Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 May 1935, p. 52

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Per botter. wou, gardoiu Armowe FERTILIZER' Ho«imiiiWé MixÎd Grass Soods PERTILIZERS AMOInor S a"De nad Là w.....106lIn. Sb Vu,*au lias 100 Des. lm Sa~.m uau.b10 n.. 26 CsUhmmtt , a.. ..N...1b.*5 IUm ...... 84.1b. e Uc 19 Po~pa t.Couseg, th# Ridge 1UD1FRtÀNN IBIOSO PAINTS-HARDWARW WgMette Av. end Ridg. Rd. PIm a~.Wlmuat. 51. speciapirograxu on "Air Condition- ing" has .been designated for the rcg'u- lar mnonthly.meetinig*to be held Mon- dayr, June 3. at the board rooms, 1569 Sherman avenue, "Evanston. . rnest F. Joncs, manager of thc .Heating and Air Condîtioning depart- ment*.of the Inland« Supply,,company, bas been. chosen té delier a discourse on the subjcct; -He' is, thé author, of several tecbnical býoks'dcaling witb the engineering problems involved in this new field. Building contractors, arcbitects and owners are invitcd to attend and ask questions. The: talk Will begin about 9 o'clock, following the business meeting. The board also expeets to definitely settle the problcmt of "For Sale" signs, wbcn resolutions :dcsigned to elamin- ste the practice wilI be prcsented by Stewart. B. Mattbêwschairmai of the brokerage coanmittec, FRANKENRS TULIP DISPLAY ..is at ils Lest now. Learn vALÇa . . . te Fm.mkem Bres. Edlm Stmt« who rfelevea nia kPh. JD. aegree a.t Mil- ian Otate coijege, after attendipg coilegea -i hie native state of Colorado and ln Utah. He has, Iéctured extenslvely on gardeffing ln many states'and han writ- ten Muéh on -tolices ofsol and planit physiology. His experlenice extends ln- to the practicaLl business end of planf culture, thus enabling'hlmn to *rite with authoxrty :on ail matters pertaining to the subJect. Dr. Fronder's articles .ap- pear ln thi1s section each week. Late Spring Planti>zg Except for those determined indi- viduals who bave. doue their spring planting, weatber notwitbstandini-. tbé very backward season finds many writh littie donc toward tbe, improve- ment of their borne grounds. But. this does, not mean tbat tbey mu stf forego tbe pleasure of a well kept and attrac- tive lawn and gar den tbe remainder of the year. Lawn seed can stiji bc sown, trees and shrubs can stili be pIanted, and perennial flowering plants set out now wilI develop mnore rapidly because of the warmer weatb-, er and the longer days. Ideal Plat ing Time Plantinga made in the early spring usu Ilt bave the advantage of several wccks of cool and damp weather in 1 hich to egtablish thenaselves and they can bc donc with less care for abs and perennials are better ited now than earliier because tbey less apt to be. injured by cold ýther. This is also the ideal lime planting annuals and vegetables. 'nly bigh quality seeds, and fresh. rous plants will possess sufficient lity to establish theanselves in late iag planting. Therefore., it is im- is engagedata present in sprayiug the woodlanid pools, the breeding places of the aedes excrucians and. vexans, which, a little, Jateriif permitted to hatch- out, wosld . if est the north shore. At, present, these pools are fuil oflittie wigglers wh*ch thesprayi- ing will. extermninate before théy..get on the wing. The, drainage of thle district, in general, is. ngid to be in very good condition, as, a resuit of work donc last, summer and fali,'as work.. relief projects. 1T h is work wams teuaorarlly halted on May 1,- owing to -a lack of. funds, but it.is hoped it ýmay-b. re- sumed soon. The district uses. one-. bhundred Men in projects of- this na- turc. A mnmber of ncw, ditches- are to- be constructed this season and« somùe of the old.ones will be clcaned 'eut. sbhrubs, roses, and cvergreens, loosen the soil to a depth of 15. or-more inches. Remove thc soit to a, depth. neccssary, saving the top soit to place close to the moots, and loosen the soif in the bottorn of the bole for several inches. Mix fincly dîvided peat'moss and a bandful of soluble plant food with this'soit and set thc shrub, bush, or treiii an upright position slightlv aI 'the edges to create a reservoir which can be filled witb water. C.« oe&.4Csw.fumlly A very important factor in plant- ing laIe spring or summer lawns ià to cover tbe seeds carefully. Spread tbe seed evenly and then rake until1 il is mixed with the top onç-balf inch of soil. Tben roll and soak thorouizhly. SEED Co;o Uni. 2260 EverY eveaiig ftom May 22ncl D.parf ment. fullY nurturing their finest tulips, lilacs and pansies, to have thean ready for the show. There will be bowl and *0 Jun , st table arrangements of al the spring Ilowers, as .well as a profusion of fiowering ahrubs.

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