reterred to the com- and water for inves- WIImgt. 3710 Sunny Creek Farm for NorhShore BOYSý. zz. A ýdelightful, vaca- tion for hoyi ages 8-12. Swfiing, hikig, but; and, other. outdoor activities.under careful super- vision. No group routne. Reserva- tions on a weekly basis. Moest' rat es. Wrüd for felder. RAf eraees exchasg#d.. Mr. & Mrs. Carl F. Schaub Clintomvifl., W.. M ,any years sne nhas been a mieur. of the choir, HAVE Mr. and. Mrs. R. -Colbernt Uhie- mann of 1323 Ashland 'avenue, an-, nounce the' birth' of a daughter,, anyLaura, at the Evanstôn hos- pital, April 6.' Mr. and Mrs.. Harold Lynch, -1241. Gdreen;wood avenue, and the latter s sis-ý ter, MrÉ. Victor: Lukanovic of Colum-, bia, Ohi'o, who had becen visiting, themn,. returned Friday fromn a week's. visit at Iron River, Wis. Mr. and Mirs. >.E McEldowney, 620 Abbotsford road, Kenilworth, have gone to Seattle, Wash., where they will visit Mrs. MeEl4owneys aunt for an indefinite stay. .* Look croiud ln our 0 1 0-Cent Deportment You'li i d lots of thinge you use regularly and uàally pay more for. The quality lu far above the. ordlnary z o-cent grade. BOULE VARD DRUG STOREI 11 thI.. a nd ntrl Phone WWllmettt 4Z98 0 ýWallnger Photo George W; Vougkt of, S11 Brier. street, Kenilzvoth, a eleéted president ortreShwneCountry club et thée annual club election held -Thursday, May1 16. Me(. > Vaughtiç, treasurer of Montgom- ery Word and com*pany and lsas bècvs active, <n $haunee club «f airs for sev.erat yeors. Officers elected to serve with Presi- dent Vaught are: Hiarold W. Kingery, vice-president, of Wilmette, a business consultant; R. R. Lippincott, treasu 'rer,' of Wilmette, Western Adjustnient and Inspection conipany; H. H. KuhI, secretary, of lEvanston, De Verry and Village Manager Platt reported on the additional cost of operating the, ' treet lighting" system al nIhighit, over the present practice of operating. until 1:30 a. nm. only. He stated that, oin to' more favorable rates. than existed previously, the. additional cost would be' only $1,700. Referred to commit- 'tee on streetsý and îlleys.. To BUF More Ouais The Village Manager was authorized. te purchase additional, guns for the police. department. Applications -for reinstatement to, the. police department. were made by C.. Lance and William' Salter.1 These were referred to the committee on police and fire., A petition froni .the Golfmoýre Land Company, operators of WilmetteGoif club, asked for disconnecfion with the Village, promisig to pay up bac taxes and assessments if the petition were granted. The matter was referred to the Judiciary conimittee.. Would Stig.. Dog Laiw Dr. Martin H. Seifert, health com- missioner, addressed the board on the subject of dogs, calling attention to the fact that rabies are more prevalent noiv than at any tume since records have been kept on the subject. Hie stressed with~ our Permanent Wave e Van Duerm 's again bring you a guaranteed permanen.t wave-a soft natural one with curly ends. Cannot be distinguished f rom natural icurly haïr. ler, Albert J. NYstrom, I-arry W. Mons, and Roland D. Feltù,an, iimedi- ate past president, ex-officio director. Mrs. Ella Fookier, 82, Taken by Death Thlursday Mrs. Ella Pockler, who for a nuzm- ber of. years had -been spending ber A wavé that every ne llppropriateQ io iefray tflîs expense, where the clog bàs been properly Iicensed. Otherwise, the owner must bear the expense or the do g must be destroyed. Hie also advised the erection of a pound where stray dogs nlay be confined.. The board tooký the niatter under consideration. 1Mrs. Catherine, woman will admire. Spiral croquignole, or combination »«Ic Mr. and Mrs. William W. Whee- ;BE«G Iock, 132 Oxford road, left Kenil- n» worth Tuesday of last week, motorig 2M to-Harrodgburgh, Ky.,, to spend sev-, 2W eral days. 1135 4