Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 May 1935, p. 1

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P. T.A IN j' *Meaoria1 Rights" iLetion Auxiliaries te Conduot Annual Solicitation to Aid Disabled.Vetm' :,Monday, May 21, bas been desig- nated as. "Poppy Day" in Wilinette, weather permitting, otberwise the sale will, L-- held on Truesday, May 2&. Wil- mette Post No.- 46, Anerican Legion and, its, Woman'os Auxiliary, are in' charge of the. event in that part of the village to the east of, Main street. Mrs. Howard J. Hickey, 350 Oak circle, the general chairman, will, be assisted- by Mrs& Gertrude Johnson, MÀrs. George Scherzer and "Captain Daddy" Hood, who lias the distinction of being one of Wilmette's two sur- viving veterans of the Civil war. Appomint Captains The captains in charge of the selling units inchide: Mesdames George Bass- ler, Wni. R. Wilson, V. Hendricksoni, 0. G. Daily, David C. Leach, Theo. * Barrett, George Leal, Frank Dowd, Clinton B. Cochran, George Stone, James Barcus, T. D. L. Hall, Clark E. Nolan, George J. Hones, Norman C. Deno, A. R. Houle, Carl Peterson Gordon Keitk Charmers, youth-' fl pressdent of Rock ford college, wpho wilI address th e parent-teacher association of New Trier High scisool Tuesday night, May 28. Dr. Cholmers t: comfleting his -first year as president at Rock! ord, the oldest college for uvmen insthse Middle West. Lay Corner Stone of Wilmette's New. Post Office Jtue i1 Postmnaster Bert L.Onnell an- 1 ounces that ceremonies attendant. upon. laying of the corner stone .1 of the new post office building. at Central and Park avenues, wiIl take place Saturday, Jane 1 Trhe prograni, according to Mr.' O'Connell, is- not yet coMp)leted, but as surance s bave . been received ta Wilmette Post No. 46, Amerîcan Leg-" ion, and the Evanston Drum and Bugle -corps will participate. -Efforts are be- ing made to secure Ralph E. Church of Evanston, representati 've in congress, frointhe lOtb district, to deliver the principal address. lmPéftànt es- ages' of the postal department are ex- pected to be present, and Postnlaster Ernest J. Kruetgen of ChicagO bas signified his intention of participating in the event. IMany of the patriotic and. civic or- ganizations of the village have been invited to join in the ceremonies, and a general invitation to all citizens of, Wilmette, as well as neighboring viIh lages, is~ extended.. The complete pro- Robert E. Kinnare, Legion OffiChaito ESeak-& er; Parade Feature Memorial day will be fittimgly Ob- served Thursdayi' MaY 30,olain impressive series. of cereinonies. ila which many officiaI and civic organi- zations will participate, and which, those in charge hope, Will. gether a large.concourse of citizenship to ijoin la d 4tritl*ui of patriotism and loyalt to hm n countryý. Under the direction of Wimette post No. 46, American Lýegiou, f which. George F. Scherâer is coi- mander, ýand whose Memorial. day committee is headed by* Lt. James C. Leaton, M22 W ahington 'a#MftUU chairman of the patriotic celebrations committee, the program will open at 6:30 o'clock with a cannon salute and flag raising ceremonies at the Village hall; conducted by Boy Scouts and Junior' Legionnaires, followed bY* a similar ceremonyand memorial serv- ice at Memorial Park cemetery, con~- ducted by Wilmette pot and Evas- ton camp No. 57. United Spanish War Vpttrnq- Tmmiauelv fallnwmnu will Main street, as well as: in KKenilworth, and their battle cry is said to be, "They shal l ot pass"-witho'it buying a poppy and thus contributing te the support of disabled veterans and their children, to which the proceeds. are devoted. Mode by V.team "4Making of the paper poppies to be sold on 'Poppy Day' and worn ini bonor of tbe World war dead is reserved (Continued on Page 6) at Oxford as a Rh going to Rockford a member of the E Mount Holyoke to ley, Mass. scholar. Before Chalmers was ;h department at in South Had- Cbief MeGuire Wil Address CivicLeagi Chief.of. Police Cloyd C. MecG Kenilworth club took place Tuesday, evening, the new officiaIs being as fol- lows: President -Williamn N. Sears, vice-president-Paul Colvin,. secretary- treasurer-t>eWitt, Stillman. 1 The following were elected to the, directorate: Glen Paxton, Allen Gil- bert, Harry Williams, DeWitt Stilînian, and Thonipson Wakeley. memorlal service for tRose e nrme comrades who answered the last rol cali,. and for whom final taps have been sounded. This feature of the program will be conducted by Mrs. Gertrude Johnson, president of the ,Wom'an's auxiliary of-Wilmette post. A parade will forai at Washington (Continued on Page 15) Hon~e to Open Beach at anda apast istr~icz~ will address the Wilhuctl club at a Memorial DaY Weduiesday noon,. May Z. ShawneeC CountrY club. B wrill lé, 4sAmericanizatioiI subjei ....~~ .5, . . .. umne ot WILMT-Edrz lu the. kind of Pet YOU <hire at money.SSVig ri p's. Il. a. ,Minois

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