the craft of the Sherîian Shore Yacht club, is among the finest show-places1 in the world, everybody admits. Corn-1 bining architectural offices for a staff1 of forty with a home and tropical« garden, the villa i' unbelievably beau-1 tiful in ifs furnis.i.ngs and design.1 Antiques f rom ail over ,the worldq furnisb the ,rooms, and the spacious- nees and trick effects intrigue- the visitor into open.-moutbhed wonder,1 eveni if he is surprise-proof. At 'the -present time the Wilmette firmn is represented >by Lewis, B. Walton, and Frank Kegley, since Mr. Marshall is giving much'of bis timei to the management of the Drake -and the isackstone, the chef xrom the Hollanci bouse in New York City was anazed at the fine way in w 'hich the kitchens weré laid out. When some- thinq goes wrong-perha,'ps the bis- cuits, I don't go out to the kitchen and say, 'These are awful.', I go in and :ask for flour and butter and. make. up- a batch of. biscuits myself. Then a chef looks up, to ýyou." Finesse for good living is equally weIl illustrated intbe Wilmettevila The Marshall studio lias, no formai dining roomn. When. covers. are laid for a large party, say 75 persons, w)' & for decor in teaet-o uu a the Drake, and its shining çopper, pewter,. brass utensils, garl ic, twist, candles-and frank prifits. Pris"e .1WàI.s Callert >The studio holds many other charmns for the visitor, and visitors have1 been. numnerous and- noted,, in- cluding the Prince o f Wales, whose: name is burned into the table top re- sevdfor -thé. guest register, and iGeneral Baîàbo,.who sent the architect bis auitographed photograpb a year' after bis flying .isit to Chicago.' A tropical ýgarden is thé motif ofý the Mashali villa, occupyiflg a' third of the .space.. As one enters, through the beautiful lSth Century Roman gates and passes through: the recep- tion hall witb its reproductions of'a Raphael and a Michelangelo and ilts niedieval crucifix, the garden's lush greenery and swimming. pool lie abead. At the far end are deep win- dows wbicb give upon the lake. In summer the windows slide down, leav- ing only a screen to bar the view. Vines, trading binder ropes, bamboo trees, palms, banana trees, jasmine, mnoss, and pink bail trees maice of the garden a fairyl'and. Colored lights and carved lamps enhance the gar- den's beauty at night. Fifteen switcbes control the circuits for ligbts flod-lighits set in the waIls. un one side are a grotto lighted. witbý blue lights, a wayside japanese tea bouse (quite the tbing for a child's play- room), and the famous Chinese temple. Haif hidden in the greenery, the dragon portai admits the visitor to an exquisite interior witb red lacquer pillars, gilded dragons, and cartet of ctuilted satin. Along one wall is a BIN MAkSMI e.. * .summerat Duke'. Campln' Canada. develops resouricefulnes8,. self reliance and. a.foreful pr sonality, prime requisites of succes and leadership. It la a. sure cure for. any Inferlorty complex. The program la desIgned tobigout ail the fine traits, of The boy la "on hie own." l He lives; the life of the ha.rdy pioneer which buildA self confidence to a marked degree. CAMP OWAKONZE offers You the lEST in. . . *location On Baril Lake in the great North Woods. Baril Lake is large enough for fine sailing, yet amail enough t0 be saf e. 0 .quipment Ai uiline. 6 b cent training and cap. the -boys. Als. Best of ebest eqqip- nged campa irector lNew esisted by a cd in adoles- real pals to * ealth building activities Swimmîng, sailing, exploring, camping, canoe trips. Every sport and activity real boys like. A program to crete stamhlia,. resourcefiilnes and self xeliance. *rates Offering more for the money in reai values than any other boys' camp. I wil pay you to investigate the many points of superiority of "Instead ut UesiningI1ur '..---- --- lobby first," lie said, "the initial prob- A dahabiyeh-like divan accom- forms the back drop for the tiny lems that 'Should receive attention are modates twenty persons. Trhe table stage, which is as well lighted and the dining roorns, kitchen, roomn serv- o om ato h lo i u- equipped as any in Chicago. ice, and bedrooms; then the eleva-to rspatoteflruti A huge pulpit occupies one corner tion and the lobbies." per is ready. Then the top Imoves up of the room, the swinging doors of, Interested in every phase of hotel towàrd 'the cteiling, and, the Iower (Continued en, Page 37) B................ ...... tt .........