Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 May 1935, p. 64

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GJUcoZ-mIGLAiD PARK Atwtlvo Colonial 8 rnis., 2 baths, lot IOOX50 . ..... *....~. $7 On beautiful lot, 9 ?ms,., 3 baths, oil lit.. -car garage .............. 16 Chariptng Englieli brick, 8, nus., s baths, aniong fine homes...... $150 MA"Y MORE, AL L SZES & PRICES BAIRD,& WARNER, mnc. au DA vis ST., EVABNS ors.1.m 185Holeor 15 81PAEDIEK IL RT Kenilortb4785 Rogera Park 6161 us PARK AVENUE, OLENCOE Ghc.1554 Birae15 1lermis, 3alis., stly, mod. olh ... ...$17 m10 rme., 8 bs., mod., nr. iake . .15 -erau.x 1%b&.,mod ,ohl, 2-c, g.. 1 6rni s. .,mo.a01, -1. .5 7'.rnis., 2 b&.,,l. cL. , H. W.:H. g. 70 7 rmms, 1 b.H. . H., 2oli . g..7 4 rnis., apt., adulte, 1-c, g.....2 FURNISHED l0rns. 4 bu., beaut. estate, swlm- mn ol............... ....$400 O 3re.h8oi., gnod loc., nikely furn. 200~ Vrme 2 -,b&, lp. pch., g. yd. ,. 25 10 rnis., z ba., well furu., 1-c, g. 100 M irm m., 2 bs., elp. pch.. 2-c, g. ...85 7 vas., 1%1 bs., slp. poli., 1-c, g. . 75 6 rrnis., 1 o., neatly furn., 2-c, g.. 60 Complote l ut of lieuses and apts. furu. andl unfurn., short or long tenu periods. B. H. BARNETT 536 Conter St. Winnetka 9$5 97LTN'3-ltp> West Wilmette - 3 Blâck 1s PROU SCH-OOL. MODERN ENGLISH- brick, studio livng-room fireplaco, din- I1g-room, breakfast room, kitchen, 3 bedroms % bahe-att, ga'rage; H. W. McGUIRE & ORR,hInc. Over 40 Years of Dopendable Service . 38 Po.rk'Ave., Glencoe Ph. Glen. 13 97LTN3-lte ATTRACTIVFj-4 BDRMS., 2 BATHS, den, scr. porcli, bil lit., near lake and seboole. $115 a înonti.' CIIARING COL. - 5 BPIDRMS., 3 baths, 1ev., 2 scr. porches, roc. rnm., lovely yard. $15o a month. Other rentais furnished or unfurnlslied for long or short terme. Frances J.Winscott 902 Spruce St. Wlunetka 1267 ____________________97LTN3-ltc 6 Room Brick Bungiinow 4iv0 OF, CSTr Mod.etnBrick, Colonial E UALLY WELL PLANBD UP AND WnstaIrs, this house is handy aud full of hume comfort. Solidly, built and linsulatod the bouse ls:warm st .low cost ln winter and cool ln summner. In N. E. Wlirnette on 100 feet ef weoded lawn, landscaped >with -alirubsanad - llowers. House lbas Il -room's, 3%.baths,.>ail fix- tures the verY best. Owner built at :cost of over $52,000.- 12 years ago. Offered now at $22,000.1 Owner bas moved and bouglit ln au- other city. Mr. Dreyerha. cost data and full Information. NORTH SI-ORE REALTY 523 WinnetIka Ave.. Wnn. 81-Wil. 819 111LTN3-lte E. E. STULTS REALTY *460 Winnetka "Avenue Wlnnetka 1800 3~Blk. East of' Iidian Hill Station 1SOUTH WINNETKCA IWeil built tapestry brick colonial. 3 bedrms. g2'. tue bathsansd kitclien l ar'ge Ilfi4 i - :and creeeporeI1, att. gar., oh lit. Asklng $15,000. Want offer. EAST KENILW'ORTH i Beautiful wooded grounds. Conifertable 1 4 bedrm. honme, 1% baths, automatle lit., large living n,. and screened porcli, 2-car gar. Out ef town owuer. Asklpg $ 10,000. * GET DETAILS ON ABOVE PROPERTIES TODAY ______________________11LTN3-ltcý IMMEDIATE ACTIOjN- 18S NECESSARY TO OBTAIN THIS beautiful 7 room solid. brick home. Tîle roof, 2-car brick garage, 2 tile bathu, situated amen g Wilmette's finest hernes. (Gorgeous living rooni . 5a18, large dinlng room, eanvassed 'walls, recreation roni. 011 leat, 2. blks. te lalce and elevated, Being sacrifice ut '818,000 -50% ef cost-Mortgage, $12,000 56%%, 1939. Shore-Towns Realty Corp. 1619 Sherman Ave. .Gre. 2700 ______________________11LTN-ltc AMONG tJTCE TREES TIHUS BEAUTIFUL HOME 0F ENG- 11.0ih design ut .299 *Veruon Avenue, Glenco. le an outstanding purcliase. 