Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 May 1935, p. 44

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D.,A. R. Holds. Election Monday At the meeting of the Skokie Valley chapter, D. A. R. Mon-ý day, May 20, at the hom f Mrs. Edward L. Scheidenhelm,, 704 Lake avenue,. Wilmette,, an 'in- teresting 'account of. the 'Côn-. tinental Congress was given byý Mrs. George Shi paworp resented the regent, Mrs. J. K. Farley, Jr,.at the convention. Mrs. Wïlliam. Fox- and, Mrs. Alfred Krae'mer added other in- teresting itemns to.the account, telling of their own exper ien in Washington during the ýcon-, vention. Annual reports, showing a large amoéunt of patriotic work donc by the, chapter, wer~e given 4w the âffiiers and the chairnien of committees. The election of officers clected in odd cal- endar years, followed the reports: ,Mrs. Wilfred A. Nabors, first vice- regent; Mrs. Walter Gore Mitchell, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Fred- erick M. Bowes, treasurer;- Mrs. Edward L. Scheidenhelm, histonian; Mrs. George Shipman, chaplain. Mrs. Hanry P. Harrison was chair- maan of the. nom inating cornmittee. The officers elected in 1934 whn urili tary; Airs. H-oward W. Ho dgkins, registrar. Mrs. Israel C. Cope, organizing re- gent in 1925, is honorary regent of the chapter., The day of meeting bas,' beeü changed from the ,third Monday totthe. second Monday of the mnh Among the members planning to at- tend the annual May breakfast of the Amrcicanism committee of . the * ieAlice Kingp of Wiimette is t/ fiancée of Eli Walsh Garrison of New York City and Bradenfo, Fia.; her paren~ts, the Kari D. Kings, announced at a tea given bi MArs. King last Friday aflernoon.' Kari D. Kings Announce of Mr. and Mrs. Karl D. King, .914. Greenwood avenue, was announced to Eli Walsh Garrison of New York. City and Bradenton, Fia. Miss King is a graduate of New Trier and of Northwestern university and received ber M. A. degree from Columbia Teachers college. She> has taught physical eduaction at Deen- field-Shields High school, the Dalton school ini New Yorkc City, the Syra- Children of members of Shawnec country club will have a lively trne tbis Saturday afternoon, May 25, ai the club, for th is will be a pets and hobbies party. It will be held on the law4 (in case of ra i it will, be held on Saturday, June S8) and will begir at 2:30. Pets of àail kinids are expected, in- cluding dogs, cats, turties, gold fis«lh and possibly eveni charneleons.. The children'are asked tô bring. lashes or boxes . so they can, take care of their pets an& not let theiniget away. .The chil1dren: may, also brinlg te st.amp or coin collections, oranything in which they.are interested. Movies wiIl betaken.by one of the club members. There wil be refreshments. Mrs. Harris Frazie is in chargef the. party, assisted by, Mrs._Bronson and.Dr. Beatrice W. Hawkin s. Helen Parsons Engaged lo Arthur V. Clemneni Mr. and Mrs. Fred F. Parsons of' 518 Hawthorn lane, Winnetka, ail- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Helen Katharine, to Arthur V. Clement, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ciernent of Joliet. -Mis Parsons, a member of Delta Beloit ast year Phi Kappa Psi. anl i'ýs a;n Is Setfrothed F7 Lt d Ie d AnnuaI Lunclieon Is HeId Monday A most.delight-ful social, oc- ..casion was thé annualI luncheon of. the Wilmette center of the Infant- Welfare society, held Monday at Westmoreland Coun-. tryc club.'One-hundredten mnir- bers 'and friends were present. Many of the formner members of the senior Infant Welfare board, who are. stili. affiliated with the wo rk. of the or gani za- tion, were present, as also were some, of the Junior. auxiliary miembers. f Mrs. . P. Evans, a chartermemiber 1 of the work in Wilmette,ý gave a brief --resume of the starting of the presenàt Wilmette center of the' Woman 's atakiIiary of the society. She also. told of work done in previous depression times, and how the men of the village rallied to the support of the society's endeavors, helping load cars with vani- ous articles so much needed in the homes served by the Infant Welfare at that time. In ber description of visits to the stations in those years, Mrs. Evans showed how much Infant WVelfare had accomplished; how the workers often ia-d to inake the moth- ers realize they must undress the babies and have their temperatures taken before the doctor woul look at theni; After Mrs. Evans' talk, the party adjo urned to the lounge, where pro- .gressive bridge was piayed. Eighteen of those present were fortunate, for the committee composed of Mrs. J. P. Hoesli, chairman, Mrs. Hl. A.' Craig, and Mrs. Marley H-alvorsen, had pur- chased beauiful prizes.' The, Infanf W%,elf are is indeed g*rateful to this committee and to Mrs. W. A. Kend- rick for sponsoring the luncheon at, the club, it announces. an 01, thc neeC ountry T'he open- twelve anda is Friday, Her guests Mission chat>. le . jei ornier Wilunsette girl who is ilow 718 liing jsinEanssion, is to, become iaw- th Ibrieohre ila forbrl ofC resWlam tige. Pletcher of Boulder, Ca/o., her, ber Parents, the Hugo T. Pischers, an- nounce.this zweek. Mr. Fletcher and his bride probabl y will. reside in Boulder where Mr. Fletcher is connected with the Uni- versity of Colorado as a government engineer.

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