Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 May 1935, p. 50

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floors, walls, partitions, stairs, base- ments, attics, and the like, can usually be most economnically donc during the slack winter period lbefore available building eraftsmhen are needed for new construction, which usujally increases during. the spring and, sumnmer. Mod- ernization toans,,instired, by the Fed- eral, Houéing admùinistration, are available for making home repairs. ACUlMULATIDTNRIFT WILL DOIUT SovIag# a portion of y.ur WilIp provide you, with a defi- nite amount of money. ý Oufr "48 year old plan will do it for you SAFELY. Corne in and ask about it to- day.- WINNETKA BUILDING & LOAN ASSON 7Ï6 Eh» St. -Winnetka Children Pleases A children's playground in the yard where they can amuse themn- selves and bring their littie friends to play in perfect safety is a desir- able addition_ to the home. A playhouse 'of practically any. size desired m-- be easily erected. A sand box, with dlean bright sand. is excellent for little children on warm days. A small 'pool on which to sail boats, a swing, trapeze, see-saw, %lide, and other kinds of equipment may be. quickly and inexpensively installed. For larger childrén and aduits ýa concrete tennis court is an excellent recreational- addition in anty yard. Thé. large. smooth -surface may .be ised for playing various kinds of games..It, also is an excellent place for the children to roller skate, ride On bicycles, and play during prac- tically any kind of weather., It- dries quickly after a ram and can be used when the grass and soil are too wxet to ue as a play5grotIad. RU I STATE LOANS Have funds bt. loan on choice North Shore residontial and busi- ness properties at reasonable rates. E. G. Pauling & C.. lé 8. La Bale St. CIIeage FvaIin7740 ITips on How and What to Improve CAULK: CRA&CKS Very often sash, and'door' frames, do flot fit sniioly in a building. This is especially true where frames ad- join masonry* work or even in poprly ccnstructed frame buildings. E yen after construction is co 'ltdi shrinkage of materiàls, may occur or masonry. may break away, leav- ing cracks that permit heat loss and the. infiltration of cold air and> du st. Cracks,ý around frames. should be kept filled- with. caukling material. ILLUMINATED PLATE An illuminated b*ouse-number-plate installed where readily visible from. the street is a great convenience ýat night. If will assist visitors in lo- cating your home and probably eliminate the annoyance Qften causeci by persons ringing the doorbeli to ascertain the location of. some otber. bouse number. .CLEAN FOR PAINT *Home owners who desire tO reno- vate their homes by applying paint over an 01(1 varnish finish should first remnove aIl dirt, grease, soot, and fingerprints from the old finish by wa&hing it carefully with acdean 1-1 ume -DataingT5 Plan A nnouinced A demonstration "new Ameri- cal]" homne-building program1 de- signed to. bring about the construc-: tion of a new home, for each .100,000 population in the country* by Sep- tember 1, and including discount in- ducements to builders, was an- nounced recently by the 'General Electiric company. Y Cooperation bas alreadY. been as- sured by the- Federal Housing Ad- Iministration and numerous publish- ers, builders, and banks., The. general plan. is to offer to selected builders throughou te a t'ion new ideas, pnize-winning draw- i n gs, substantial discounts and terms' on electrical equipment, and national and local -advertising sup- port, ahl in considerationkof the con- struction- by these: buil-ders. of dem- ofistration "niew American! style" homes. The prizeý.winiitg tlrawings of typical modern American dwellings, were chosen fiom plans and eleva- tions submitted by 9,000 architects in a competition conducted, r ecently by the General Flectric company. ",ýer 2,000 sets of drawingsý were entered, from which 52 winners were selected. A "new American" design was reflected in the entries as a wNhole, according to, the contest. sponsors. "Our aim," according to T. K. Quinn, vice president of the con- Pany, "is to have hiiilt 1 brije ALU. MAXES wlumetka 375 Dyo 5b 1%I-g v Ble a LrQ*LM I REPLACE OU> PAPER While doing the customary Spring ouse cleaning replace old - out-of- date wall paper with, some .of the nlew washable wall coverings, espe- cially in kitchens, playrooms, bath- rooms, and similar places wihbe-.' come easily soiled. opened ior clemonstration to the pub- lic during the months of Septemnber and October. There are no limita-. tions as to the size of the commu- ilities or the total number of bouses, except as may.be provided by locXl Coýmmttees." These committees will be. made up of dealers in various. localities.. FHA Strengthens * CII4MBEJR 0F COMMERCE BUILDING, 518-526 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON University 3840 Highiland Park 457 "R .idence Specialss o f the North 5Shore" Trough a modei ~IRahter's côwn home w NIdecorated, be says, a MIthe entire transactio -ucted througha lending agency, was which was il approved asant and I

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