiluette WUii -bu'Preeied Pridoai eveumg, May 24, ut Mie JVilusette Moàewic lvmnpf. Thse prâwipol parts wi bu tabe,. by, GI.d7sMariyn Dohwen (abow) of Wiiusette anud Virginia Bi.rklwrdl of Kenihuotk. ethan one hundred c art ini.th.e revue, w ety of dramatic sic ce~ numbe.rm mrviii ,h includes che, song , tap, bal- past tbree. .J- a. a.....c *«The -board ot directorsetofthe Wil- motte CiviC bague 'at Its meeting of ii»rii 9 gavel serions considération o te report of Chiot of Police Cloyd C. Me- Guire It was the unanimous opinion of thse members otfelar board that Chief McQOuire report gave, evidence ef the following tacts: ««l.iThat thse chiot etfpolice' et theý Village, of Wilmette bas a comprohien- sive knowledge ot the police problemaet the. village. 462. That thée reerganisatien et our po- lice dopartment under hie direction lis in accerdance wlth the, bout principies etf modern police administration.. "&. That resuits are.already apparent from thie initial stops taken In the reor- ganluatien plans. . -% Tha a continuation ot the poili- cos 'Instituted wdI develop, a police departinont et higis efliciency., '41in view et these import«ný tacts, whic are already apparent, we Wish -te express our approciation ot the werk of> Chiot MoGuire, and te pledgé te hlm'the ediüi>t of! éni'board. *'We trust that the Village administra-, tien vill continue Its wheiehearted sup- port et Chiot et Police McQuire. 1"Reupeettully yours, *'Zhuer D. Bocker, president, îWlet ii au. k 1~11 j witla. yêur Perma«nent Wavee* Van Duerm'Ys again bring you a guaranteed permanent wave-a, soft natural one with eur1fy ends. Cannot be distinguished f rom natural curly liair. A wave that everv wvoman will admire. Spiral croquignole, or combination Namne Three Citizens to Police, Fire Commissi* An ordinance creating a- Wilmette Fire and Police commission was pass- ed by the Village board Tuesday ýnight. This was made necessary by the adoption of civil service at the- reLcent Village election. President Ordînance Makes Police "Officers" of Village In order to clarify certain confus- gn elements, the Village board at its force. Under the ordinance police officers, become officers of the Village and flot employees, A provision is that ail officers shail give bond in the sum of $1,000. As a riesult of, the action police officers wili ne. longer be subject to the provisions of the workmùen's compensation act, they being ehigibie to the benefits of the police and firemen's benefitfund-.. V au Duerm's Salons 14 003CAYN4E SLVD. 1US CNTRAL AVE.. - Widme*.et ID.

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