10 ro= -a 3batlis,,libyary, powder-redm, matrbedroom 3ft mlon nd cloed PICTURESQTW FRENCH BR~ICK with Tower entrance. theé loor hall, ano iron ccle tairway. 4 spaclous bedroome, 3 coeltule baths, 011 boat, att. 2-ear ,~ae, - recreation roo i wthlirepelaco reclosure bargain..........;e8 ,000 CHARMINGOSMALL ESTATE-ENG- LISIE Brick home,ý 10 rooa 3 bathe, sun, rooni, récreatlon and b=ft.> ronte. 3-car garage, on. %-acre lnu exclusiv 1e vooded estate sectioin, but convenient te botli Hubbird Woods and Skokie achools. For rent.......... ...$15Me. Sale* price 1l.......... $4,00 THEWHITAKER WAY FOR BUYING -SELLING -RENTING 7 ROOM STUCCo AND PRAME. 4 corner bedrooms. Screenedfrn porcli. H.ý W. beat. Garage. Con- veulent. neighborhood .......$9,500 LIQUIDATION. 10 ROOMS. 6 BED- rooms, 3 baths,. ibraryï, H. W . oi hoat, 2-car garage Ail conven- lences.... ................$35,000 INDIAN. HILL EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY for the disériminate buyer 10 rooms, 5 bedreoms, 3 bathé, garage and quarters. App. 1% acres beautiful Iandecaped lot. Open te offers. GLENCOE 7 ROOM STUCCO. 4 BEDROOMfS, H. W. heat. Lot 110x210. Ga- rage ....................... 15,009 *The abeve and uiany others available. tliroiigl our Photo-Tour. Why mot take advaiutage of theé mont modern facillties wvben selectlng your home. R. B. WHITAKER. CO. 140 Conter St. Wlnuetka 8250 Open Week Days 9 to 9, 1IILTN3-ltc Çhoice East Side LIoation D)IFFERENT FLOOR LEVELS- ADD te the attractiveness of this spaclous 9 rooni bouse. Large living room, dining rooni, leated sunrooni, kitchen aud muid'u ron dowustair.g. Three. bed- roome and 2 baths, hea.ted sleeping porcli ou second floor. Beautîful trees surround Wt and home witli spacieus grounds. Hot water o11 heat. South exposure-thi'ee blocks te lake. For sale at au attractive price. 8 ROOM COLONIAL, $13,0(W 2baths'; aise sun and slp. peua gar.; fine wooded lot; choice Ea Owner leavlug -towu. Winnetka 2 1ILT] :a 3500 att. et sec. 3M WANTED O 0BUY-HfouUE WANTED 8 ROOM 3 BATH MODEtRN homne, tvanston, Wilmette,, KenllworthN or Winnetka,, 820,000 to $25,000. Write A-4, Box 40, Wilrnette, M.11.IILTN3-ltc FORSALE-VACANTý A Fe Bagains in Vacant KENILWORTH Corner lot, nearlY 100 feet, adjoining park, wlthi unrestricted",view of lake. Can be had at very low pr1ce. ,AlSO three other ea.st. side lots near lake, at especially attractive prices. WINNETKA Choice East side locatlin, 65 ft. lot near lakte.- Can be had at reduced ;price for quick sale. GLENCQE Skokio H4eights. We have two choice l ots for reelt that cran lie botight separately at a special lo.w price. McGUIRE & ORR, Inc. Over 40 Years of Dependable Service 530 Davis St. Wil. 228-Gre. 1080 328 Park Ave., Glencoe Glen. 13 114LTN3-ltc ACRE AND % HOMESITE; INDIÂN 1HilI Club Res. sec. At price you ean inet resist. Write A-.6, Box 4Q, Wfluette, WANT OFFIER-P.et ef Northbrook, 5 acre and 10 acre tract, partly wooded, partly clear. HIGHLAND PARK, North Ridge Read. 10. acres or mrer, rolling land, at a bargalu. McGUIRE & OR1R, Inc. Over 40 Years of Dependablo Service* -828 Park Ave., Glence Glen. 13 114LT.N3-lte 50-FOOT HOMESITE IN NORTH- field, ready te bauid. $600. Phone Wlnnetka 1111 or write B-21, Winnetka, Illinois. 114LTN3-lte RIPARIAN RIGHTS WE ARE OFFERING A LOT IN GLEN- coe with> 125 ft. ef frontage on the. lake at a very attractive price. Blày now, while prices are low. McGUIRE &, ORR, Inc. Inc. 1 & Wm. Pickard Winetka, 36031 9SLTN3-ltc j Mome Loit ses. xý 1 ý 1

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