Maui3fallen-Spruchiein CI TNap). .. ...... . liretes blibeslied NUnes XM taiden's Viret Love Song 4. Te Wnd. ... Alkan Triana .....ben..... S. Oh i coul I1,but leïprenss in og- TO golashkiù oa. Young Gentlemhan- - .John Allen.Carpenter ]Possession................... .Sharp Light, My Lght- John Alden Carpenter Mfien Goodwin 6 Veils......... ..Debussy Fieermus...striole dosk Duy a Year of Comfort'from, Us Now h tthe f info ..f fi. your h*ating ptobl.m send forge1 if for the catir. year. UfflfomAuufoatié Neut Wl,., you contreot with us for automatic heat. you gt the temperatur. you -want through any id of coId w..lîhr . - no waveringi due to lack of pres- sur.* t.lssenlng becas. y ou failed s. f..d the fhmace. Your home is provid.d with regular, *von hoat that maIes for healti, and conifort et &Il fîmies. Lrgr Ieut Dolilars Oue com~bustion angineers <Iet*rmine th. excint grade of oil which gives yoia ho mott heaf in, your burner per Ihr fspent. W. eliv"et prticular ofl oery tins., and we k.p 1h. tank suppled if bout the ne.d of your watching if. W. cannot blond if wlfh some inforior kind q CL becaus. we carry only SHEL UR &JLOIL end ar* direct agents, of Il,. 5ha*Il Petrolouni Corporation. Moulton-The Formation ,'of Capital. Cooper--Ten Thousand Public Encan- ies. Donneliy-Preparation% for Civil Serv- ice. Harding-T., N. T., UHodes-It's Your Mfoney. Cabot-Social Service and -the Art of Heiling. .White House Confrence-The Handi- capped Child. Breuckner - Diaàgnostic and,,Reniedial Teaching. WRITING AND PUBLICITY Bakeless-Magazine-'Editing. Bond-Brcaking Into Priait. Laird-Wbat Makes People, Buy.> ,Mayer-How to Do Publicity. TRAVEL AND HISTORY Laughti- So fou're Coing ho thé Mediterranean. Ford-Provence. Maillart-Turkeston Solo. Longstreth-To Nova Scotia. Cittenden-Yellowstone National Park. JLuhan-Winter ini Taos. Miii is-Road to War. Churchill-Afterniath. PHILOSOPHY Joad-Introduction to Modern Phil- osophy. Berkeley-Essay, Principles, Dialogues. Descartes-Selections, Hobbs-Seçtions. OTI1ERITITLES leddington-New Pathways to Science. FICTION Bagnold-Nationai Velvet. BIodgett-1Easter Holiday. Carroll-Few Foolish One. De la Roche-Young Renny. Dougias-Green Light. Field-Time Out of Mind.ý ]Frank-A 'Man Called Cervantes. Lion-The. Grass Grows. Green. Pakington-The Eligible Bachelor. Thompson-A Silver Rattie. DETECIVE STOIRIES Atwater--Crime in Corn -Weather. Brande-The Most Beautiful, Lady. Carr-The Red Widow Murders.: Downing-Vultijres in the Sky.. Eberhardt-House on the Roof. Greenwood-The Deadly, Dowager. Queen-Spaniàh Cape Mystery.,, Shellabarger-By Night at. DinsMore. WESTERN $TORIES Drago-4obo Law. Gill:-Starlight Pass. Grey-Thunder Moutain. Rhodes-Proud Sheriff. BOOKS, FOR BOYS ÀAN».GIRLS Behind. the Magie Curtain-»ight folk scenes Presented by the Junior pla.y- ers OÏ the Neighborhood piayhouse, make a series of gay and colorful na- tional pictures. Colt, Doroth3ý - "Rai Khosru" - Thèse piays were produced by the King-Colt theatre to introduce children to five great Civlizations and their literatures: Persian, Greek. Indian, Frencht, and' English. Hamilton, Edwin-"~Populgtr Crafts for Boys-Trîk phoograpy, mask-mak- ing, metali -. i,xodoling, and fifteen other subjeets for boys wlio do things. flobseman L.ouise - «'Jootlights U:p" - Practical plays for boys and girls of junior high age. James W1117lIn the Sadle with Uncle, Bill"'Ajhe adventures of Kip and Scootie, begun ln "Uncle Bill" are con- tinued ln this story of their second sumaner spent on the big western, ranch. Lampwey, L. -"Tomahawk Trail"-pur ,trading, Indian war-fare, tie-,wilder- ess trail.-This story hias a surprise ehdingl Fr olnder . it .... itl t ome n "*b.oc . Ay% lhi~f.fiW!k#.235 or 64U-.Uni. 1036 Mrs. Charles Moody enid .ler mother' Mrs. Chaules E.Wells, 700 Forest avenue,ilil etertaià et a bridge Iuncheon Yriday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, A. Gonser, ý904 Chestnut aveiue, peuit h. pa .week-end at -TurkçeyRue. awm.meEts" of pi8q à, ieuE, Ssoti bb eiuIpov.7rinvg &me. We, o. us m tii«Y " lesthe ST '~lu s h poe.MUN* et oi udirs ~~~~u WM Ibe11 h mo4y f1 lit* of Bion X«4iuo Y"rd du f ni b o, a i ucCick Delevarid M mimrson -Street.