servce ... mderate ;rates. s.Md NOW f. Plder m is open to both boys and girls, will be to give the student a background of instruction in radio fundamentals and to prepare hii for the federal radio amateur license examination.. Included in the.instruction: Wi .l b e fundamentals of radio theory, amateur radio regulationrs and practices and, the. Morse. international code. The. course;, it is pointed ýout, wil give fui credit towards graduation from -New 'Trier> and entrance credit for some colleges. In the'opinion, of J.R. Smith,, who will 'teach the course, it, will be a "real start in the most fasciniating hobby in the world." Mr. Smith, eberof the reguiar New Trier faculty, whoô was formerly a *chief radio ,electrician .for, the .United *States Navy_ and instructor in thé United States Naval Radio school at Fort Trumbull, New Lon- don,, Conn., feeIs that parents should t welcome this opportunity to get their1 boys and girls interested in a hobbyg that will steady them through. theirN formative period.t List GirlWin ners of Scholarships Naines of New Trier senior girls who have-won scholarships et college Monday of tliis week. DeWitt Jones is the new president, - succeed- ing Donald Anderson. Jones re- ceived 959 votes. Two àther candi- dates for the ýofficéè,- Ann Winscott and John Spenger,. received 485 and 479 votes respectively. Bill Spinney'was elected vice-presi- dent to succeed Claire Nix. He re- ceived, 1,091 votes compared té 557 for. Peggy Stein and 263 for ,Kay .Neevesý Kay Wenter succeeds, Beth Bryson as secretary. She received 628 votes. Three other candidates for the office, Bill McJunkin, Barbara Findîey and John Frankel, got 499,-.475 ~nd 302 votes respectively. Êeth Bryson, was_ elected treasurer. One thousand and forty-three votes were cast, for hber, w.hile Bob John.. son received 869. In accordance with, the constitu- tion of the~ stu.dent councit the ew president and treasurer of the or- ganization will be seniors next year, while the vice-president and secre- tary will be juniors. Hutchinson Twins Head Girls' Club Peg Hutchinson and Pat Hutchin- son, twin'sisters, were elected presi-, u %541SJ ýa Allra;i LanoriAUZ eVVer, Bryant 'and Stratton college ;,' Vir- ginia Brooks, Rockford college (German. scholarship); Nancy Gor- don, Smith cclege (Smith Chicago club scholarship); Dorothy Holway, Carleton . college, Northfield, Minn.; Claire Ni Radcliffe college (Rad- cliffe Alumnae club scholarship); Jean Perrill, MacMurray college, Jacksonville, Ill. ; Marguerite Peter- managing ecitor of the UChristian Cen'- tury magazine. IThe other new officers of thé club, Iwhich is composed of aIl girls at New Trier, are Betty Burlingharn, secretary, and Virginia Coulter; treas- urer. At the assembly on Tuesday the re- tiring officers pinned corsages on the new -officers. Annamanie Booz is the GUESTS OF FRATERNITY -.MUSIC CLUB MEETS Members of the New Trier track The Senior Music club met last team who competedin the state traclc VER TSER~Tliursday -afternoon at the home .of meet, at Champaign last 'week-end AD ERTI ER y,.cMclntosh ini Wilmette. were guests of Theta Chi fraternity. FOODT I ett IEMLI i TRONIZ OU OUR