LOANS WANTED W HAVESEIL FUNDS AVAIL- WMbelfor immedIate commitment on blans. SBec us for quick action*. $2,.OOO1to $M000,', McGUIRE & ORR, mc. ()ver, 40 Teare of Dependable Serv 'ice 530 Davis St., Evariston Gre. 1080 127-LTN3-ltc MONIEYFOR, LOANS NOW AVAILABLE! LOANS ON NORTH SHORE HOMES up to 60% of value. Monthly'rcepay- ment. Pay o ut In 5 to 15 years . Ot details from >First Federal Savlng & loin Association of Wilmette, 1137 Cen- tral avenue. ,Mr. . Cllfton, Secmtary Wllmettc 863. 127A-LTN47-tte PRIVATE ýPAýRTY WANTS $3.000 1ST mortgage bann Evanston Bungalow byr June lst. Write A-1, Box 40, Wil- mette, Ii1. I127A-LtN3-ltp ItAV1È $2,00 O r IVËSI'rIN 000-D North Shore mtg. Write A-5, Box 40, Wllmette, I11. 127A-LTN3-Itc Oro*l SALE-NOUSzHO>LD 000DI BREAKING UP HOUSEKEEPING, ]M- mediate disposai necessary. Jacob Baüer grand piano; mahogany double bcd; mahogany lowboy chest; Florentine chair and cabinet; kidney-shaped desk; new- stair and hall carpeting; 2 large, Oriental rugs; andirons; miscellaneou-,s lamps, paintings and small tables; double tub washing machine. Also comp1êete sets of mahogany and wa n.ut bedroomn furniture. 240 Meirose Avenue, Keffil- Reas 1onc P I D E L C Oý WASHING MACHINE. -square type wlthwrlnger. Cost $90.1 two yearu ago. $50.,Phono Wilmnette 481L 129LTN3-ltp SUN .PARLOR SETo BEDS. CHAIRS, sresettee, davenport, éto.: Phone wilmetto1 1302. 21.-t WTO. TO auU- HBEsHOLO. 600» CASH FOR YOUYR USUJD PURNI- ture, modern or- antique, &Üd othir ý bousehold articles.> 11- . i W111 aleo a.ccept jour fuznitur. on cOn-1 signmnent hauts., CROST FURNITURE STORE Entabliuhed 1898 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston Uni. 0189 WANTED - GEN. ELECTRIC <OR ý'Westinghouse large ase refrigerator.1 In A-I condition. Also Easy- washing1 machine. Phonle Glencoe 1797.Mti .-1 on pcaestai. tically new. Electrlc pedeà plated stand. to hcalthy chil at a bargain. Street, Winnet BOY SCOUT Aiso white 1 les aino nlannel tro' Mt. ise 16. rcasonabiy pi od day. Her guests were trom Elnihurst, Downers Grove and Oak Park. The J. Edgar Moss family has moved froni 389 Eider lane, Winnetka, to the Van Cleave house at- 465 Sunset road,, Winnetkai Mo,%mg and'Storage * Substantiel rsductions > an * ea sd P.ckig are now i n afect. Emtimators Iwill * fuuntuh you with cout date * ragarding your particular needs wtout obligation. Z*e cW * 521 Maina Street, WiIoitt. i I Phones Winbur 32 UNImsItIy 7317: lay is rapid, eplentifut. ,vhen Bab' There fol- mother asud T.rhe play-has been doubleca. Mi,09s Elizabeth 'Stanwood and Gor- don Van Kirk, veteran coaches,. are, each directing a grôup., Roberta Schilbach and Claire, Nix are cast as. Bab. Barbara Trump. and Virginia' Green *will appear as the older sister, Jane Horsting and Jayne Henderson as the mother. -Paul Wright and Ben Fillis 'will portray Mr. Archibald. the father, Bill Casseli and Rudolph Horky, the Honorable Clinton Beresford. *Bob Eastman and Charles 'Broad, as. Carter Brooks,. supply romantic interest. James Mc- Nultyý and, Allen: Cameron are cast as Guy Grosvenor, as dark a villain as the «piece affords. Sixteen-year- old Eddie is played by Don Brown and Tom Enrigbt, sixteen-year-old, jane, by Dorothy Edwards. and Mary jane Birong. jane 2laylock and Peggy Bird appear as Hannah, the miaid, and Gordon Wells and Jim Burrell as the butler. Miss Fern Lathrop, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Latbrop of 826 Humboldt avenue, Whmnetka, re- turned Sunday froni an extended tnpb through California and Mexico. 14 CU. PT. CAPACITY.:1 perfect condition. A boQught for Part cash ba Phono Wilmette 3667. NEAIUJY NEW, snap., Can be ala2ice on terms. 129LTN3-ltp SPINET DESK $15; UPRIGHT PIANO $10; perambulator $15;- day bcd, studio couxch chairs and tables: 9x12 Wiltoii rug, good cond. Cost $90, Sell $35;, porch furn., lawn mower, Thor manigle, vacuuüm cleaner. Winncetka 2067. $$$OLD CLOTHES $ $ $ SUITS-SHOES-OVERCOATS FUR COATS - PROMPT SERVICE Martin's Clothing Store 742 Custer, Evanston Uni. 2220 132LTN33-tfc junk Dealer-Phil Schuman Highest market price for paper, maga- ziies, rags, old lon, scrap metal bathtubs and men's old elothing._fhone For Your ýý R emodeling ' DOLLAR!O 140 Conter Street WINNETKA Phone Winiutk 3M * kJT a auj or "vos rac