Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 May 1935, p. 3

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St. Augustine's Episcopal church, of wbicb Dr. HuIbert Carleton is rector, will join. ini celebration of the lOth anniversàry of the. Episcopal church in In. initiation of the prograin 150 of the parishioners gatbered at a -dirmner inthe Masonic temple -Monday eve- ning, following whîch plans were pe r- fected to raise a centenary fund of $19,0MO Similar dinners and meetings in connection with the centenary are being held this montb in aIl the parishes of the Episcopal chiurçh througbout the. diocese.. A f und of $1,000,0O iÎs being raised to pay the debts of the Diocese: of :Chicago and the many parishes and missions conniected therewitb . 0f thiis total about .$100,000 bas already been proniise. Hear Campaigu Plans After sing ing diocesan an d national hymns, Henry Fowler,- senior warden of St. Augustine's, who, presided, in- troduced- the speakers of the evening, J. V. Norcross of Highland Park, chancellor of the, diocese; the Rev. Gowan Williams, rector of St. Mark's, Glen Ellyn; Mr. Kemper, .campaign manager of a drive just successfully completed in that parisb, where $15,000 was raised, and Robert Stoddard of Wilmette. St. Augustine's decided to enter at, once upon a campaign to raise $18,00 to f ree the parish entirely of debt, to repair and renovate the parish build- ings and property, and-to contribute its share to the centenary fund of the diocese. Nainies Drive Captains Although no solicitation of funds was made at the meeting, two pledges of $1,000 each were announced. Mucb enthusiasm was manifested. M_. Fow- er announced.the appôintment of five captains who will head teamns of can- vassers. Pledges will be sought f rom aIl Episcopalians in Wilmette, wbether connected with St. Augustine's or not, and f rom ail friends of the pariîsh. It is an unusual thing for a parish Th1. met ini Members and, friends of, St. Johns: Lutheran church, Wilniett e, U411ltwitn e: an, îimPressiet ecere- inoin,' Sunday morni.itg, May 26, -hwa 1»eWlynstalled stamled glass chaitcel twindoWw ili be dedicatedas, a memoriai toà the Rev. Hermnai W.. Mcyer,, formner -pastor of the* church, zuho passed awpay iù No- vemtber, 1933. The window tuas çokt- s tructed in' accordance with the' plaiis outliined by Mr. Meyer, who had bec»i pastor of the church for 20 years. Gi'rIs'Athletic Group Making Banquet Planis The Girls' Atlhletic association of New Trier Hîgh school is making .plians for its annual banquet, which is to bc held on j une 4. The association lias cQmpléted its election of offbcers for next year, and Rames of, the oticers will be announed at the banquet. *Plans for the horse show Saturday of next week at O-Ki-Ifi stables aiso are occupying the attention of the girls. Twelve members of the association will take part in a play day in L.vans- t on. next week, six representing the> sport of archery and six representing basebali. Girls who are talçing. golf are to be in motion pictures to bc taken this Saturday by Fox Movie- Mrs. Melville Brown is chairnian ot a committee which is contacting the former members of the church. A committee on new. members is headed up by 'Herbert W., Caldwell. ,Other members of this comimittee are Mrs., G. 1 D. Upson and'.Mrs. W. A. Richard- son. 'The chairman of the -dinner committéee is. Mrs. John W.. Fisher, Jr. ýAssisting ber are Mrs. E., C. Hil- dreth and, Mrs. George, H. Reddîng. Haold Closing Service, of Season at-Temple "Religion and Cbildbood Impres- sions" will be «the subject of Rabbi Charles E. Shulmans sermon . -in North Shore Congregation Israel tem- ple in Glencoe Sunday morning, May 26, at the . l dock services. ThI'is will be a consecration service for par- ents of, confirmants of 1935, it is an- nounced, and will be the final service of the season. The confirmation service will be beld in the temple Sunday morning, june 2, beginning at 10 o'clock. The closing exercises of the Religious school will be beld Sunday, May- 26. Music at tbis Sunday's services will be as follows: Ma Tovu ....... ...... Thatcher Borchu .............. Thatcher She;a ..... ....... .. , .. JThather Micthom0cho ...........T ace Tzur Ylsroe ..;.......... Ldsinai Kedusha ............. Thatcher May the. Word& ........ Landaman Anthem: "BehoId Now, Pralse Ye the ido d', .. ... .. ... .. ..... Federlein Solo:. "Lord, to Thee We Pray" .Handel Miss Lucille Long Va'Anachnu ........**....Binder Largo ..................... .Perirnan Elohenu....................... Sta'rk Old Settiers Revel1 at Reunion; Recali Past The Old Settle*1rs of Wilmette held adjourned to Tuesday, May 28. Trustee Bower introduced an ordi nance defining the officiai status ot members of, the fire departmnent, the action bèing necessary to bring the ,per- sonnel under, civil service. The, ordi- nance was adopted anid'Preésident.Kinne.. appointed the present members of thé departmient, and the se were confirmed by the boÔard. Appoint Prosocutor Trustee ower also introduced an, ordinanice creating the office Of Village Prosecutor, which was adopted.1 The purpose, asexplained, is to protect the interests of the Village, by having 'an attorney .present .to prosecute .,%Jola- tions of Village ordinances.> Hereto- fore there has been no provision for such prosecution, reliance being piaced i the ârrestig ôficen rswho. it ila nidp are at a disadvantage when the clefend- ant appears with. a capable attorney. President Kinn.e appointed Edwin A. Robson, 1529 Forest avenue, which was concurred in by the board. Bonds of a number of Village offi- ciais and empioyees were presented and approved. Order Stop Siegua On ecomaida+tiof the Pire Lndi The "L" Terminal Business associa- tion was granted a permit to hold a (Continued on Page 8) Knights of Columbus Hold Session Mondtiy Quilmette council. Knights of number of interesting teatures, wil auuvj. INM CC i ..li begin at 7:30 o'clock. tins are some north shore residents. annbunced. Articles£ eris o the Changing Season, Page& The

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