The Outdoor Réereation school, di reci cd by -Betsy N. Shapker, tudli op>en for >tise eghth season ovp4 June, 17.' Conducted on -tise priz'te, beach' w 422 Mfichigtin <ienne, Wilmcétte, an ieal location. is afforded for th#$, slum~nr camp" at me There are, classes for, chiîdren 3 to 14 yearts of age. Thle younger children are goder the. direction of -a graduate kmn- derartn tachr for games, stbries, Bt. wie Miss Sliapker* gives the Swimmmng instruction and exercises for this group. STueclasses, for older children (there are both a boys' and a girls' class for children over seven years) offer varied' activities in outdoor sports; swimming, cetive exrciss, , canoeing. (for swimmers) tennis, horseback riding, weekly trips to places of. interest andi two overnight trips duning the season. This year an afternoon class is being added for the seniors who are attend- ing summer school or who prefef the afternoon to the morning session. Chil-. dren over seven years may attend both sessions and enjoy the luncheon peniod at home. "The Outdoor Recreation school, is petence ofthe ie lrector and orner teacn- ers.' "A well planned programn, both for the little lots and the older chljdren, under competent direction and leader- ship, brings an. appreciation of the- cleaner, finer things of life. It does muuh b evçlop a self -dependerice so uecessary i the foundation of charac- ter.. The aim of the school is to form HIGHCREST P.T.A4. I -NEWSI Herbert Kusniertz was reelected president and' Mrs. Arthur Schwall wasreelected secretary of.the High-m crest Parent-Teacher, association at ils regular mon thly meeting at High- crest school'Tuesday qQvening, May 14. Enterlainmént for the evening was furnished by Clarence Honeman, saxophonist, and Hazel Beck, Charles Beck and George White, who played Hawaiian guitars. Other* headliners on the program were Pa and Ma Cooper, Lulu Belle's mother and father, and their friendly moun- taineers. The evening opened with a short business session after which the MOTOR EAST Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hodgkins, 431 Abbotsford road, Keniîwortb, are ieaving today, motoring east. They will stop in New York and Hartford, Conu, where Mr.. Hodgkins goes où business. They will then go to Wasi-. ington, D. C., 10 visit -Mrs. Hodgkins' club. o. i s survvin.g contingent, Edwin C- Austin,. president of the Ulnion League club, will give a greet- ing ini behaîf of the club and in memo ry of the comrades of the past. Dr. G. Bromley Oxnam, president, DePauw university, will' speak on ".Cul- ture and Demnocracy.' Other. partici1-. pants: will- be C harles 0. Brown, 87- year-old commiander of -the -Ulysses S. Grant Post, the youngest bugler ever commssinedbyth U. S. Army, being made chief bugler atIS1 ye ïrs, of age; David L. Shillinglaw, past.staie comn- mnander, American- Legion of Illinois; Clifford W. Barnes, himself a World war veteran, with the rank of major, earned through service tbe year of 4918 i Greece, for wbicb lie received two citations: )Xedal of, Military Merit with silver palm, and Knight, of the« Order of the Gold Cross. .Music will play a large part i this servie, wi*k thé choir of 125, William Russell, soloist, at the main meeting, under the direction of E~dgar Nelson.. At 7 two outstanding choruses will give programs: Augustana hospital Nurses' chorus and Hamilton Club chorus. Dr. Oxnam's address will be givelq on the Albert W. Harris Foundation. Eagle Boy Scouts wilI act as ushers, and escorts to the veteranis present. ities by trouncing the Niles Center Dodgers, 1l to 6, at the Tavern field Sunday, May 19. The game was close until the fifth inning, but froni that point on, the Hawks showed their' superiority and won easily. The score would have been more in the Hawks' favor, but for an experi- ment in the way of using an ex- pitclier, Boyce Phillips. as an out- Utlisation of tise inove camera as an a<dl bgolf instruction is ad innovation adofted by Floyd John-, ;ton (above), pro w Mi.sion Hilis for five years, and non' operating Floyd Johlso's. Practice Fairu*ay. at Skokie.,boulevard a nd Lake ave- nue. Joinston will give instructions,. as wiIl also Joe Paletti, Who is associated with him. Jolinston holds course records at Etnrgate, Mission Hîlls, and Valparaiso Country club at Valparaiso, FIa. Val- paraiso is considered by many of the professionals as one of the most diffi- cuIt courses in the country. Aniong many of Johnston's pupils, who have gained fame as golfers is Priscilla Carver of Highland Park, who won thé Western Women's Jun.- ior. championship. a tour, Witii Mrs. J. Mark tHale in charge as chairman, to the Cook County bospital Wednesday of last week. There were fifty-five who went on the tour and the group had luncheon at Vera' Megowen's before going out to the hospitaL. The proceeds of the tour went to- ward the Building fund of the. Pres- byterian çhurch. CoumploeeBRar "65 NIU« Ceâtr Roud PoneNiUe Cemier 2514 F.f IHmd 8"..Cm.pimy *e.ks, I4