presiclent; Mrs. ,John KSohler (Welles- ley), recording secretary; Mrs. Edith M. Lewis (Wellesley), corresponding secretary; and Mrs. E. O, Griffenhag- en (Smith), auditor. They wiil fil twso- year ternis. Miss Louise Fairmani (Michigan) and Miss Virginia Gunder-.. son (Illinois) wecre .elected- directors f or' two-year ternis, while Mr. Palplh Merriami (Chicago), was electeci direc- tor for one year, to fil a vacancy. Those wh ose term on the hoarricx tends for another year a re: Mis.s El- nora Harkness (Wisconsin),, firstvice- president; Miss Annie Dunlop (Smith), treasurer; Mrs. Horner Bang (Noth- wvestern), historian; and Mrs., Ronald J. Christie (Chicago), director. The rnonth's prograffis will corne to an end Tuesday evening, May 23, wheri james Weber, Linn, author rte n professor of English literature, will give -one of'bis delightfui lecture3. Mr. and' Mrs. Linn wilI be the club',> guests at dinner, and, he will begin bis tallk at 8:15 o'clock. Kildeer Club to Open Summner Season May 25 The sumnmer season at Kildeer Cou ntry club will open Saturday, May 25, with a formai dinner. dance. Hi Nelsou's orchestra is to supply the miusic. The first luncheon for the women of the club is scheduied for May 28, and is to be followed by bridge. Be-, giining june 8, the women will play bridge every Saturday afternoon. They ivill open their golf season june 4playing every subsequent. Tuesday throughout the summier. Mrs. Lester Bratton of Glencoe has. charge of 'woman's. golf, assisted bYMrs. O. C. Roessleir of Wilmette, 'and. Mrs. Wills- ton Todd and Mrs. John Goessle, Jr., of Evanston. Mrs. A. J. McMaster of Hityllaiid Park is handicap chairman. T he prize cornmittee for wonien's golf includes Mrs. J. J. Desmonld of, Hubbard Woods and Mis. H. G. IN EVANSTON Mirs. 1'raitk P. Whitmiore of Ken il- weorth has been elected chairman of the Chicago district of the. Ilinois Pederation of Music Clubs. Mrs. Whitmore,who sang o;& theFebruary program of the Lake. View Musical society, has just completed four years' work on the board of that Musc Club District Elecf s New Officers The recentiy elected chairman of the Chicago District of the Illinois Federation of Music Clubs, Mrs. Frank P. Whitmore of 644 Abbots- ford road, Kenilwortii, announces the list of officers serving with her on the board and elected at the annual ineet- ing: Mrs. Mazie Odeli Cardy of Chi- çago, second vice-chairni; Aima Qranibauer, of DesPlaines, fourth vice- chairman;- Mrs. Herbert Alden Sey- miour of Evanston, historian. The foliowing remain in office an-* other year: Mrs. George Oberne, first vice-chairman; Mrs. Ernest 'Voler, recording secretary; Esther E. Turk- i n g ton, corresponding secret.ary;, EmmaEwen, treasurer; Grace Kirsch- baum, auditor; Mary McCann, parlia- mentarian; Mrs. Fred Seitz, maga- zine; Margaret Lester, music in set- tiements. Ail hold-over offilcers and com.mttee cbairmen are Chicagoans. cordiallyi.nvite you to. attend the o0ening of their greatly Onlarged.:aàd remodeled .tfore on Th ursday, May,23rd, E New and greatly enlarged Col lect ion of living. room furnitu*re and, furnishings in, ail of the important periods including the now popular modern styles. (f Fine selection of dining roomn suites in many woods and attractive new finishes. Ihat cannot help but induce deligkt- fuI rest. (f A fine, sho'wing, of ail the latest drapery and upholstery fabrics in the newest colors. 41 Rugs. illildb- te ayDa fstviie Betty Fogarty, rushing.; Mrs. E. 1. week-end for h a a etvte Stoddard, archives advisor. T h e at Rockford coilege. Miss Lee is a House Board association is eiected speciail student at the Northwestern from mnembers of the North Shore schooi of mnusic and Miss Piitzski Aiumnae associ ation, of Kappa Kappa attends the music school of the Uni- Gamma. versityof Chicago.